- Edwin Valero, left, arrested on Sunday for killing his wife. (Edsau Olivares/Notitarde/Associated Press)
After killing his 24-year-old wife Jennifer Carolina Valero in a hotel in Valencia, the former lightweight champion Edwin Valero used his own clothes to hang himself from his jail cell this morning, Monday April 19, 2010.
This will be the third high-profile suicidal death of a former boxing champion in the past year. First it was Alexis Arguello who shot himself in the chest last July and few weeks later, Arturo Gatti was found strangled in a Brazilian resort. Authorities say he committed suicide.
Without a doubt, this is some crazy stuff and it makes you wonder what will drive them to such extent to kill themselves. My theory is that the 28-year-old with a perfect record of 27-0 all by knockout, couldn’t accept living with out his wife.
Rumor is that during Valero’s visit to Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico where he won via TKO over 22 year old southpaw Antonio Demarco on February 7, 2010, he met and partied with the wrong type of crowd that led him back to his drug habit and that’s when it all went down hill.
On March 25, Valero was under suspicion of assaulting his wife but his wife told a police officer her injuries were due to a fall. I believe Jennifer Carolina didn’t want to be with Valero anymore. Let’s be realistic here, who wants to be with a drug addict and violent person who can’t control their temper? Better yet, who wants to be one some one who punctured your lungs and broke your ribs and now that I think about it, maybe it was Valero who shot Carolina in the leg last year.
I don’t think Jennifer would have cheated or have done anything to provoke such tragedy. Take Arturo Gatti for example, he couldn’t accept the fact that his wife was going to leave him and take the kids away from him.. Edwin Valero had 8-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter with Jennifer, who are currently living with their grandmother.
I also believe that Edwin Valero had a close relationship with the government. For one Valero was forced to attend a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program from which he was released within 14 days of his 6 month program. Second, he was released after a DUI accident where he fled the scene. If it was anyone else, I bet they will still be in jail.
With the huge image of President Chavez tattooed on his chest along with the country’s yellow, blue and red flag, Valero appeared at times as a special guest at televised events hosted by Chavez and was lionized by Chavez supporters as a national hero. Chavez helped Valero become a fighter. Valero accused the U.S. government of discrimination, saying his application wasn’t approved because of his sympathy for Chavez, a fierce critic of the U.S. government and it’s probably why he was kept out of the U.S. I also believe because of his ties with the government, he was able to easily kill himself. Authorities should have placed him in protective custody, you don’t place them in a jail cell with other inmates after you confess of murdering your wife.
So my theory is that Edwin Valero killed his wife and committed suicide because he couldn’t accept the fact that his wife didn’t want to be with him anymore. I could be wrong but at this time it’s the only thing that makes some kind of sense.
Yeah we all know that “things can really happen in real life.” But on “who are we to judge?” Well, before he took his life he already confessed that he KILLED his wife. So I am right that he’s a MURDERER. Didn’t you realized that she was still recovering from the initial beating? She’s weak and vulnerable! Man, the incident should have been avoided if they have not let him let loose from a “10-day” rehab! Can you believe a person could recover and be cured from rehab in just 10 fuc**** days?! This incident should be a lesson to all, not only for boxers but for every person. There’s no good in drowning yourself in drugs and alcohol.
Still, I pray for their souls to rest in peace…
This is very tragic for a very good boxer but troubled. I have seen him fight for the the first time against a tall and good boxer De Marco and he totally outclassed him. Who are we to judge, we do not him personally and things like this can really happen in real life.
It’s wierd that there are people who idolizes someone with unacceptable acts. It’s crazy! It’s also funny that they even wish somebody to come back from the dead, for what? To kill another one or two? Come on! Show some sympathy to the victims first than wishing the MURDERER to come back to life!
I think you really need help. Just like EZ E said, “don’t call me” cause were not the ones who can help you right now. Just pull yourself together, man!
I am still thunderstruck by valero’s death and really having a hard time overcoming my sadness .I tried to drink and confining myself but all were futle.
LOVE BOXING Get a grip, dude. Call some ‘Emergency Hot Line’ or some support group, at a time like this I believe that even an AA or NA group can be of assistance!! Call now!! This is no time to be alone!! Call your neighbor, someone that can hold your hand and help you cope with the lost of your hero. Talk to your Priest, Pastor or Guru, Messenger, Witch Doctor or Swami. CALL THE COPS!! Call somebody but… DON’T CALL ME!! I have enough problems of my own.
Call your Congessman, call your Lawyer, your Bail Bondsman, your Little League Coach, your neighborhood dope dealer, your grocer, your butcher, your pharmacist, and PLEASE don’t forget to CALL YOUR PSYCHIATRIST!!!
9-1-1 9-1-1 9-1-1 9-1-1 9-1-1 9-1-1 9-1-1 9-1-1 or…
Later dude!!
