I bet if I beat up a girl, regardless whose fault it was, I will be arrested in a heart beat. I don’t understand how some people get away with it. Roger Mayweather, Floyd Mayweather Jr.’s uncle and trainer, was on trial for felony battery charges alleging Mayweather attacked a female boxer he used to train in August 2009 at a Las Vegas apartment he owned.
Those charges carried the possibility of up to 10 years in prison. Defense attorney Jack Buchanan tells The Associated Press that Roger Mayweather has plead no contest to two misdemeanor battery charges.
Buchanan says the agreement calls for Mayweather to get a one-year suspended jail sentence, serve one year of probation, attend six months of domestic violence counseling, perform 50 hours of community service and pay a $1,000 fine.
Now this is BS!
Source: The Associated Press
Yea you guys are right what matters in court isnt the truth it’s what proof you have. lol I wouldnt expect a chick to beat up a dude though. I dont care if the girl is heavyweight champ, you cant compare a womans strength to a mans. Even a old man like roger, remember that old man is an ex champion. Now I’m not going to say that some chicks out there dont provoke a man to the point of wanting to bounce them off the wall lol. But its one thing to want to and another to do it. I believe a man shouldnt put his hands on a woman period.
Tell the Mayweathers to stop hitting women and have a real fight with the Pacman!And stop avoiding him with BS excuses.
i agree @jesus. first of all we are making something like hitting a girl look like murder. you guys gotta realize he supposebly hit there was no evidence. he hit a boxer? what she cant beat a old man up? she a boxer she aint got skills she cant defend herself against an old man? please.. mayweather got off because they couldnt proove shit and the money he has just got him a good lawyer. stop acting like he killed somebody because there was no way in hell he was gonna get 10years in prison for a smack. more negativity on the mayweathers its just funny how everybody waits for like the dumbest news to attack them.
In all fairness, it’s not what you know, it’s what you can prove. Maybe the DA thought the most they could prove beyond a reasonable doubt were the two misdemeanor battery charges ??? Having money doesn’t hurt either.
Honestly I expected this. It’s nothing new. We see it everyday, everywhere. Sadly, it’s how our society ticks. There were NO “Battered Woman’s” support groups present taking advantage of this profiled case to make a statement. That usually has some influence. Oh well….
And no, I don’t believe that Floyd will do any time as well. His children’s mom will $ettle. His “sentence” will possibly be a bit harsher, a higher fine, come UN-SUPERVISED probation, a few sessions of anger management…. but I don’t believe for a minute that he’ll find himself in the Nevada State Department Of Correction prison system.
A “slap on the wrist” is “a slap on the wrist” anyway you look as it.
It’s all about the MONEY. Damn it!
Floyd will probably get off too and I wouldnt be surprised.
Its shame that good people seem to always get the shaft in every way you can think of and A-holes like the mayweathers, and others even worse than them get all the breaks. I dont know about you guys, but I’d rather be a poor good man than a rich A-hole. The sad thing is that when I look around most dudes have that “if I cant beat them join them” attitude(thats B/S). If they dont have the heart to be good men, then they are not men and they have no heart.
Oh damn.!! They really let him have it…… Lol
Good, hopefully Floyd gets off and they go and fight pac man!!!
I hear you, this is big time B.S. it’s all about money if your not rich or famous your given the shit end of the stick in the system. Hell I got a year’s probation and a thousand dollar fine for something far less then what he did and I had to plead guilty to avoid time and this was a very minor charge compared to beating up on a woman like a coward but I guess their really sticking it to him with that whopping 50 hours of community service. I use to get more hours then that for getting in fights with other guys (not women) in grade school. 🙂
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