Update on Pacquiao and Margarito Training Camps

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Photo by TED ALJIBE/AFP/Getty Images

Freddie Roach and Manny Pacquiao have started their training camp at a gym in Manila, Philippines as he gets ready for Antonio Margarito on November 13 at Dallas Cowboys stadium in Texas.

The fight will be at 154 pounds for the super welterweight title and Freddie Roach has been quoted as saying that Pacquiao isn’t likely to weigh far beyond the 151-pound catch weight limit on fight night. Conditioning expert Alex Ariza plans to fill Manny Pacquiao’s frame with added bulk.

“He has to eat 7,000 calories more a day,” said Ariza, “We have to build a stronger and denser body to be able to handle the kind of power that Margarito has.”

Pacquiao needs the added size to withstand Margarito’s strength as the “Tornado” stands at 5′ 11″, 6-inch over the 5′ 6″ Pacquiao. Alex is confident that Pacquiao will be able to maintain his speed and punching power despite the added size.

“In a case like this, you know, Manny is still going to have his speed and retain a lot of his strength,” he said.

Photo by Chris Farina/Top Rank

Mean while Antonio Margarito is running up the mountains in San Bernardino, Ca.

“Margarito goes straight up – no trails – he runs through brambles and bushes,” said chief trainer Robert Garcia today.

Garcia said he drives Margarito to Mount Baldy, elevation 4,193 feet, in San Bernardino County.

“We need strong legs to beat Pacquiao,” Garcia said. ”Antonio runs up the mountain for a hour, returns and then we’re off right away to the El Monte Gym which is nearby. There, Antonio goes into a hard workout – mitts, then heavy bag, jump rope, speed bag, It’s a long, hard workout. No sparring – at least, not yet.”

Garcia said Margarito will break camp at the El Monte Gym at the end of this week and then begin phase two of training in Oxnard, Calif.

“Margarito will spar for six weeks beginning next week,” said Garcia. “This is our game plan and we are right on schedule.”

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  1. i heard a lot of negative comment on manny pacman but i guess they all suck not believing his true capabalities fighting big champ guys,which not mention that floyd gayweather avoiding manny,,I believe that manny will be on the edge on this fight bcoz for me his fighting with the presence of the lord jesus!

  2. So he is going to begin sparring in oxnard for six weeks! I wasn’t aware that he had received his license to spar in california! His dumb cheating ass does know that he needs a license to spar in california, or is he going to play stupid again like”I didn’t know that plaster was being put in my hand wraps”Drop trip, you do what you got to do, come november 13th what old ass mosley did to you(No disrespect to mosley, he’s my second favorite black person in the world, my cousin tony is the first)isn’t going to be nearly has as bad as what manny pacquiao is going to do to you. You can bet the farm on that.and don’t act like you can’t speak english. You were born in fucking torrance, ca. Not mexico! Sorry I’m such a hater, but I think he is a piece of caca! And why don’t you fight coto again without the plaster? Show some mexican pride, don’t discrace the raza!!!!!!!

  3. Mosely is GARBGE .Margarito has improved dramatically under Garcia’s tutelage.
    This time you will see a whole different Margarito

    Mosley is not impressive at all .I will never buy his fights at especially after his fight with Mora

  4. I was at the margarito fight with mosley! If he couldn’y handle the speed of mosley, pacquiao is going to put a whipping on margarito. The only people that margarito can beat, is a fighter who stands right in front of him. Pacquiao is like the energizer bunnny! Please! Don’t bet any money on margarito! Please! Please!

  5. @Edger,do you know what was Tony’s reaction when Roach said,”I saw your last two fights.”.
    I am dying to know .please if you ,please leave a comment.
    I hope Roach die from parkisons .He is disrespectful .
    Manny is a bitch and pussy because long time ago he stated that Tony had known about the hand wrap ,however, he is playing diplomatic
    and talking with a sententious tone of voice
    seriouly Why Manny doesn’t speak his mind like a man .Is it something to do with his culture .He called Tony a cheater and know he being sarcastic and displaying sententious demeanour
    Manny is a bitch .He can’t say what he feels
    I hate a man who is afraid to speak his mind .

  6. After the fight ,Manny’s face will look like a crushed empty can of soda .
    This his first time fightng an aggressive fighter .
    All I can say that Arum wants him stay in the business longer by getting beat up by Margarito.
    Arum is a fox whose first priority is $$$$ .
    Manny’s promotor is his curse in this fight .That’s a trap from Arum .Arum is fooling the dude .

  7. @Jay,
    Give me your opinion on what I wrote above. Did I miss something ? I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t understand everything there is to know about these issues but I think there is some logic to my reasoning.

  8. I respect everyone opinion, but this is what I believe to be true…
    Margarito’s boxing license was suspended for 1 year (Feb’09-Feb’10). That suspension ended about 8 months ago. The fact that he wasn’t relicensed is a different matter altogether. It sounds contradictory but being suspended and not having a license are two different issues. Think about it for a minute…Take me for example…

    I am not suspended by the CSAC nor do I have a boxing license in California. Do I need a boxing license to enter a gym and work out and train ? As far as I know, I would only pay a fee to train and extra if you want a trainer. Correct me if I am wrong.

  9. the little man’s ear was punctured when he
    faught Cotto.
    This time his both ears and eyes will punctured
    We all saw the little man face after he faught
    Clotty .Hahaha

  10. The only way that will happen is if Pacman lacks the power to ko Margarito. We all know toni is easy to hit and we all know pacman is going to hit him alot!. If pacquiao cant ko toni he’s going to be in for a long knight. If margarito cant ko pacman he will also be in for a long knight. If goes to the scorecards i think pacman will take it, But I dont think it will go the distince. I think someones going to get knocked out! I’m going for the little guy. GO PACMAN!!!! HAHAHAHAHAH

  11. Margarito is in a great physical condition .I believe that he will give Manny a very tough time in the ring.
    Margarito is going to make a statement an emphatic one in regards to his ability as a boxer.
    I see him pummeling Manny unremittingly and mecilessly.I think the Tornado will dominate the typhoon.Margarito is a boxer with taurine tenacity .I deeply believe that Manny hasn’t faced an opposition like Tony .Manny is going to be shocked with the barrage of punches and the aggressiveness.
    I see Manny’s faces bleeding and swollen .
    If Manny wins this one ,he is the P4P ,yet I don’t think it’s gonna happen .
    Roach’s quixotic thought about Manny KO Margarito is hilarious .
    Go Margarito .

  12. Funny, Pacquiao is training like Drago “bulking up” all high tech, steroids lol Joking! and Margo is training like Rocky, in the mountains, rough terrain, old style training lol.
    Can’t wait for the 24/7 episodes on this fight!

  13. Well actually those are two different licenses, one is to box, another to train.
    This was discuss in the license hearing he had in CAa few weeks ago, as of the day of the hearing he did not have a license to train in CA, and was questioned about it, regarding his last fight where he trained without a license in Oxnard where Garcia has his GYM.

    I’m guessing he requested one? but emphasis was made even by a commission member that not all boxers that train in the state even know that there is a training license requirement.


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