Ring doctor halts Cotto-Margarito Fight

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Cotto_Margarito 2
Photos by Chris Farina

Miguel Cotto (36-2, 29 KOs) scored a tenth round TKO over Antonio Margarito (38-7, 27 KOs) on Saturday night before a sellout 21,239 crowd at Madison Square Garden in New York City.

Cotto was in command from the opening bell and was able to open up Margarito’s right eye, the eye which Margarito suffered a broken orbital bone in the Pacquiao fight.

Just like the first bout, Margarito kept moving forward and towards the late rounds he upped the pressure and Cotto started to look a bit tired but overall Cotto played his cards right and danced around beautifully landing the better punches while aiming for Margaritos eye.

With one eye shut which required 12 stitches after the fight, Margarito gamely fought on and never stopped moving forward. Though he kept punching away, the New York State Athletic Commission doctor stopped the fight at the beginning of round ten.

Margarito and his trainer Robert Garcia begged for one more round, insisting Margarito could still go. The ring doctor Anthony Curreri wasn’t taking any chances and stopped it.

Miguel Cotto vs Margarito 2My argument is that the fight shouldn’t have been stopped.

Yes, Cotto won 7 out of 9 rounds but he also won most of the rounds when Margarito-Cotto first met in 2008 and at the end, Margarito won.

Everyone knows that Margarito is a late starter and considering he never stopped moving forward, there were no indications Margarito couldn’t continue. Margarito laughed, smiled and even taunted Cotto after getting hit.

Obliviously the NYSAC approved Margarito’s license to fight so therefore the eye shouldn’t been an issue.

What’s up with Naazim Richardson?

Why on the day of the fight, out of no where, Richardson was brought by Cotto’s camp to inspect Margarito’s hand wraps. That was a bitch move by Cotto, I am glad the NYSAC didn’t allow him to be in the locker room.

This fight didn’t prove Margarito used loaded gloves in their first encounter.

After the fight, Cotto was asked if he felt a difference in Margarito’s punches as much this time because of the gloves, Cotto just smiled.

“I’m still awake. That’s my answer,” he said. “After nine, 10 rounds, I’m still on my feet.”

My personal opinion, Cotto looked worse that Margarito.

Aside from Cotto holding and moving back, Cotto clearly out boxed the “Tijuana Tornado” but I would have been satisfied with a unanimous decision instead of being stopped.

What’s your opinion?

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  1. I think that Cotto was going to start to fade with the final 3rds. IM a huge margarito fan with that being said it looked like the first fight.Cotto was wearing out you can only run around thr ring so many rounds before you get tired.Tony was having his best round and a couple knockdowns make the score alot closer. Alot of people say cotto got his revenge i didnt see it. Tony was never hurt the whole fight thats 20 rounds and cotto has never had Tony hurt or close to going down. Its funny how cotto fans i was sitting by at the fight would get so worried when cotto wasnt running . They knew cotto only chance of victory was to hit and run. As for the guy who talked about i had my hands wrapped who cares your a nobody i happen to think Tony hands were clean against cotto that fight was in vegas which oversees alot of boxing and UFC fights you can always see there commission guys in lockeroom and with fighters. Keith Kizer is real professional . I think alot of people are writting Tony career off a lil to fast he will be back

  2. Thanks for that comment Donald. I’ve have said almost exactly the same thing before but some ppl just dont understand the value integrity and ethics. I hope they understand one day that yes pride is a great motivator but its also one of the biggest killers of men. Cheer your fighter on yes but make sure hes also worthy of those cheers.

