“Macho” Camacho Heads to Denmark

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New interview with the colorful southpaw!

Denmark, get ready: It’s “Macho Time” once again!

Hector “Macho” Camacho will be fighting–at the age of 47–on March 26 in Kjellerup, Denmark. He will be taking on Allen Vester (28-6-1, 5 KOs) for a title, the vacant WPBF (World Professional Boxing Federation) middleweight title. It may not be a WBC, WBO or an IBF belt but for the “Macho Man,” it’s a title he will be proud to win nonetheless.

The Puerto Rican southpaw (79-5-3, 38 KOs) and I had our first interview a couple of months ago. Now he’s back and brimming with excitement.

“What’s up, chula? Due that I leave in two weeks you gotta call me,” was the message I received. “Yes, ITS MACHO TIME! I’m looking a lot sharper; they gonna be surprised by what I’m bringing.

“Vester’s saying in Europe that I’m gonna quit in seven or go to sleep! Call me, chula, and you will get it like it is!”

So call him I did. When we spoke last time, the fighter, who has won six titles in five weight classes, was his usual humorous, brash and a bit outspoken self that the crowd came to love. This time, he seemed more serious. He had just finished sparring in the gym near his Tampa, Florida home and I felt his mood has changed as the fight nears. This “Macho Camacho” sounded more determined, goal-oriented and very serious about adding to his boxing legacy. He definitely has his game face on as he readies to take on 32-year-old Vester. The slugger wants to prove that he can do it again at 47.

Here is our conversation about “The Return of the Emperor” as one of his fighter posters touts. Listen in as “Macho” Camacho talks about his upcoming bout, hear the “Austin Power” nickname he calls himself, and find out which superstar fighter he calls “The Locomotive.” Plus his predictions about three marquee matchups (Pacquiao, Mayweather, Hopkins) are also included.

Fight fans, here we go, it is “Macho Time” again–the sequel!

Michele Chong: Hey, Macho! You ready for Denmark?

Hector Camacho: Hi Mamí, yes I am. I want to come back again like when I first turned pro. It will be my last hurrah.

MC: I know you’re training hard. What do you weigh right now?

HC: I’m coming in at 169-170. BUT before, about a month and a half ago, I was 185, okay maybe 195! But I thought I looked good, I thought I was sharp then. But I was a “FAT Bastard!” (Laughs)

MC: What weight are you and Allan Vester contracted to fight?

HC: We’re fighting at 158 for a championship.

MC: So what do you know about your opponent?

HC: Well, he’s not like me; he’s not a fighting legend. He’s not a “hot pepper” doing things out of the ordinary. But he’s a very good boxers; he’s a straight-up boxer. And he’ll come in shape. He hasn’t fought in a while so he’s a perfect opponent. He’s confident he’s gonna win, he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do. I don’t blame him, he’s supposed to feel that way since he’s fighting in front of his hometown, his home country.

MC: Tell me about your training camp.

HC: I’m a lot trimmer now. I’m running eight to nine miles a day for the past three months. I feel young; I feel as excited like when I was first coming up. I’m happy where I stand at this time in my life.

MC: And you think you can still be productive in the ring?

HC: Yes! When I first turned pro, I fought one fight after another, seven to eight fights a year. That’s what I want to do now. I want at least five or six fights back to back–BAM! BAM! BAM! (he claps) And then go out with a bang! I want to exit the game of boxing as one of the greatest champions ever, you know? The same way George Foreman did it, the way Ali did it, the same way Sugar Ray did it. I’m one of those kinda guys. Everyone tells me I can’t do it–but I’m livin’ it and I feel great!

MC: Your fight prediction?

HC: I’m training strong, doing very well. So I can probably stop this guy anywhere from five-six rounds. But I’m gonna put on a show: “Rumble, young man, RUMBLE”!

MC: Yep, that’s what one of your idols said.

HC: Yeah, and in the ring at 47, I’m still one of those great fighters like Ali and Foreman. We everlastin’! So keep in mind, it’s “Macho Time!”

MC: What is the “Macho Man” wearing for his ring entrance?

HC: I have something special that I’m making up that will be done next week. My ex-wife Amy is hooking it up for me with the design and the material. I’ll be looking sharp!

MC: Is this your first time in Denmark?

HC: Yes, it is! I’ve heard it’s great there.

MC: Is their country ready for the “Macho Man”?

HC: (Laughs) If they ain’t, they better be! I’m coming in good spirits. I want to make a statement; I will be looking sharp. I’m 47 but they’ll all say, “Rumble, young man, rumble!”

