Victor Ortiz, Eat Your Own Words

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It’s been 5 days since Floyd Mayweather scored a stunning knockout against Victor Ortiz to win a welterweight title in front of 14,687 crowd at the MGM Grand Garden Arena and talks about the fight continue.

In a recent interview by TMZ, Ortiz who was making the first defense of the belt he won via decision in a fight of the year candidate with Andre Berto in April, told TMZ Floyd Mayweather caught him completely off-guard with a sucker punch and said he only put his hands down because he was waiting for the ref’s signal … and Floyd clocked him with a “totally unfair” left hook.

This is the same kid talking about a cheap shot when he also knocked out Corey Alarcon down after the referee orders the fighters to separate. Alarcon stayed down and was awarded the fight because of an illegal punch, the only difference is that Joe Cortez waived Mayweather-Ortiz back together and ordered them to fight. A sucker punch is what Ortiz did to Alarcon and Ortiz turned dirty with the head-butt, not Mayweather, who was well within his rights to throw the punches that ended the fight.

So before talking crap on Floyd, just because you don’t like him, give credit when credit is due.

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  1. @EZ E I understand what your saying bro. Victor made a three mistakes the way I see it. First he threw the head butt then there was the over apologizing and finaly, which I think is part of what your getting at was Ortizs failure to put his hands up and protect himself after he was hit with the first shot. He left himself open for the second shot and thats what I dont understand. whether the ref was paying attention or not that first punch would of automaticly told me to put my hands up. I’m with you 100% on that, BUT that still doesnt make what floyd did ok. Nothing that happend in that ring makes it ok to hit a guy when hes not looking and has his hands down. Floyd took advantage and it was just as dirty if not worse than what Victor did, there’s no getting around that. One dirty shot doesnt justify another. All that eye for an eye nonsence is dead and its what seperates the gentlemen from the scrubs. A real champion would’ve delt with the dirty shot by taking out his aggression in a clean way and beating that ass to win the match fairly. Apparently thats too much to ask from Floyd and thats part of the reason why he’ll always be a second rate champ in my book. Its also why I say that with all the money he prides himself in having he still could’nt buy a touch of class, its also why I’ve named him “The saddest story in boxing”. Floyd truly is a sad story and I feel bad for him because he has it all but at the same time he has nothing.

  2. @Jay (I posted this earlier on the other related article) I will admit that Joe Cortez might not be as efficient as he was years ago, who is, especially when your pushing 70 years old. Now that been said, since Monday I’ve played the 4th round back OVER and OVER about two dozen times. The TRUTH is that after Victor intentionally butts Floyd ref Cortez stops the action as the 10-second signal sounded that indicates a end of the round. As Cortez is stopping the clock Ortiz immediately approuches Money May to apologize with a hug and a kiss. As Cortez grabs Victors arm to indicate a one point deduction Victor reaches out to Floyd to apologize AGAIN. Ref Cortez says to Victor, “What’s the matter with you man, huh? Don’t do it again. Don’t be doing that!!”

    And then… you can hear as PLAIN AS DAY when Cortez says “Let’s go” and then CLEARLY motions to the combatants to continue fighting and looks at the time keeper. But instead of OBEYING the ref’s instructions Victor ONCE AGAIN wants to hug and apologize. After the hug he slowly and un-wisely pulls back unprotected. There is NO NEED for ANOTHER indication to continue fighting. He IS NOT LOOKING at Cortez waiting for instructions when Floyd lands that left hook. Actually it’s the force of that punch that turns his head in Cortez’ direction.

    The problem is that this part of the TRUTH of the situation was NEVER re-played by HBO nor brought to light by any of the media sources. I consider myself an OBJECTIVE FIGHT FAN. Truth be told, no matter what. I’ll invite ANYONE to respectfully debate the issue.

    If we/you/anybody OBJECTIVELY review the fight a few times over, without prejudices, you will see where I’m coming from, whether you agree or not. Actually, I’m glad that I did because I saw a few things that I had initially missed but now have a more CLEAR perspective of the events.

    My respects to Edgar, the staff and posters of this fine “fair and firm” boxing site. Peace to all.