  3. Margarito fans, it’s getting laughable. How many of you know anything about boxing other than sitting in front of your television and watching it ? How many of you have ever actually laced-up gloves and competed as an amateur or as a professional, or have worked with boxers as a trainer or in any other close capacity. If any of you have ( I have done all of the above many years past) then you would know, without any doubt what-so-ever, that any seasoned professional boxer that claims that he has no idea what is being put onto his hands, is lying, period ! Years past I had my hands wrapped thousands of times, for many years five days a week. I could tell you if there was the slightest spot in the wraps that was too tight or too loose, if there was the smallest of a slight wrinkle in one area of the tape, if a tiny little spec of pebble got inside the wrap I would have felt it, if there was two extra feet of tape more form the previous day I would have known it. A fighter knows as much of what is being put onto his hands as he knows his own name. Stop making a hero out of this guy Margarito , he was a cheat . Loading the gloves of a professional fighter is a serious criminal action, and anyone that thinks it is not is someone who themselves just doesn’t understand the sport, or is someone who thinks like a criminal. It is wonderful and commendable for someone to show the pride of their heritage and to cheer for those of their own ethnic background, but to back them regardless of “anything”, simply because they are of ones same ethic background, is exactly why we have our racial problems in this Country, and around the world. Choose your hero’s by their character, not their race. Margarito is not someone I’d want my children or grandchildren to idolize. He played with the lives of his fellow athletes and shows absolutely no remorse. Margarito fans, forget this guy, there are so many great honest fighters out there, cheer for them and give those deserving athletes your support.

  4. Well, like it or not. Boxing, soccer, any kind of global sport. Affects population beyond it’s borders, like we mexicans pride ourselves from our boxers, so many people do on different kinds of sports. Just ask Pinoys, ask manny pacquiao who’s a congress man now, hell liutenant colonel. Clearly boxing goes beyond the borders of the sport. You should know this, since you love boxing so much.

  5. At MexMafia,

    Obviously your love for Margarito is deeply rooted in something very emotional to you. I can not have a proper discussion with you. We can not talk facts and sports if you are letting your emotions get the best of you. You are talking about immigrants and a whole new conspiracy theory now as to why people were out to get him. That emotional problem you have is far beyond what I can tell you. Whatever you said made zero sense to me. It sounded like those rednecks with conspiracy theories that president Obama is not American. That’s what it sounds like. Way beyond what I am here for.

  6. I respect everybody’s opinion as many make sense. I hope we can all agree with this.

    1. Margarito won one round, tops.
    2. You have to save Margarito from himself. He will never say ” Stop the fight, I’m done ”
    3. Stray bullets exist, ask John Tate and Rico Ramos. Ramos had lost 5 of 6 rounds in his last fight with Akifumi Shimoda and out of nowhere KO’d Shimoda the f*ck out.
    4. With that said, one more round wouldn’t have hurt.
    5. Margarito needs to sit down with his wife and team and discuss his future. You don’t want to risk an eye for glory.
    6. One more thing, Cotto fought a smart fight for the most part. He would have won had it gone to the score cards.

  7. Yeah I defend him, for the same reason that he raised to the top at the same time the reccession started. When everyone Blamed mexicans for the economy, and illegal immigrants alike. Maybe, just maybe that’s why they picked on a mexicna boxer who raised to the top and where he drew over 20,000 fans at the staple center, where not even the lakers have done it. All we’ve heard was talk of plaster but WHERE”S THE PROOF????? WHERE???? only the commission saw and whoever was in margaritos court day, other than that i’m pretty sure everyone assumed blocks of cement were in his gloves. About you being not being Puerto Rican, I don’t even care what you are. your words speak for yourself.

  8. By the way in regards to the stoppage, as a violence hungry boxing fan I was disappointed at first. However, after seeing how his eye was shut I can not go against the professional doctor’s opinion. The cry for another round was the second time. Round eight they asked for the samething. We can’t doubt a doctor who was there next to him. We are just violence hungry fans. How can we doubt the doctor the way his eye looked after the fight? Plus he had no shot at winning. He seemed tired not cotto. He almost fell on his on as he was walking. It reminded me of how bad de la hoya looked vs pacman. We just knew it was over then.

  9. At Edgar, you are right this is your page your opinion. You can show your bias.
    Like I told you before nice page. Keep writing for your fans but keep in mind not all of them are Mexican. So throw in there some honest neutral opinions here and there as well for the other none mexican fans. Just a suggestion.

