- Photo by Zanfer Promotions
Margarito is currently involved in a legal battle with the California State Athletic Commission trying to reclaim his license. He is confident that his license will be reinstated.
“I haven’t stopped training because I think I’ll get my license back this month from the California State Athletic Commission. My lawyers are working on that. I did not commit any illegal act,” Margarito told ESTO. “I will return in September for a tune up fight and then go after a world title.”
“I have no preference, but I want a rematch with Mosley, with Cotto, or to fight with Manny Pacquiao because Mexico wants a Mexican to beat him and Antonio Margarito is here” said Margarito.
Margarito should remain suspended. A cheat has no place in sports.
Hey linusvp ……….Well said……
Hey Edgar, we are not saying he used it in the Cotto fight. tjeire saying its possible. But you have too admit too yourself that its too hard not too believe that he didn’t, even though we can never ever proof it. This will always be a legitimate argument for the ages. Do you remember the old saying everyone…”’One’s a cheater always a cheater””
I don’t watch Fox News very often. But earlier this year, there was a You Tube clip of one of their anchormen losing it when discussing the whole waterboarding/torture debate, in which he pretty much screamed: “This is the United States of America, we don’t f*#king torture people”. Such an obvious truth, but it needed to be said to cut through the BS.
Sadly, as JT points out so well, after laying low for a few months, it seems like Team Margs is back shoveling the BS in a desparate attempt to remove the self-inflicted tarnish which the TT and his team created by committing the single most heinous act a boxer could attempt.– in the cynical hope that people will forget and memories fade with time. But, thankfully, many– especially those who care for the sport and the safety/health of its participants, haven’t forgot..
Edgar, while I understand you are a fan of the TT, you have got to stop rationalizing his now proven cheating. It is now proven that the MAN PUT PLASTER IN HIS GLOVES against Sugar Shane, and though we have heard multiple “explanations” and conflicting stories about what happened that night (I’ve counted at least 5 separate stories told by Team Margarito to date)– not a single one of them rings true (especially when the prior other stories– each of which are asserted to be “the truth”–don’t fly). And I think, like BB and JT, that the presumption has to be that if he was on the brink of cheating to win against Suagr Shane, then he’s probably done it before as well— and his team’s multiple and conflicting “explanations” have done absolutely nothing to rebut such presumption. At this stage, it seems like Team Margs wouldn’t recognize (much less tell) the truth if it bit them on the ass. No honor whatsover.
And the idea that its somehow COTTO’s fault that Margarito “got away” with his presumed cheating scheme is just about the most ridiculous statement I’ve read about this whole sad spectacle– and the TT should be ashamed that one his fans had to resort to an argument like that. (and Edgar, as a boxing fan who loves the sport, you should know better) You say you don’t like cheaters— but your words enable/encourage Margarito to keep trying to pull the wool over our eyes. He needs to hear the hard truth— especially from a proven backer like you.
So, like that anchorman on Fox, let’s cut through the BS— you don’t f%&king put plaster in your gloves and turn them into weapons for an advantage in boxing. C’mon Edgar– loyal fandom is one thing, but everyone who loves the sport (or at least respects all fighters) is rightly justified in condemning Margarito, and should continue to do so until he accepts full responsibility for what happened and restores his lost honor not in the ring, or through sharp lawyers hiding behind technicalities and linguistic contortions (a lot of good that has done him thus far), but by telling the whole truth and seeking forgiveness and serving his discipline like a man of honor who is trying to redeem a degree of integrity which he lost at a time of all too human weakness.
Until he does so, Margarito should be banned. for. life.
It wouldn’t put it passed me if he did use it in the Cotto fight as well, that’s also a legitimate argument, will we ever prove it, No….But look at Cotto’s face after the fight it was a bloody mess….And No! People are not mad just because he beat Cotto Their are mad because they thought this man had some class. Just the fact that he temped to wear those substance in his gloves is a mortal sin and he should be a shame of himself. I’m sorry we have too try and stop making excuses because deep inside he is cheater and a dirty fighter that should never step into the ring again, stop the denial.
Can you honestly tell me that if he had never got caught in the Mosley
he would have not continue trying too use those substance in his hand wraps….lets be honest with no denials…..Thanks you
completely agreed wit Edgar
No one really knows if he cheated when he fought Cotto.
Margarito looked good and fire lots of upper cuts and great punches.
are you going to tell me the so call plaster gave Margarito the speed and the chin to sustain such power punches Cotto was landing.
