Nate Campbell: “F-Don King!”

Player Props.

Nate Campbell will likely sit out the remainder of his contract with Don King Productions, which expires May 14, 2010.

Is no secret Campbel dislikes Don King.

nate_campbell“Man look here- fuck Don King. He cant do shit, and wont get out of the way. He tried offering me some bullshit to ‘Maybe’ fight Devon Alexander next year, but he had no date, no site, and no money specified on the contract and he wanted an extension.”

“He’s out of his fucking mind thinking I’d sign some blank bullshit like that. He’s got me mixed up with some else. My man Terry even tried negotiating a buyout with him for the remaining seven months or so of the contract and Don wanted more money than he’s even paid me since I signed with him back in 2007. So fuck him”

“My contract expires at midnight on May 14, 2010, and I have signed noting with DKP that would extend that time period by even much as ten minutes, nor will I be signing a damn thing with him to extend anything.”

Player Props