Bernard Hopkins-Philadelphia, PA
Chad Dawson- Hartford, CT
Paulie Malignaggi- Brooklyn, NY
Kendall Holt- Paterson, NJ
This Saturday night 4 of the 5 fights that will be televised on PPV one of the fighters in each bout are from the East Coast. The main event consists of both Fighters from the East Coast. The fight card seems to be a sure thing for a venue such as Madison Square Garden in New York City, Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, or Prudential Center in Newark, NJ.
However that is not that case, instead the fight card is being held on the West Coast at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. Goldenboy, Bernard Hopkins promoter decided to hold the fight at the L.A. site. Staples is not a bad venue, but it is questionable that Goldenboy who not only promotes Hopkins, but also promotes, Paulie Malignaggi, and Kendall Holt, all of whom are from the East Coast, put the card in L.A.; add that Chad Dawson is also from back East it does raise an eyebrow.
Perhaps, all the venues mentioned were booked, Knicks, Nets, on strike…NBA Basketball is out. Rangers, Devils…Nope NHL is out too. Boardwalk, booked, Bellator Fighting Championships. Well one in three isn’t so bad right?
Well, I suppose Goldenboy has their own reasons.
It would have been neat to see Hopkins back in NYC 10 years after he dominated Felix Trinidad at Madison Square Garden back in 2001 or Philly his hometown. Hopkins has only fought twice in Philly since 2003 and now that he has become the oldest champion ever, being back in Philly would only be fitting. Perhaps the money side of boxing dictated where the fight would be held. Goldenboy is located in L.A. so for them it makes great location sense keeping it near their home.
Perhaps the fan base and gate attendance has something to do with it. Even though, Hopkins is one of the most popular fighters out there his opponent Chad Dawson is not. Dawson is a good fighter who may pull an upset the way he has been talking lately, but Dawson is not a big draw. There are a hundred reasons as to why the fights were not held in the East but it the end, it does not matter. What does matter is that the fight card is actually entertaining. The PPV bouts are all fights that actually are worth paying to see. (at least on paper) and no matter where the fights take place, as long as the fights are good and entertaining, fans will forget where the fights were actually held.
And then…
After the Mayweather-Ortiz fight I mentioned I was curious to see what the PPV buys were for the fight, now 3 weeks later, no numbers. That is never a good sign when it comes to PPV buys not being released within the first week after a fight. Reports are saying the fight buys were in the 850,000 range. That is still a good number, especially after the fact that the PPV card was priced at $59.95 non HD and $69.95 for HD. Goldenboy put a ton of promotion behind the fight and had to recoup the initial investment somehow. I supposed charging $69.95 for the PPV is a good place to start. I still believe that no matter how good Mayweather is, his demeanor and character he portrays in front of the camera does not make more fans, especially the “casual” fan want to buy his PPV just to see Mayweather possibly lose, now fans are being charged $10.00 dollars extra? Unless Mayweather’s opponent is Pacquiao, I think 850,000 buys will be the best Mayweather does from here on out.
@situation First I’m just playing with you bro if you cant take joke then grow thicker skin. By the way I never do smiley faces those were just for your uptight ass. Second I respect Mayflower as humanbeing and a very skilled boxer, but as a so called champion he gets no respect. The one and only reason Mayflower is undefeated is cuz he hand pics each and every one of his fights, he got no heart. Sence you dont know here are a few real champions for you ok. How about Marven Hagler, anyone of the sugars, Delahoya, Trinidad, Cotto, Pacquiao, Chaves Sr., B-hop just a few real champions for you buddy. Third if you dont like my comments you can give a thumbs up or down or just arggue your point other than that mind your buisness. Again I was playing with you but if your going to act like a bitch then screw you if you cant take a joke. No lols this time but here’s a smiley face for you 🙂 cuz I know you love them so much.