I appreciate your commiserating me,but I need to
accentuate that I am really sad about Carolina’s
death specially after my family spoke with me about it .
I was not trying to rationalize Valera’s action but I was only assuming thing .just a theory.
I am still depressed about the poignant incident .
I am shocked and the impact of this news has effected my life and my demeanour .
The said thing is that we will never know the truth behind everything that happend…the Venezuelan government will come out with some bogus reasoning behind everything…they should of helped Valero while they had a chance instead of him supposibly making a miraculous recovery…I hope young fighters learn from this tragidy…make sure you surround yourself around people that are there to support and help you out even on your low times
Man LOVE BOXING, I wish my wife and kids loved me like you loved them. Are you gonna be okay?? You sound like you need help. Are you on the edge? Wishing that you were d-e-a-d?? Suicidal?? You know, it can actually be a ‘catching’ emotion. You just might want to identify yourself with Valero so much that you might wanna start ripping up your trousers and….. game’s over!!
Now, although I find you quite amusing, at the same time I believe that the LOVE that you feel for Valero is genuine. As for Jennifer Carolina?? ahhhhh….. No, you obviously feel the same sentiment for her. Actually you sound much more like a fanatical HYPOCRATE because just the other day you were insinuating that she was cheating on her… murderer.
Take it easy and CHEER UP, dude. I’m sure they’ll be other “Valeros” in your life in the future. Alot of prospects to choose from. Check and let boxrec.com be your “lonely hearts club” source. Later!
valero boxing without you is like the tundra of the north pole .come back and resurrect our dead sport that is full of cowards and cheaters .
come back valero come back .
I wish I can adopt his kids .maybe I will try
I can’t go to sleep .I keep thinking of this shit it’s
haunting me and occupying my brain .can we bring valero and his wife back and fix everything
can we?
Man I have been living like shit over this .I can’t believe this .
I am have been drinking and drink and smoking
Valeroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo come back
I tattooed Valero and Carolina with a heart between their names on my right shoulder .I will never forget Valero .
shit man I am really depressed and feeling like shit .I can’t believe this f…. surreal news.I really
need to vent my anger at somebody .I am f …. mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad .damn
I wish that I could save Valero and his wife from the f…. Demons .I hate you Satan I hate you
JESUS Yes, I was hoping that a fight with Bradley would’ve been made although I felt that the Valero group would deem it too risky and never would;ve actually accepted such an encounter. I believe that they were going to continue to avoid the best until a “THE PRICE IS RIGHT” offer came their way, where the risk would’ve been well worth it. It’s no secret that they were trying to work their way towards Pac, who I beleive would’ve blown him out. In this case his “chin first defense” would’ve led him straight to defeat.
Despite his domestic problems, he was a very good fighter. God bless his soul. I hope his kids have something to fall back on.
I wanted to see him fight Amir Khan or Tim Bradley.
Gracias for that Edgar, thank you indeed.
@ EZ E I couldn’t say better my self. A+
I guess Valero just couldn’t face the consrquences of his deeds. He’s beaten his wife repeatedly according to past reports coming out of Venezuela during his last arrest. Like many other persons that have committed similar acts… they are “brave” enough to terrorize/beat their wives and others but not man enough to face the consequences. Most BULLIES are known to do the same. Why has she denied that Valero beat her in the past?? hmmmm…. Well.. it’s quite obvious that she was probably too scared to do otherwise.
In a comment on a Venezuelan newspaer site about a month ago a woman predicted that this would happen (the murder). The woman lived in the same city as the Valero family as seemed to be well aware of several incidences pertaining to Valero and violent escapades. She went as far as criticising the authorities for not taking proper action. I guess having the “right” face tattooed on his chest may also have something to do such unwarranted “benefits” and “considerations”. And very unfortunately… she was right.
Let’s face it.. after being ordered to a psycho/rehab institution Valero was suddenly released because the $taff of said institution “proudly” declared that Valero had made a “miraculous recovery” and was “fit” to be released after ONLY TEN F’n DAYS!! TEN!! And due to their incompetence…. two people are now dead and… two children are now orphans.
I am mad and going nuts man I am furious I am irate ,dejected and sad over this shit .I didn’t sleep since this shit happened man .shit, I just realized that I need more beer f… Man .
I was an idolatrous of Valero.
WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY .I need more beer
Why Valero why .damn man why why .I am really saddened by this tragic incident .
I am going to drink and drink and drink and drink
hopefully I can find solace in alcohol .damn man
Its a very sad day for the boxing world. to lose a Great fighter, Champion Edwin Valero it is also sad in what he did also. If only he had gotten help. WHY?? My Condolences go out to both familes. Damn!!
my condolences to Valera’s family .always in our memories.
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