    At Mexican Mafia, for your info I was leaning for margarito, I wasn’t flat out rooting for Margarito. I am not puerto rican nor mexican. I just wanted a great fight like the first one. I was for Margarito when he beat cotto the first time. I have a tendency to not like puerto rican fighters that much. I very much dislike Tito trinidad!!!!! Some of my favorite fighters are/were, El terrible, Osca, my current fav, Serigio Martinez.

    I am not here trying to be the expert. I am a boxing fan only. But your excuses of Margarito. Come on dude. Really? I do not even know what to tell you. You are in the 1 percent of the people who are still defending a cheater. The facts are way more against him in favor of him being a cheat than anything else. What are you talking about?

    Changing trainers? So what. So did Cotto and he only looked better than ever.
    Moving up to 154? What????? He has been fighting there for a while. Margarito is no small man. He is physically capable of fighting at 170. In facts he may do better at 170 than at lower weights where he looks painfully slow.

    Explain this, how come Margarito used to bust his opponent’s face before and leave them all cut up. Suddenly his punching power is gone? Yes cotto’s face had redness but zero cuts. Zero blood.
    He was unable to hurt a small man. Pacman. He could not hurt mosley. He could not hurt cotto.
    How did he lose his power?

    Why was the plaster thing stained before his fight with mosley? It was stained from prior use.
    Why was it stained at the same spot exact same spot as the photo that cotto shows?

    Anyways man, I am not here to convince you or anybody whether or not he is a cheater. I am pretty certain the verdict is out. 99 percent of the people say Guilty. You can be the gullible hardcore mexican fanboy and deny it and defend it. If I was Mexican I would distance myself from a cheater. Mexico has plenty of great clean fighters to let one bad apple ruin the reputation of mexican fighters. Let’s look forward to Canelo’s bright future. Let’s hope even Chavez jr improves to an A level fighter and eventually starts fighting real boxers not club fighters. There is hope. Let’s hope Erik morales has two good to great fights left in him. Just reminding you that there is better out there no need to look stupid defending a criminal like cotto said LOL

    You defending margarito is like some black dude defending OJ simpson.

  10. @commonsense
    You talk like u are the expert for everything, but what u say u get it from the news and the hype and u use “commonsense” to judge a fighter or a football team whatever. My point being is that we dont know ehat happens behind the scenes, in this case margarito, how do u say hes a cheat? Havent u stopped and think that maybe because why he hasnt won lately its because he had to move to jr. Middleweight now instead of welter? Or because he switch trainers? Who knows maybe age is anfactor.
    You cant just go and say hes a cheat he had loaded wraps against mosley. What if what capetillo said that he put some dirty wraps from his bag were true? hell we dont even know how much of that substance they found on the pads, it could have been a molecule of the substance and just with that they can say they found plaster of paris in the media and all zombies would break loose. Anyway im glad te u.s is a democratic country where we cannot have a person like u to dictate whats right and whats wrong. Even when marg never got a fair trial, which was the commission, if it were a criminal it would have been a different story.

  11. @CommonSense Glad you made some profit on the tickets.

    I dont hate on Cotto. I was honest and agree that Cotto was winning the entire fight. My argument was that, they should have allowed the fight to continue.

    I used to work for FightNews.com and as a reporter I was neutral and at times had to go around the truth because I wasn’t allow to speak my opinion. Not so much about what I had to say, but worried about what the promoters will think.

    after several years I decided not work for them, I am grateful for them as they helped me open many doors, but now I write how I see a fight.

    People may not know but some media all they do is kiss ass so they can continue to get credentials. I write for my boxing fans not the promoters.

