After Thomas Hauser posted his great piece on steroids, their place in boxing and the collapse of Mayweather-Pacquiao on, it isn’t a surprise that there really isn’t much more to say about the botched fight between both claimants for the pound for pound king title. (To read Hauser’s piece, please click HERE).
Despite Hauser’s thorough piece, I feel compelled to throw in my two cents. If I didn’t, then I would be a boxing writer, would I?
I, like many, began clamoring for the proposed bout between “Money” an “Pacman” as soon as Cotto touched the canvas for the first time in his losing effort against the Filipino Firestorm. The fact that negotiating talks began so soon after actually left me shocked. What really boggled my mind was the ease in which both sides, Bob Arum of Top Rank soliciting for Pacquiao while Richard Schaefer of Golden Boy Promotions did for Mayweather, reached agreements in the purse split, the billing and even the penalty for going over the contracted weight (Ten million dollars per pound or fraction there of).
When the negotiations hit a glitch with the venue, I thought “If that was the worse it was going to come to, not bad.” But what came next was unbelievable.
Mayweather’s demand of Olympic-style testing for a man who had never had come even close to failing a drug test was not only appalling but down right evil. As a firm believer in “innocent until proven guilty”, there is no viable argument in my eyes of why Pacquiao should take those tests. The argument that if Pacquaio “has nothing to hide then he should just take the tests” is ludicrous. L-U-D-I-C-R-O-U-S.
Why? Why? Why? WHY?!?
Why should Pacquiao take a test that in no way, shape or form, per his past actions, call for him to take? Because Floyd Mayweather and his entourage deems it so? Because Paulie Malignaggi said so? Because there is $40 Million at stake? I think that at this point Pacquiao is of no need or want for money. That he has proven that his principles are worth more than 4 with seven zeros attached to it.
The fact that Mayweather has agreed to be tested in the same manner is not reason enough to think less of Pacquaio’s refusal. Mayweather’s agreement of the testing is a means to an end. He knows he is clean. I am sure he knows that Pacquaio is clean, too. Mr Hauser notes in his piece that Pacuqiao as well as Mayweather have fought in the same weight classes from the ages of 16 to now, 106lbs.-150lbs. As you get older, you gain weight. For most of us to prove this true, all we have to look at is that area between our chest and our waist. For Pacquaio as well as Mayweather, who are considered two of the hardest working men in their trade, their weight gain turned into muscle.
So why call for such testing? Because it gives Mayweather an out, plain and simple and Mayweather got it.
Now Pacquiao, in a typical Pacquiao move, takes on the tough Joshua Clottey on March 13th at Cowboy Stadium in Dallas, TX, while Mayweather sits on the sidelines like that gorgeous girl in high school whose demands for a limo and a way too fancy dinner made her prom date go for the more homely but but more accommodating girl for that special night.

The one that I feel the most sorry for in this whole debacle is not Pacquaio whose name has been soiled but Richard Schaefer. In the times that I have read his quotes or actually heard him speak with his eloquent swedish accent in person, Schaefer comes off as a very intelligent and successful business man. In this case, as Mayweather’s representative in the negotiations with Top Rank, Schaefer was left to make logic out of Floyd’s illogical demands.
Through the press, Schaefer was reminded how when Judah asked for known steroid user Shane Mosley to be tested before their proposed fight some years back, Schaefer stated that the Golden Boy partner would only succumb to the tests which the NSAC asked for. Arum agreed to do just that for Mayweather-Pacquiao but Schaefer refused.
When Pacquiao stated that he did not like his blood to be drawn, Schaefer offered the HBO 24/7 footage of when Pacquaio was administered his pre-fight medical for his Hatton bout and his blood was drawn. Schaefer claimed that the footage was from two weeks prior to the bout but the medical results were from twenty-four days before.
In other words, Schaefer was made to look like a buffoon.
Now, if Pacquiao just happens to come up positive for any steroid use, after this diatribe, I would join that club….
Hello all! I like this forum, i organize multifarious interesting people on this forum.!!!
