Where, oh where, is Floyd’s signature?

Player Props.

By Dan Rafael of ESPN.com

Richard Schaefer, the CEO of Golden Boy Promotions, is usually a calm, cool and collected sort. The former Swiss banker doesn’t get rattled easily.

Tuesday morning, however, he sounded rattled, expressing concern about why Floyd Mayweather Jr. has not signed his contract to face welterweight champ Shane Mosley on May 1 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, in as big of a fight as there is in the sport.

It has been five days since both sides acknowledged an agreement on terms.

Mosley, of course, put pen to paper on Friday in Las Vegas, where his attorney, Judd Burstein, went through the paperwork with him point by point.

Yet five days later, Schaefer still does not have a signed agreement from Mayweather. He was clearly at wit’s end when he called me about it Tuesday morning.

“He still hasn’t signed. I am so frustrated,” Schaefer said. “I wanted both guys to go down to the Super Bowl in Miami to do some promotional stuff. I don’t know what Floyd is waiting for. I have no clue. I have a signed contract from Shane on my desk. I have nothing from Floyd.”

“It’s either one of two things that has happened,” he said. “Either he’s rethought the wisdom of risking his undefeated record against Shane or he chooses to act like a 7-year-old. Hopefully, it’s the latter and he will mature very quickly. But either of these possibilities is completely unacceptable to us. He’s going to end up in a fight with Mosley. The only question is whether it will be in the ring or in court.”

Read the complete story here.

Player Props


  1. Hey Guys it’s all over the internet now, Floyd sign the contract today!
    I’m giving him props for finally getting into the ring with a top fighter, and the real welterweight, I’ve criticized Floyd for ducking fighters and taking on easy fights, but he already sign the contract and that’s a fight we all one to see, let’s give him credit for that, we finally have a fight!

  2. The world should now forget Floydie. He will not sign that damn piece of paper. He is so scared of the eventuality that his “0” will become “1”. He probably prayed so hard that Mosley will not agree to his weird conditions just like when he expected Packy not to agree to fight on a date too soon after Packy fought Cotto. Floydie must be searching for all the alibis in the world to use NOT TO FIGHT MOSLEY because Mosley has all the capability to knock him out. Floydie is proving to one and all that he is THE GREATEST COWARD AND DUCKER the boxing world ever produced. A REAL FAKE P4P KING. What a comedy if he chooses to fight the GBP in court. His fight in court with Packy has not even started yet.

  3. Hey Itzlock3 IT’S ON! he sign today, May 1 at the MGM Grand! I thank Floyd for finally taking on the real welterweight champion, he could have not sign it, it would have look way to bad for him, I knew he didn’t wanted this fight, because he expressed that on many interviews before Mayweather Pacquiao was announced.

    But know it’s on and that’s all it matters, I’ll be in Vegas for sure.
    Hope it doesn’t turn into a running marathon lol.
    I wonder how the long layoff will affect Mosley, he should start getting into the ring soon, Mayweather has kept active.
    Go Mosley!

  4. I’m a fan of Floyd’s but if he doesn’t agree to this fight than I’ll lose a tremendous amount of respect for him. There’s NO excuse to why he shouldn’t sign the contract, C’mon Floyd let’s make the fight happen!!

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