@Jay, First off this is a fan site for boxing. Not a place where 12 year old girls come to reminisce about whatever in the hell you were talking about. I had to read your post through 3 times due to the lack of sentence structure and the overuse of childrens antics (lol, lmao, incorrect useage of you’re, and those god offal smiley faces). Secondly I don’t know who you consider a ‘good boxer’ if you do not like Mayweather, who is far superior to any and all boxers, then humor me ‘Jay’, who do you like as a boxer? Since you don’t appreciate someone who has worked hard all his life training to be the best, and his career has reflected that clearly with 42 wins and 0 losses. That makes him undefeated in case you didn’t know. Thirdly, do everyone here a favor Jay, if that is your real name, and either keep your childish remarks to yourself in the future or don’t bother posting here anymore. If you know nothing about boxing then maybe you can find a kids boxing site to post on and you can do all the ‘lols’ you want, you will fit right in with all the other girls on there.
I do want to see this fight but i wasn’t going to order it on ppv so I got my tix today.
$25 plus 20% off from GBP and still seated in the 200s section! Not bad.
Hey Edgar, what do you know about Dewey Bozella.
@ The situation, I know his name you fool lmao. I call him that cuz he’s a bitch if you dont like that I guess thats just too bad isnt it. I’m Guessing you wont like the other name I have for him either “the saddest story in boxing”, how do you like that one lol :-). If you came on this site more than once a year you would know that. You probably dont like all the other names ppl call him like mayfeather, gayweather, fairyweather, coward haha :-). I’m sorry I know your a mayflower fan and you dont like me calling him mayflower :-), maybe you should call mayflower and tell mayflower how you feel about ppl calling him mayflower ok 🙂 lmao. There are lots of other names other ppl call mayflower but I dont call mayflower those names Im happy just calling mayflower the saddest story in boxing ha hahaaaaaaaaa lol :-). One question are you the reeeal? “situation” or are you just a fan of his too? Sorry about calling mayflower mayflower oops! damb I did it again didnt I 🙂 lmao.
@Gabreal yea thats the only down side 9 dollars for 8 oz draf beer… its way to much… and I could drink alot lol.
@Edgar, you are right, live gate tickets are almost cheaper than buying a PPV sometimes, but the $9 dollar beers quckily even the score. I know people are saying they probably can get great scalper tix but Goldenboy are also offering 20% off the tickets, or they were.
@Jay First off its MayWEATHER! you stupid, I would understand if you didnt know one of the lesser known boxers names but if you dont know the best then do us all a favor here and get off of the website. As far as the score goes lets put it this way, Mayweather vs Ortiz, Mayweather will win every time, and that my friend is a guarantee. You are putting a fighter who is number 1, undefeated, and by far the best against some run of the mill fighter. OK so he is a little better than run of the mill but still, Ortiz never had a chance, I wish they will have a rematch so everyone like you will see, again, how Mayweather will come out on top. That is if Ortiz doesnt pull a cheap shot and try to take down Mayweather with his big head, Granted its not Ortizs fault, I mean what else could he do… since he couldnt land a decent hit. Ortiz is pathetic.
I was wondering what the numbers were for the mayflower vs Ortiz, cuz after the fight I started to realize how many ppl didnt watch. Good for them I wish I didnt even throw in on it. Should’ve known better, but it hard being a boxing fan sometimes lol.
I think its cheaper to go watch the fight live than paying for PPV
With the current NBA season cancelled, we will see more boxing at basketball arenas. I actually like the idea…
I found it strange as well that they would do this fight at Staples. I don’t see this fight selling out the arena or doing very many PPV buys. It’s a good card but weak on the main event which I personally believe should be an HBO Boxing After Dark double header with the DeMarco/Linares fight. I’m on the fence of even ordering this one myself but I love Boxing so i’m sure I may come around. I just am not a major fan of Dawson or Hopkins, Dawson has not looked good at all his past two fights so why chance wasting $50 on what could be another lazy performance from him. Hopkins, I have respect for the man and his accomplishments but I don’t see him as PPV headlining material at his age.
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