Pronounced Community, respect all!
None of you people get it. THIS IS ALL HYPE !!! Great hype at that. It’s what keeps boxing alive. The fight will happen in the fall. Look for it in August or September.
Ha! That was cute. Then again some people have the mental capacity of 6th graders so I won’t even bother. You must not have read my previous post my guy, i said it doesn’t matter if 1ne hasn’t missed weight. It may not be Clottey’s intention to not make weight but yet instead he might not make weight. Manny should take that into consideration and still have a penalty.
Because Clottey is a professional who hasn’t played other fighters with not making weight to try to have a bigger advantage, I really think your blind now by Maweather, I gave you this same answer more than once in the other post.
Maybe your 5 year old can understand this better than you 🙂
I meant per pound
Itzlock3 your question is very lucid ,but I guess
Tjuana doesn’t wanna or does’t have the answer to it .
the first one who start with the stipulation was manny ,he asked for $ 10 000 000 for per pound if maywethear didn’t make the catch up weight .who is the coward now.why manny is not asking for the amount of $ from clottey .
I’ll tell you why ,because manny knows that he can defeat clottey easily .
manny is a cowar who is hiding behind his promoter who is great at picking easy fights for him.
My question makes complete sense and is easily comprehensible. If you can’t interpret what i’m asking, I’ll furthermore elaborate. Although agreeable terms have been met did Pacquiao demand a penalty fee for Clottey if he doesn’t make weight? What’s so hard to understand about that question?? My 5 year old niece can comprehend that. I ask that question because he was extremely quick to make a demand against Floyd. So why NOT Clottey? It only makes sense correct? It’s not about some1 having intentions to miss weight to have a penalty agreement set in stone. Perhaps some people are incapable of making weight under certain circumstances. Regardless there should be a penalty fee for Clottey as well is what i’m saying. I personally don’t believe the Shane match-up would benefit Floyd in any way. If Floyd were to win every1 will use the Shane’s too old cop out. Ha! People make up your minds please
And to be honest is a waste of time to be talking about this anyways, right now the fight I’m sure we and most people want to see is Mayweather Vs Mosley, it’s been quiet this last week and I’m scared now that for whatever reason this fight might not be happening.
is Pacman going to demand similar circumstances against Clottey if he doesn’t make weight?!?
How can he demand something after the fact if he doesn’t make weight? The demands are done in the contract before they get to the weight-in, don’t try to spin it around saying I didn’t answer your question because your question doesn’t even make sense.
Clottey has not done what Floyd did to Marquez with the weight, no one has said Floyd has done that before the Marquez fight, and I agree with you that Mayweather would have probably won anyways, but he still did that in a very unprofessional way, that was why Pacquiao made that 10 million/pound thing, yes it’s a huge amount of money, but that will prevent Mayweather of doing it again against a fighter who is not a real welterweight, this shouldn’t be so hard to understand.
And on fights where both fighters are going up and down in weights, being heavier that the opponent does have an important advantage, specially absorbing punches, that is why we have weight classes.
I’m not a worshiper of Pacquiao, I’m a boxing fan who is impress with the accomplishments he has achieve, that I believe (I’m my opinion) are grater at the moment if you compare them to Floyd Mayweather.
I don’t actually believe Pacquiao is a better boxer or has better skills than Floyd Mayweather, but he fights in a style that is more pleasing to people and has more impressive wins overall his career, even against opponents that took Mayweather longer time to dismantle.
I concur with Itzlock3 1000 %.
you said it all pro.