  12. My opinion is simple. You are extremely biased towards mexican fighters. Margarito looked awful. Amateur like. You keep on flat out hating on Cotto while supporting Margarito the known cheater. (I had my doubts but too many proofs out there supporting he cheated his way to prominence)

    1. 1 – 3 after getting caught. His only win was vs another Mexican taxi cab driver part time boxer.
    2. His punches have done zero damage to his opponents (Before he got caught he would punch like he had razors for gloves(Now we know he did LOL)
    3. Cotto’s photo’s as proves are very compelling. Only a hardcore Mexican can deny it.
    4. Let’s be honest BOXING FANS leave your country bias aside. It’s obvious Margarito is a cheat and even thou I wanted him to make it tough for Cotto, he only proved that he did in fact cheat the first time around.

    I was hoping for a fight to rival the first one. I did not care about who the winner turned out to be. I wanted action not the debacle that it was. A one sided beating.

    The way the fight turned out I am glad of one thing:
    1. I paid 700 for three tickets to watch it as the MSG. After I picked up the tickets at the will call booth these bunch of people(hustlers) surrounded me and harrassed me to sell the tickets to them. I felt pressured to sell the tickets but the money they offered me made my decision easier. I took the $1,000 😀 and gave up my tickets and went around the block to the bar showing the fight from there. Needless to say my friends were furious. However, all three of us were glad we saved that money from the tickets after being dissapointed by Margarito’s performance.

    By the way stop being so bias’d man lol. You are to be reporter like. Neutral.

  13. I have mixed feelings about the stoppage, they could have gave him 1 more round for sure, they could have told him: you have 1 more round and that’s it, we are stopping it after this one, and just imagine how emotional that round could have been! With Robert probably telling him: This is the last chance, you have to knock him out!.. but then again, no one knew how bad that eye was, we all know now how bad that eye got in the Pacquiao fight, and no one including the doctor, referee and corner was willing to stop it back then.

    Now, If they would have stopped that fight in time he could have fought in much better conditions against Cotto and the fight probably wouldn’t have been stopped like it did this last Saturday.

    Yes Margarito is willing to die in the ring, but I don’t think a ring Doctor or referee should allow that to happen. So yeah I think it was a good stoppage, Margarito was putting good pressure on Cotto and Cotto was getting tired, but he wasn’t landing the clean effective punches he landed in the first fight.
    Yes they could have gave him 1 last round to see if he would turn things around, but someone should be looking out for the fighters health when the fighter and/ or the corner doesn’t.

  14. JAAM ur father should of put his load on ur moms face instead of wasting it on u, this isn’t about being Mexican boxing is not about ethnicity it’s a sport. How can u say cotto fought smart fight ??, his face was busted with the little contact with margarito, and like MEXICANMAFIA said margarito was getting good punches at the end pura mafia lol.U can’t compare this fight with the last like like u said Margarito eye was closed I’n the second he was struggling to see properly. @jay what do u mean u wanted to see the fight continue his eye was shut, bad that could

  15. This was a good fight no matter who won, I really wish they didnt stop the fight but I understand why they did. I dont know what the hell E1kora is talking about but what-ever buddy. Both fighters put on a good performance and showed alot of heart like always. Margarito is a tough, tough guy but Cotto deserved this victory. I think it was a given that Cotto was going to land alot punches to Margos right side cuz its his strong hand, but the fact that his eye swelled so fast doesnt look good. Anyone with any real power could end up hurting Margarito easy, Maybe you guys are right and its time for him to retire before he has permenant damage done to that eye. I dont know how many fights Cotto got left in him but how ever many there are we know they will be good ones. His problem is hes going to be fighting alot bigger guys which will make the rest of his career pretty hard. Big ups to Cotto for a great win and I wish him lots luck in the future.

  16. This was pretty much the exact same fight as the first one except Cotto and especially Margarito don’t have the same power they did before.

    I agree with Jesus A, the NYSAC stopped it to save their ass, but even if it went he distance i dont think anything different would have happened.

    Margarito should retire. His eye was shut in the 2nd round, not a good sign.

    Cotto should fight Canelo next. Chavez Jr wont fight either of them and none of the above want Sergio Martinez.

