A Las Vegas judge sentenced Floyd Mayweather Jr. to 90 days in jail after he pleaded guilty to a reduced battery domestic violence charge and no contest to two harassment charges.
“Punishment is appropriate,” Justice of the Peace Melissa Saragosa said after a prosecutor complained that Mayweather has been in trouble before and hasn’t faced serious consequences.
“No matter who you are, you have consequences to your actions when they escalate to this level of violence,” she said.
Good behavior could knock several weeks off Mayweather’s sentence. but he will likely serve most of the sentence set to begin Jan. 6, said Officer Bill Cassell, a Las Vegas police spokesman.
Mayweather also is expected to plead no contest next week to a separate misdemeanor harassment charge involving a 21-year-old homeowner association security guard who was poked in the face during an argument about parking tickets placed on cars outside Mayweather’s house.
Mayweather’s lawyer, Karen Winckler, said she may appeal what she called the unusual sentence handed down Wednesday.
Well that’s to bad…
Personally I dont care about his problems, he brought them on himself. I care about him acting like a real champion. If he’s going to continue to take up space in the fight game than take on the best or just retire. I don’t care to hear interviews cuz he never says anything worth hearing, rumors of who he “might” fight are also pointless untill he signs a contract. We’ve been listening to rumors of him fighting the elites of the sport for years (IT NEVER HAPPENS). If he’s not scared of losing that zero than why does it take 3 or 4 years to make a fight with a guy thats smaller than him or any other elite fighter, not that I care about him fighting Pacman anymore anyway. If your going to take up space Floyd do us all a favor stay active, stay relavent, fight the best, or go away. Noone cares about Floyds B/S court problems, his drug test B/S, his house, cars, money, father, uncle, or his bitch. FIGHT!!!!! FLOYD OR F–K OFF!!!
I have to say ..I guess you get what you deserve ..not one person is above the law ..plus who hits women ..in my opinion he is a punk..great fighter ..but a punk ..have fun in jail and don’t drop the soap…
For all the arrogance of this guy, it is so nice to see him experience this in his life, as if he already owns the world, that he can do everything with impunity. I HOPE HE ROTS IN JAIL.
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