I’ve come to conclusion that majority of you people are blind simply because you’re infatuated w/every move Mayweather makes. You look forward to anything you think you can use to perish his identity, which in reality is a sense of disillusionment. Tijuana you never answered my question, is Pacman going to demand similar circumstances against Clottey if he doesn’t make weight?!? I didn’t ask you has Clottey ever missed weight. What you don’t seem to realize is Pacman used that demand against Floyd believing he won’t comply w/it. Pacquiao worshipper’s will argue “pacman made that demand so Floyd won’t take advantage of the weight like he did against Marquez!” Which in a way can possibly be somewhat of his true intention of making such a ridiculous demand. Realistically when has Mayweather ever not make weight other than against Marquez?? Is it a recurring act of his? Exactly my point..Yeah you could say Mayweather tries to manipulate his opponents w/little perks. He does but there’s two options, you can either take a stand and not take the fight or you can accept the fight. The truth of the matter is you people who despise Floyd will forever remain unsatisfied regardless
No one is making an excuse, you should read better before talking, you guys just make comments and done even bother to read well to see what the other guy is saying.
I have never said Marquez lost because of the weight, I’m not making an excuse, I have actually stated that Mayweather speed and skills are grater than Marquez and I have said the without the added weight it could have probably had been a much competitive fight, but the funny thing at the end is that you and we and most of us know that Mayweather could have easily won that fight anyways, so why even do that? just to be make sure?
With the kind of skills Mayweather have he could be the greatest in history in boxing, yet he choose easy fights, does unprofessional crap like that and at the end it makes people talk.
If you and anyone thinks he is the greatest and the P4P at the moment and the most exciting boxer to watch then good for you, but not all think the same.
Well your really blind, How can you say if it was the other way around and Floyd ask Manny for the same amount?
Manny has never done that cheap trick of not even trying to make weight and Clottey hasn’t done that dirty trick ether .
So why should Floyd asked for anything regarding the weight?
Well Manny has also never tested positive for steroids or linked to them like other boxers have and yet he got accused by it even before the whole Olympic style testing thing was brought up, that’s just how Floyd works, he needs that advantage always and he wasn’t getting it this time.
I am seriously astonished by the comments by the philippinos on you tube .they are calling
the black people monkies,HIV ,drug addicts
slaves and alot more .thanks god this fight came up just to know how racist the philippinos are.
This is sick and disgusting
STOP crying about mayweather taking advantage of marquez w/the whole weight issue. For REAL it’s AGITATING!!!! Truth of the matter is Mayweather is on A COMPLETELY different skill level than Marquez even on Floyd’s worst day. Weight isn’t even a legitimate excuse for the simple fact marquez can’t contend w/mayweather. I guarantee regardless of weight mayweather would TAX marquez ASS 10 x’s out of 10. And that’s out of all honesty w/out making excuses. Just accept the fact Marquez got his ass BEAT. I respect those who don’t make excuses and accept the truth for what it is not what it should’ve been. The critics out there are distraut that Mayweather whooped marquez ass worse than pacquiao did truthfully. My point is simply NO matter what weight this fight would’ve occured @ Mayweather would’ve won w/out a doubt so why make 101 excuses??? it’s pointless, it really is. The fight is over and done w/Marquez got his ass taxed so leave it @ that, sorry to all you marquez fans he didn’t prevail like you thought he would. The good news is he’ll live to fight another day…Ha! Just Get over it
Am I blind? the question should be are u blind?? i understand the fact manny would want to penalize mayweather for not making weight BUT that is a ridiculous amount of cash to ask for regardless of purse amount bro..C’mon let’s be serious here that sounds like a COP OUT for manny to me. Ask yourself if the scenario was the other way around w/Floyd asking for that amount you crybabies would be complaining about that also. But it’s acceptable for Manny?????? Typical hypocrites…If that’s not the case is Manny asking for the same for clottey?? Clottey is naturally bigger than mayweather, let’s talk facts here! it would only make sense if manny wants clottey to comply w/the same agreement obviously not for the same amount of money but around that wager. Like i also mentioned before the whole drug testing incident is such a BIG deal because it’s mayweather whos asking for it NOT manny. if it was manny every1 would be saying “Yea agree to the testing mayweather, stop being a bitch1” But reality is it’s not. I would respect every hater out there to just admit to Hating Mayweather. No matter how much you may despise the guy he’s still the most complete boxer out, Ha! Don’t Hate, APPRECIATE people
how about you wait for manny to get beat up by
clottey .hehehe
man ,who are you to talk about floyd .You are
an idiot who start watching boxing today .just please shut your sissy mouth and. Stick with
the Karaoke
It’s been so deafeningly quiet in the Mayweathers’ CAMP. MW JR HAVE U RETIRED AGAIN BECAUSE U FAILED TO MAKE THE PACMAN COMPLY WITH UR OUTRAGEOUS DEMANDS AND THE $40-M simply went to the winds? How about ur problem now with the IRS?
