In a definite candidate for round of the year, Alfredo Angulo and James Kirkland waged war for 3 minutes straight. Both men hit the canvas and poured their souls out in the squared circle in the first three minutes. The HBO commentators, Jim Lampley, Max Kellerman and Roy Jones Jr. joked about having a delayed replay for pay-per-view. That should not have been a joke. I would have paid for a replay of that fight.
Both men, whom have been two of the most entertaining fighters in boxing have moved past different problems, Kirkland with prison and a shocking first round knockout, Angulo with promotional and visa issues, to finally meet each other in the ring. We briefly saw the conditions in which each man trained. We definitely saw the heart that each man possessed. On November 5th, Kirkland showed that regardless of a knockdown, his conditioning, power, and training proves fruitful in a beautiful domination of Angulo, one of the division’s strongest fighters. Besides Margarito and Cotto, Angulo is on the top of the 154 pound division. James Kirkland travelled to Mexico and made a HUGE statement.
James Kirkland is all action. He displayed a relentless, ruthless attack, while showing his ring intelligence by smart punch placement as well as his improved defense. James Kirkland and Ann Wolfe are a perfect match. Although Kirkland is not Pacquaio, I believe their trainer fighter chemistry is similar to Pacman and Freddie Roach. It works.
I wish a quick recovery and strong return for Angulo, as I believe he still has much ahead of him, including a rematch with Kirkland. Let us hope Kirkland gets another huge shot at 154.
These are the fights we need.
No matter what, I still think Angulo can beat Canelo any day of the week. If Cintron can get a title shot after loosing to Molina, then with that logic, Angulo should get a chance.
Congrats to Kirkland, once I saw him go down I thought that was it again, boy did he prove me wrong. I thought Angulo would have been smart enough to pace himself especially with Nacho in his corner, It has me wondering if it would have made a difference had he not went all out in one round. I also have to agree with Ras it got a little hard to watch past rounds 3 and 4. I thought Nacho would have stopped the fight to protect his fighter he let me down in that regard. This also has me wondering if Marquez were to get a beating like this in his fight with Pacquiao when would Nacho say it’s enough and do his job to protect his fighter. Angulo will be back and hopefully he learned from this and earns a rematch because I’d love to see these two go at it again. Before this fight I would have put money on Angulo if they meet again I wouldn’t bet against either one.
This was a good fight. Didnt think Kirkland was coming back after he took that nasty right hand from Angulo, also couldnt believe Angulo punched himself out the way he did. Got to give it to Kirkland he came back strong. I got to agree with Ras that last round was a little hard to watch, but hey thats boxing. Hope Angulo’s ok and can come back from that tuff loss.
Lol i knew it was to good to be true. To have a comment thread without shit talk.
El Perro looked like Crap. Thats a good question, what is next for him?
I hate to say it but i thought the same as Jesus A. Damn! No Bueno…!
Now what for El Perro? He took allot of punishment that in my opionion he should have not taken. He was done after the 4th round i think. His corner should have stopped it sooner! That 6th round was hard to watch, He was out long before they stopped it. Fighters continue becasue by the time they get to that point they dont feel, hear or know anything. I bet he dont have any memory of that 6th round.
sucks.. Hope hes doing ok.
Yo no es que justifique la derrota de Angulo pero yo no vi al mismo perro de siempre… Creo que tantas cosas que le han pasado en el ambito profesional este ultimo ano como lo es los problemas de visa, problemas con su promotora anterior (Gary Shaw Producctions) y sabra que otras cosas mas que al fin de cuentas uno ni se entera por lo que pasa un peleador antes de subir al ring. Quiera uno o no si afectan emosionalmente.
Yo siento que el Perro tiene todavia muchas armas para poder vencer a muchos peleadores bueno como es Kirkland que de hecho Angulo tenia todas las posiblilidades para vencerlo pero algo paso que no fue asi, ni modo. Lo unico que espero es que regrese como el perro de siempre y se corone campion mundial porque el si se lo merese.
Tambien creo que la esquina de Angulo no ayudo mucho, no hacian nada para revivirlo. Nacho Beristain sera un buen entrenador pero creo que esta vez le fallo en cuanto la estrategia.
Lo siento por el que le vaya a tocar de contrincante para proxima pelea del Perro porque esta vez no va a ver nadie que lo pare… Su regreso sera fulminante!!!!
I had the feeling that with wolfe back on his side we were gonna have the old kirkland back and we did. Damn Angulo! Why!
I will admit, I gave Kirland no chance of winning if he went toe to toe with Angulo’s power.He certainly shut me up. Congrats to him.
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