Trinidad Vs. Hopkins Not Likely!

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The problems keep mounting for Felix “Tito” Trinidad for the possibility of facing Bernard Hopkins since the Puerto Rican suffered a fracture in his right wrist which slows down his return to the ring. His team have stated that he will soon return to training and that the injury will not get in the way of his planned return.

What Trinidad was not expecting was for Hopkins to change his mind about the proposed rematch. Hopkins of Philadelphia, wants to continue building his legacy and now sees a better match up against the IBF cruiserweight champion Tomasz Adamek than with the beltless Trinidad.

Those close to Hopkins have stated that the “Executioner” feels that a fight against Trinidad does not hold any historic significance and that Trinidad would get a worse beating than in their first face off in 2001.

Another obstacle is the purse that Trinidad expects for the bout which is rumored to be around the $15 million range which is beyond what Golden Boy Promotions believes the three time world champion Trinidad is worth.

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  1. Im Sorry Jon, if you can’t remember when Felix was even competitive
    something is really wrong with you. So you mean too tell me that you can’t remember all those champions that he has beaten..before he met Bernard Hopkins.

    You mean too tell me Jon…..That Trinidad has not accomplish a lot during his career as a professional Jon……Did you forget that Tito started his career I believe at 147 and dominated then he moved up to super welterweight, and did the same thing junior Middle weight also. Did you forget how competitive he was then.

    He fought pure champions hardly any tune up fights, I find that very remarkable. It just that he got so exhausted when he met up with Bernard hopkins. Did you forget that Jon.
    is he the same fighter now from back then….NO!!!!
    But too say that you Can’t remember when Trinidad was competitive, I find that mind boggling……LOL

    First of all, Bernard Hopkins defense is outstanding, when have you ever seen him hurt….. never. And to say that he is boring, I guess you must have forgotten when he dismantle a young Kelly Pavlick every round his last fight.
    for a 44 year old man too do that…..I find that exciting.

  2. This is GREAT news for boxing fans. Why would there be any interest in this fight at all !!

    Hopkins is too old and is usually a boring , defensive fighter and Trinidad has been finished for about a decade.

    It appears that Don King, who is now Trinidad’s promoter, has been blowing smoke up Trinidad’s but to think that someone would offer him 15 million to fight.

    I thought one of Hopkin’s best performances was the one where he totally dismantled Trinidad about eight years ago. I thought that the fight really showed that Trinidad was a finished fighter then.

    Let’s not forget that he was beaten soundly by Winky Wright in the last of his many comebacks about four years ago.

    Then going back further, Trinidad even looked really bad, in his “win” against De La Hoya. If you remember that really bad fight, De La Hoya decided that he was only going to box, but forgot that no matter what style you fight, you need to throw at least one punch in the final 4 rounds.

    Come to think of it, I can’t really think of the last time Trinidad was a competitive fighter and looked good in a fight.

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