The Plaster would only harder your hands after time it would not increase your Stamina. you have to admit those punches Cotto was landing, any one else would of been knocked out. the Plaster had noting to do with Margarito’s Chin.
Every one is just mad because he beat Cotto. I bet you Cotto will have a hard time against Clottey.
Assuming Margarito used plaster , thats the fault of Cotto’s camp for not paying attention.
I am a big Fan of boxing and I don’t like cheaters, but give the man the credit where he deserves it.
I’m just asking, it isn’t possible AM just beat the hell out of Cotto? I am a huge Cotto fan but his people were in the room when Margs hands got wrapped right? They always are. Did they miss this one? I just find it hard to figure how they could have wrapped his hands with plaster of paris right in front of Cotto’s people. I do think he should be banned for life or longer than a year but how did he get away with this for so long if he was cheating for more than one fight? Just asking?
Suspend the clown for life! He is an embaresment to the mexican community and should not be allowed to compete! Alot of people believed in him and he let them down. Get the hell out of boxing you Cheat!
They should never ever give this guy any kind of license……
He committed the mortal sin of boxing….He and his camp should be a shame of them selves…
Come on, Puerto-ricano dudes. Can’t you forget about Miguel for a second? Clotty will brutalize him… and that will proof that Margo never used any illeggal stuff.
Why do we need this stupid pics? Looks on Meldrick Taylor’s face after Chaves fight! What? Julio used illegal shit??? This HAPPENS. Face it. Cotto is a human, and 147 is not his weight, FACE IT.
Stop winin’
Welcome back, Champ!!! Just make sure you have right corner and not-juiced opponents!!!
Ah ….What a sweet picture of the cheater who should be sitting in a jail cell for assault.
What would be nice if ESTO put a closeup photo of what Cotto’s face looked like not the that smiling picture of Cheat-a-rito.
I don’t know of HTML is allowed on this comment page, but heer is a link to the photo that ESTO should have printed:
That’s the picture of a courageous fighter who was assaulted in the ring by “Cheat-a-rito”.
What we can’t see is the internal bleeding was caused and how much physiological damage was done to Cotto to get assaulted by a professional boxer who used plaster instead of his fists in his fight.
I do believe in forgiveness, but when it comes to a pre-meditated assault on another man, a peer for money, like Cheat-a-rito did, there must be justice first, then some public admission of guilt and admitting to his wrong doing that comes from some serious soul-searching.
Obviously none of this has happened to Cheat-a-rito. Just listen to this comment by Cheat-a-rito from ESTO.
“My lawyers are working on that. I did not commit any illegal act,” Margarito told ESTO. “I will return in September for a tune up fight and then go after a world title.”
Ah, his lawyers and Bob Arum’s marketing guys are working overtime making sure that those cute heartwarming publicity photos get published as well as carefully wording Cheat-a-rito’s words.
Notice that Cheat-a-rito. said “I did not commit any illegal act”.
Since Cheat-a-rito has not been arrested and charged by California police and Cotto has not filed assault charges against Cheat-a-rito, I guess I have to agree with what Cheat-a-rito’s lawyers told him to say, that he did not commit a “illegal act”. Cheat-a-rito is carefully using a legal term.
Cheat-a-rito didn’t say that he didn’t do what when got caught “plaster handed” with before the Mosely fight.
The “California State Athletic Commission’ is not a law enforcement organization and can’t rule that someone acted “illegally” and have him sent to jail and have anything put on their “rap” sheet. They can just rule on whether a fighter and a fighter’s handlers acted in a way that was against the California Athletic State Commission’s rules and prevent giving a fighter and his handlers a LICENSE to practice their profession in their state.
Real tricky wording by Cheat-a-rito. Let us remember the pictures of Cotto and remember that he willing was caught trying to brutalize an innocent man and that brutality could have brought on permanent physical damage so badly that it could have taken away that fighter’s ability to make a living boxing.
It was a brutal, disgraceful act and to support of the courage of boxers who train so hard and give up their bodies and souls to entertain us and NOT EVER VIEW OR SUPPORT ANY FIGHT THAT Cheat-a-rito EVER HAS AND COMMUNICATE TO ANY SPONSORS, TV STATIONS AND VENUES THAT ARE WILLING TO SUPPORT THIS UNREPENTANT LOWLIFE THUG.
Just another link to remember Cheat-a-rito by:
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