That’s Dr. Drew for you.
Ok Dr.phil .
Lol come on man, I’m not always right, I have an opinion and I express it with facts, others have a different opinion and they have their facts, you just say pacroids, pacman on steroids, what kind of an argument is that man? then you say I’m a motherfucker or I am dogmatic and I’m always correct, because you don’t like what I say, the only one acting like a kid is you my friend, that’s what I said you probably are one before, maybe not physically but for sure mentally.
: )
All boxing fans please don’t expostulate with the pundit Tjuana because he’s always correct.
ok big kid Tjuana .you’re right …give me a break!
straight I meant 🙂
Me? most people think the same way about Mayweather, This is not news to anyone but you, I’m sorry to break your heart but that’s how it is, to prove it look at what Felipe posted regarding Mayweather’s fighters in his record. Did you even took the time to read?
I’ve been posting in this forum much longer than you have and I actually contribute with facts, in the other hand your usuals post about “Pacroids cheater hahaha hehehe hohoho, don’t buy ppv, fuck motherfuck haha hohohoh pacroids” very good contribution and discussion material you provide to the blog, you hardly make sense in most of your post.
So why don’t you go some where else to post crap.
I’m most forums you would have been banned by now, so you should be appreciative.
Get your facts strait before you start to argue.
I don’t know why it’s hard for you to communicate with people who disagree with you.
how about you own your own blog hehehe
you’re such a dogmatic person who can’t tolerate other people’s opinions.
And just so you know in English, Spanish or German 144 is 144.
So the one who needs to go back to school is Mayweather.
Catch-weight limit was of 144 pounds not 146!
Mayweather can’t be professional about contracts? then have him pay a few mills for the trouble, I’m sure he has lots of money anyways so he could have easily weigh-in 2 pounds over for Mayweather-Pacquiao, what’s 20 million dollars for Mayweather now, hell his nickname is Money, why are we even having a discussion about this lol
Jesus Christ man, you still don’t get it? This whole thing is not even about Marquez winning or loosing, it;s about the 10 millions dollars per pound over weight that was thrown up there in the post.
You say Marquez could just say no? Marquez is a professional Floyd was not, if you agree on something then act upon it , if you can’t then don’t agree on a weight, Floyd knew Marquez wasn’t going to say “no I will not fight”, Marquez is a warrior and had the whole country of Mexico on his back, Mayweather knew Marquez would have to fight especially if he includes 600,000 dlls for the trouble.
I could care less if Marquez lost or won by now and you going hahahahaha like your going to make people feel bad is just funny.
But again, the 10 mill per pound overweight will prevent this loophole to happen.
And it is RIDICULOUS and L-U-D-I-C-R-O-U-S that a professional boxer who calls him self the P4P boxer in the world and also one of the best ever to have to implement unprofessional tactics like that one to have a competitive edge over his smaller opponent, very classy right?….
my friend nobody force Marquez to fight or physically carried him and placed him in the ring.ok
I understand that floyd did not make the weight
It was up to maquez to fight or not and he chose to fight and he lost .did floyd coerce him into taking the fight and getting beat up?
simply he could say NO I am not fighting floyd because he did not make the weight .
may marquez can’t speak English that’s why the miscommunication had occurred heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh
I meant does light has to
So your totally ignoring the fact that Mayweather didn’t even tried to make weight, you think fights don’t have weight contracts, or agreements in these case. Marquez wants to fight, and they just jump into the ring and Mayweather wins and that’s all you care.