  17. i say cotto played with the live of Margarito it was cotto because of a stoppage i think cotto got lucky 86 punches to that right eye but cotto i do not give Cotto credit plaster or no plaster it was the saim fight

  18. Congratulations to Miguel Coto, and we should thank him for helping to show once-and-for-all what should now be common-sense logic, that Margarito used life-threatening illegal tactics throughout his (hopefully now finished) career to win fights. Margarito’s name will one-day be remembered with the likes of Panama Lewis, someone who played with the lives of others for their own benefit. And like Panama Lewis, Margarito has shown that he could care less. And its just as much a disgrace that because of the almighty dollar he was, and has been allowed to continue to compete. Go away Margarito, and leave the sport to the honest and deserving athletes.

  19. I think Margarito could have done some damage in those last rounds, Cotto looked like he was getting tired,and Tony was starting to get more agressive in that last round………….BUT I also think it might be time for Tony to retire…..

  20. This fight ended as I said it would, I give Cotto credit and as always credit to Margarito for his heart and solid chin. Cotto looked good and followed a good gameplan. Margarito should maybe fight a farewell fight and retire he’s proven a lot in this sport but judging by his recent record it’s time.

  21. All I can say is Margecheto got his a/:/ handed to him .cant do much with out the plaster …..like I said before cotto in late rounds ..86 punches to that right eye just enough to 86 him out of the fight ….cheaters never win in the long run ….he got what he deserved a big fat loss……..

  22. We are talking about world class, veteran fighters. Let em fight, as long as they can see. Yeah, NY commission put themselves on the line. He never should have fought in the first place, that aside, you don’t take his opportunity away because of politics. Margarito may have knockef him out at 2.59 of the ladt round. I know I.did.it before

  23. Your an Idiot E1kora! What do you mean Cotto didn’t want fight and that he didn’t fight smart. He outboxed Margarito. Cotto kept luring Margarito in, this was Cottos fight since the beginning. He won all the rounds. And FYI I’m Mexican.

  24. Good stoppage I dont think margarito had a chance even I’m the later rounds. cotto showed up with no intentions of fighting, he was on strollers the entire fight. When the bell rang he would leave his corner with no desire or motivation he just wanted the fight to end on the other hand margarito couldent wait for the round to start even with his closed eye he Still wanted to fight lol great heart. Cotto didn’t win because of his good punching nor smart fighting he won because manny helped him win . He wanted a short fight without getting hurt. I wanted to see That thirst of revenge that cotto spoke about so much !!!

  25. I guess we can look at this from different perspectives…
    Was the NYSAC just saving their ass by stopping the fight ? They’d have a lot to answer for if Margarito’s eye was permanently damaged. I agree that he had won MAYBE one round, but stray bullets do exsist. Ask John Tate.

    Besides the fight in Mexico, Margarito has not won a lot of rounds since the Mosely fight. So you have to save Margarito from himself. He comes forward and can take a lot of punishment. Still, he has one of the best chins in boxing.

    By no means am I diminishing Cotto’s victory. He put on a great fight. Congratulations to him.
    I hope he fights Chavez Jr next. He said he wanted the winner of this fight.

  26. I was just watching the video at the top “part 2” and i gotta say margarito landed alot of punches on cotto and to think that was the last round, i think cotto got lucky. Everything was against margarito, and thats why i admire him even more.

  27. @Jay
    Who said margarito was winning the fight? Are u on drugs drunk or what? If anything edgar said cotto was winning all the rounds the same as the first fight. The difference is that in the firs margarito won at the later rounds and the second cotto won because of a stoppage. You gotta get of the wagon son.

  28. Ha ha no way in hell Margarito was winning this fight. I wish they didnt stop the fight so Cotto could have smacked him around for the last three rounds and finished this fight right. I also think they shouldnt have stopped it cuz thats all your going to hear Margarito fans crying about, oh if they would have let him finish he would have won (yeah wright). I can hear the crying already lol, come on let it rain you guys lets hear how N.Y., the commession, and the whole world is against Margarito. Cant wait!!! to hear this.

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