  3. Wow what a bunch of bullshit. Sounds like everyone here is trying their hardest to rationalize floyds sucker punch, looking for any excuse to say it was ok for him to do that. So what its ok cuz other ppl did it? It doesnt matter if all the greatest in history did it its still wrong. Its like saying smoking is a good idea just because its legal and everyone does it(thats just stupid). Geez!! you guys must think political correctness is the highest standered morality too. Cut the crap ppl, they both played dirty and they were both wrong. What Ortiz did in that video was ugly but it wasnt even close to the same thing(come on). Edgar you put this video there as if to say that Ortiz fought dirty before but dont forget that floyd has thrown more than one sucker punch in his career. Why isnt there a clip of the sucker punch floyd hit shane with in there? or all the other opportunistic shots hes taken in previous fights. You would see he was just as dirty then as he is now. You guys arent just trying to justify what floyd did, your trying to justify the fact that you root for an unscruplous SOB. Tell your selves what ever you want but not one of you of you can change the truth.

  4. Crazy but great drama. Both were dirty. But Floyd will still bring more fans to boxing by embrassing the villian role. He is the anti-suger Ray leonard but as much a must see. Boxing will loss out to mma if not for people like Floyd, Margarito, pacquiao, Remember heavy weight boxing is dead. Do u want the sport to die. Where I live you can hardly have a fight party unless Floyd is fighting. Evereyone still wants Tyson to be a winner not because he was the best heavyweight in history but becuase he told Lenox Lewis he would eat his children. He kept people interested when he couldn’t even fight any more. Pacqiao mayweather is even bigger now than ever. Plus mayweather did ortiz a favor. He will get bigger pay days now. And if he wanted to be the next Oscar he is closer now. Just imagine if he beat Floyd, he would be a national hero until pacqiauo knocked he head off. Then he would be forgotten about. Boxing is still alive because of Heros and Villians.

  5. Back in July of 1927 the great Hall Of Fame former Heavyweight Champion Jack Dempsey faced future heavyweight champ Jack Sharkey in a elimination fight, the winner was to challenge Gene Tunney. Dempsey, America’s boxing hero, was knocked down in the very first round and was behind on the scorecards with a minute left in the 7th round when he hit Sharkey with a combination of low blows. As Sharkey looked to the ref to complain about the obvious fouls when Dempsey cut loose with a left hook and knocked Sharkey out!! The crowd that filled Yankee Stadium went wild, cheering for their hero. They applauded Dempsey for being smart enough to take advantage of Sharkey’s costly mistake of NOT PROTECTING HIMSELF AT ALL TIMES.

    Which leads me to believe that IF.. it was Floyd that made the mistake and IF.. it was Ortiz that took advantage of it practically ALL of the fans would’ve cheered wildly for “vicious” Victor and not much of an issue would been made. WHY?? Well, basically because of Floyd’s UN-popularity AND because Floyd was supposed to PROTECT HIMSELF AT ALL TIMES!! Right??

  6. Gave him the opportunity to fight him, and he gotta fight pacman just to prove everyone wrong,,, pacman jumps off his feet when he throws punches, floyd will be there waiting for him to land to send him back off to the lovely land off sleepiness,, it won’t be mayweathers poet that knocks PAC out but pacs mistake,,,

  7. @ David r u serious???? Ortiz couldn’t lace mayweather snr’s boot never juniors, he’s lucky he wasn’t just thrown outta the ring after the headbut, he should be very grateful floyd

  8. Good article. I didn’t know too much about the details of the Alarcon fight, only the result. If we consider the HIGH STAKES of surrounding Saturday’s event, Ortiz came out of this one with a BIGGER smell than he did in the Maidana fight. Basically speaking, HE STUNK OUT THE JOINT!!

  9. Come on Edgar? Saying Victor had a punchers chance is crazy… Me never being in a boxing match is one that has a punchers chance not a world champion like ortiz. You should have giving him more then just a punchers chance.. and yes that was a sucker punch by ortiz on alarcon but he had his hands up. You said we should give Mayweather credit ? OMG! ARE YOU SERIOUS? I will never give a boxer credit for a win that came from a cheap shot nor should ortiz get credit. I’m speaking for people who paid to see a fight and we all got cheated out or money.

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