Mayweather was unprofessional and wanted even more of an advantages that he already had being the faster and bigger man, and played Marquez and everyone involved in the even by not making weight , that is why the 10 million per pound, that makes sure he doesn’t even think about doing that.
How more clear can light has to be for some to see?
marquez took the fight willingly and got beat up
so good ,he didn’t even look like a boxer in the ring .maywethear played with him like a littel kid
this is the guy who gave manny hard time ,go figure!!!
How can you argue that Itzlock3, when we all know he didn’t even tried to make weight for the Marquez fight, basically telling Marquez take $600,000 or cancel the fight, is your choice, are you blind my friend?
We have a guy who is coming up in weight to challenge Mayweather and has the cojones to do that and Mayweather doesn’t even make weight?
Now you tell me that’s not a very clever advantage, what was Marquez going to do? Say I’m not fighting you, I’ll cancel the fight and waste all the training, the payday for me and the staff and my camp and all the Mexicans and people who want to see the fight. I’m sorry man but that is a low blow, and NOT PROFESSIONAL AT ALL.
How can you even argue that.
10 mill per pound makes sure Mayweather wont pull that dirty trick, simple as that. I think is L-U-D-I-C-R-O-U-S he did that for Marquez when Mayweather was ready the faster and bigger man, guess he has to use any trick possible to have as much as an advantage to maintain he’s unbeaten record.
Really? Really?? R u serious??? Talk about L-U-D-I-C-R-O-U-S, the $10 mil penalty per every pound over is RIDICULOUS..Ha! You guys CAN’T possibly b serious when talking about coming up w/outrageous demands..what a joke
I take my hat off, great points Felipe.
Boxing Fan, I am a Manny fan but at the same time I can appreciate the skill of Mayweather Jr. and before his two year retirement, I considered Mayweather Jr. the pound for pound best.
The reason why I don’t think that Manny is looking for fights with those fighters you mentioned are two: Money and Height. You mentioned:
1. Paul Williams: Although Williams can make the welterweight limit, nobody under 5 foot nine will ever agree to fight him, not mayweather, not mosley, not cotto, or pacquiao, so you will never see any of this fighters facing williams because they are just giving him too much of an advantage because of his height.
2. Mosley: I think if given the chance, Pac would face Mosley but by the time that Pacquiao made the fight with Clottey, Mosley was still fighting Berto. Now, after the failed talks for may-pac, we’ll see how many fights are made between top rank and golden boy fighters since things didn’t end that great.
3. Bradley: I think a fight between Bradley and Pac is a great fight but Bradley right now is not at the same level as Pac as far as generating money or fans. You might say Clottey is in the same boat but I think that Clottey has a little bit more exposure after his fight with Cotto plus he is promoted by Top Rank which makes the fight all that easier to make.
5. Cintron: I think that Pac would take on Cintron also but just like Bradley, he is promoted by another company and I think that when Bob Arum made the Clottey fight, he was looking to make the best fight possible in the shortest of time since they had lost so much time in the mayweather talks, Clottey was the easiest and fastest choice.
You say that Clottey has been beaten by Cotto, so was Mosley, one of the fighters you mentioned Pacquiao should fight. So that kind of makes your statement void.
I think that Clottey is a very tough fight for Pacquiao, perhaps as tough if not tougher than Cotto. Clottey is taller and has a longer reach than Cotto and has never been knocked out. He has lost three times, once to Cotto by split decision, once to Margarito where it was evident that he hurt BOTH hands and once to Carlos Baldomir by disqualification.
Clottey does not have many big names on his resume besides the afore mentioned fighters plus Zab Judah and Diego Corrales, he is your typical “tough fight, no reward” kind of fighter.
I still think that Pacquiao beats him but it will be a lot tougher than Cotto.
You asked me to name prominent fighters which Manny has beaten and by count he has beaten at least ten world champions. You say not to mention Morales, but “terrible” was the last man to beat him and he is a three divisional champ, yeah, he went down hill since that fight, but in that fight, he was perfect and in no way, shape, or form was Morales a push over. He also beat DLH and Hatton, two guys that Mayweather also fought.
