Once again there are rumors of Wladimir Klitschko and David Haye being finalized and set for June 25. The venue is not set although the fight is likely to take place in Germany but as before, I won’t believe it until I see both fighters in the ring.
Bernd Boente, Klitschko’s manager, said the deal between the camps was a 50-50 split of all revenue and that there are no rematch clauses on either side and no options on future fights which to me sounds to good to be true.
Wladimir was scheduled to fight Chisora on April 30 but pulled from the fight due to his injury from December, citing a 2-inch abdominal tear has not healed properly and according to Wladimir’s doctor he should be fine by June.
The priority is Wladimir facing Haye, Boente said. However, if Wladimir is still injured, Vitali could step in, contingent on Vitali winning his March 19 defense against Odlanier Solis.
We have been fooled before with these guys going back and forth saying they are fighting and at the end, it’s us the fans losing. At this point seeing is believing so like I said until I see these guys in the ring I will believe it.
I hope it happens! It must Happens! it makes me want to believe that since Klitschko is backing out from Chisora the Klitschko Vs Haye might be legit!
Let’s hope it is, this is the only fight in the Heavyweight division I can get exited about and I hope Haye can eat his own words lol with the beating he might get.
True this sounds too familiar and it shouldn’t be believed until fight night. It will finally be a heavyweight fight worth watching but still think Haye gets beaten up but he will put up a fight and give either K-bro more trouble then they have been in for a long time. Haye packs speed and power but questionable chin and I think he’s k.o.d in 11th in a more then usual competitive heavyweight fight.
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