Who Cares About Cain Velasquez?

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While some people were drooling over Cain Velasquez taking on the over grown juice head Brock Lesnar in the main event of UFC 121, people kept asking me what I thought about Velasquez being the first Mexican Heavyweight champion and to be honest, I don’t care. I don’t follow UFC/MMA so while some people were waiting for UFC to start, I was already wiping all the drool off my face as I waited patiently for the Margarito-Pacquiao HBO 24/7.

During the first episode of HBO 24/7, which aired this past weekend, you noticed that Margarito and Pacquiao have a lot of respect for each other unlike the last installment of HBO’s 24/7 featuring Floyd Mayweather where he talked smack through out the show which kind of made it more entertaining.

Pacquiao is a very humble person who is a workaholic, like a kid with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) who can’t stay still, a typical day for Pacquiao will drive someone crazy. It also shows a light at the end of the tunnel in trying to portray Margarito as a man who did not know what was going on and who has suffered enough as a result of his trainer’s mistake.

If you missed the first episode you can watch the full video on HBO.com/Boxing or watch it below.

For those who did watch it, did you like it?

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  1. I love all kinds of sports, from the olympics to football and basketball. Except baseball, sorry baseball fans but baseball sucks major ass lol. I like mma too, I agree that too much grappling makes for a boring fight just like too much holding in boxing. I understand how you guys feel about it, but you might see it different if you understand the technique behind it. two guys rooling around and throwing a punch here and there isnt cool. But there is something cool about a guy that can take you down and make you tapout with out even throwing a punch. I will always love boxing more than every other sport. All I’m saying is that you have to understand the nature of a thing before you can really start to luv it. But then again its simply not for everyone.

  2. Yeah true the fights with submission and wrestling guys are boring when all they do is ground fighting,thats why I mostly watch for the fights where I know the guys like to stand and fight. but if I had to choose between a boxing ppv or ufc ppv I would go with boxing loved it since I was a kid.

  3. I agree with Edgar …. I’ve tried to get into ufc/mma but it’s just not my thing….i don’t like when there rolling around on the ground,or when somebody gets punched while their on the ground not being able to defend themselves ……fuck that.!!!!!!!!

  4. @Jonny-Boy & @Jose B. I tried to get into UFC and I cant. its boring to me. especially once there on the ground it frustrates me. I guess not all sports including UFC are for everyone.

  5. Well being a boxing fan first and to be honest a football fan second mma third I mostly watch for occasional fights such as last night’s (not cuz all the first Mexican hype I am Mexican but they overplayed that promotion too much)all I wanted to say is thank God for DVR after the fight and still having some beers left I was able to enjoy some 24/7 right after.

  6. @Love Boxing Manny is humble his not a Dutch bag like some other boxers, Manny does care about his countrymen as he calls them, this guy will take time to feed the poor and being a part of the congress to make his native a lot better, now do I think it’s a distraction from his boxing of course do, it’s a total distraction.

    On the first episode they really didn’t talk smack one another, not once did I hear Margarito accuse Pacquiao of using steroids on the show.

    Manny Pacquiao even said “We’re all humans we all do mistakes” referring to Margarito hand wrap scandal.

    Do I think Margarito is going to beat Pacquiao I hope so.

    And you said it “I believe that manny any the Tornado do have respect for each other at the current time” I agree at the current time!

  7. I believe that manny any the Tornado do have respect for each other at the current time .The Tornado is accusing manny of taking steriods and manny is accusing the Tornado of knowing about the plaster I really don’t know where you got this impression from .
    The aversion between both fighters is at its acme.manny is not humble by the way because he is very arrogant in making assertions about Margarito plasters.I think Edgar is not describing
    precisely how both fighters feel about each other.I do believe that the Tornado is okay with manny accusing him of cheating before the entire world .Come Edgar stop with the hypocracy .May be you have some philippino friends that’s why you are not presenting reality
    in your articals .

  8. i love boxing but you have to be stupid to not care about mma, mma is the best right now its reality

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