Lets just take the last ten fights each fighter has participated in, for manny it is, Cotto (former world champ), Hatton (former world champ), DLH (multiple time world champ), Diaz (former world champ), Marquez (multiple time world champ), Barrera (multiple time world champ), Jorge Solis (previously undefeated), Morales (multiple time world champ), Oscar Larios (former world champ) and Morales.
As for Mayweather, it has been Marquez, Hatton, DLH, Carlos Baldomir, Zab Judah, Sharmba Mitchell, Arturo Gatti, Henry Bruseles, DeMarcus Corley and Phillip N’Dou.
Now in ten years when we look back at their careers, who are we going to say fought the tougher opponents?
What is Mitchell, Bruseles, Corley and N’Dou doing now?
Mitchell has not fought since ’06 when he lost to Paul Williams, Bruseles is still fighting but nobody of note since his loss to Mayweather and mostly in Puerto Rico, Corley lost his last fight in Russia which makes his total losses 12 and N’Dou has only fought twice in the last five yours losing his last bout to Lovemore N’Dou (no relation).
Hope this clears it up for you.
Ludicrous is saying someone is doing something without having proof or evidence to back it up.
But yes that is also ludicrous lol, all a bunch of haters on both sides.
what this has to do with fight.How about manny
is cheating on his wife.this is ludicrous .
“In 2002, Floyd Mayweather Jr pleaded guilty to 2 charges of misdemeanor domestic violence.
In 2004, Mayweather received a 1 year suspended jail sentence, was ordered to seek counseling for “impulse control”, and fined a $1000 after being convicted for misdemeanor battery of 2 women in a Las Vegas nightclub.
In 2004, a warrant for his arrest was issued in Grand Rapids, Michigan for failure to appear at a trial. He was accused of kicking a bouncer in the head at a bar. Mayweather pleaded no contest to misdemeanor assault and battery. He was fined and ordered to perform community service.
In 2005, Floyd was found innocent in a trial for assaulting his girlfriend outside a Las Vegas club in 2003. The girlfriend, also the mother of his children, changed her story on the stand.
In 2009, Police executed a search warrant on Floyd’s house because witnesses identified Mayweather’s car leaving the scene of a shooting at a Las Vegas skating rink. Witnesses also identified one of Mayweather’s associates as the shooter. “
Mayweather is a little bitch and is looking for a way out of facing Pacquiao. Manny should not not be acussed of anything just because he refuses to give into Mayweather’s demands.
I am assuming that you’re referring to Manny
right !
A coward will always look for a way out, no matter what. As simple as that.
Felipe it’s obvious that you’re a verdent fan of manny ,but please answer why manny is not chasing tough opponent such Paul william
,Mosely, Bradely, Cintron ,et al .
manny has agree to fight Clottey who was already beat by Cotto !!!
It’s an axiom that Bob is doing a great job finding an easy preys for manny .manny’swinning over Marquez was controversial ,can you please
mention to me prominent fighters that manny
had fought beside Cotto .please do’n’t tell Hatton
or morales ,so who is evading tough fighters
pacman is on steriods and is scared to be divulged.
Imagine the shoe on the other foot…what if the fight was in Manny’s hometown ? In front of his home fans, with a Filipino promoter, Does that give Manny the right to change the rules and call the shots regarding testing or anything else. Fact is that everything should be done by the book. No twists and turns. What right would Manny have to call the shots and then say Floyd is hiding something because he doesn’t want Manny changing the rules. People don’t see this and just say that Manny has something to hide. Fact is that no proof exists that would even remotely suggest that either fighter is dirty in anyway. I think this is all hype. Look for the fight to happen in August or September…
Man you guys act as if money not getting drug tested lol so pacman sucks big ones scared to fight money over a needle lol puss
Hey Felipe, I agree 1000% with your words, and by the way thanks for the Hauser’s link! great read.
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