MC: After your fight on March 26, you will be flying home the next day, the same day your son Hector Camacho Jr. fights and will miss his fight?

HC: I haven’t been the example, you know? But I love my son loyally, he’s my baby, and he loves and respects me. If he doesn’t, I’ll punch him in the eye. (Laughs) But he’s also a grown up, you know? The only thing is that I just want him to train better than he’s doing. He’s coming in at 165-168 and I want him to come down in weight. I wish he could do better…but I’m not the best example either.

MC: Okay, your opinions on three big fights coming up. The first: Pacquiao-Clottey?

HC: Pacquiao, he’s on his game! He’s like a train–a “locomotive.” He should do very well against Clottey. But against a smart boxer like “Pretty Boy,” it might be different. Or if he fights someone with my style, a stick-and-move guy, that could give him a lot of trouble.

MC: Bernard Hopkins vs. Roy Jones Jr.?

HC: This should be a good fight. But it’s a toss-up. I mean, Roy Jones has the style to be cute and stuff but what about his chin? I’m analyzing this fight but I can’t pick one. You know, in boxing anything can always happen–at any given time!

MC: And finally, Mayweather-Mosley?

HC: That’s a damn good fight right there! Mosley fought the best. From one to twelve, he can hold a good pace. Mayweather has also beaten some of the best, but ones not as good as the other guy. (Pause) My prediction: It’s another toss-up on this one!

MC: Any new message for your fans? I know your Playboy issue is coming out soon.

HC: It’s Playgirl!

MC: (Laughs) That’s right–Playgirl!

HC: They’re gonna see me in Playgirl. They’ll see I’m not washed up, that I don’t look beat up (which I don’t). I have a lot of sex appeal and character.

MC: And I know another big dream of yours is to be on “Dancing with the Stars.”

HC: Yeah, I would LOVE to do that! I’m a good dancer, I’ve always been. I’ve had my share of being successful in boxing, so now there are other things I want to do too. These past few years I’ve had time to atone…with what I have, what I am, what more I could be! Now I’m excited to go out there and do it. George Foreman did it, Ali did it. I want to do it.

Can he do it? A “Team Macho” member says the boxer is focused 100% and is serious about fighting several times this year. “I believe he can accomplish more,” says advisor Eddie Montalvo. “He’s really focused for this and the next few months we have a lot of plans in the works.”

One of his sparring partners, Francisco “El Gato” Figueroa, has been training in Florida alongside Camacho, Juan Urango and Jeff Lacy. And the Bronx boxer will also be traveling to Denmark with the camp.

“I’m working with ‘Macho Time'” the light welter tells me. “And he loves the work so much that he invited me out with him to Denmark for more sparring.” He’s also been sparring with Urango before heading back home to prep for his trip.

Gato says “Macho” is doing great. “I sparred with Camacho two times and the work has gotten better,” Figueroa comments. “His awareness is coming back and his conditioning is too. My prediction? Camacho wins!”

To the country of Denmark: Get ready for “Macho Time.”

Photos courtesy of Team “Macho” Camacho, Eddie Montalvo, Gato Figueroa and Exotic Flights

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  1. Lately the world of “Boxing ” has been like an old soap opera with fringe fighters trying to emulate the fighters of the not so past. Today we have a handful of fighters that can draw a crowd, but where is the excitement. Unless you witnessed first hand any fight from the likes of Ali,Tyson,Foreman,Hagler,Leonard,Hearns,Duran, Arguello, or “Mr. Excitement” himself Hector “Macho” Camacho, you’re just watching a very good prelim. Trust me Pacquiao,Mayweather,Mosely, Hopkins, and Jones Jr. are all good fighters, but even before they fight you already know what your getting except the outcome and it’s never anything to argue about or feel strong enough to wait for or anticipate a rematch. To compare todays fighters with the not so past fighters is no comparison. They “Ruled” their weightclass. So,Thank God for “Macho Time”. I know he is “suffering ” right now at 8 miles a day so he can show the world that he can climb that mountain and sit proudly on the throne. The most dangerous man in the world is the man with an objective, with nothing to lose. Ask “Big George”! Lifes’ battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man, but sooner or later the man who “Wins”, is the man who thinks he can. He believed when everyone snickered but he kept running.Hector is a man that is willing to challenge the world and I know he will inspire and excite the true boxing fan. When he looks in the mirror he sees a “Champion” and soon so will the world. So, set your watches because its’ about to be “Macho Time”!

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