Last night I was watching Real Sports with Bryant Gumble on HBO. It was a special edition investigation on the deaths of Arturo Gatti, Vernon Forrest and Alex Arguello.
Being that I am huge fan of Arturo

“Thunder” Gatti, I was glued to the television. Now this was not your typical Oprah Winfrey show. During this investigation they showed some graphic pictures from the murder scene, I am talking about Gatti on the kitchen floor in a puddle of his own blood in his underwear, dead.
The pictures where uncensored, it would give anyone goose bumps. Watching this gave me a better understanding of what happened but at the same time it got me pissed off of how the Brazilian authorities are so hard headed. While the authorities claim to be sure of their suicide theory, many including myself refuse to believe Arturo Gatti was capable of taking his own life.
As of today, Gatti’s mother and brother continue to battle with Amanda Rodriguez for 6 plus million of Arturo Gatti’s estate. Amanda was awarded $100,000 from his estate by a Quebec Superior Court judge and nine months after his death she received the money as financial compensation for the legal fees she was forced to pay following the former boxing champion’s death.
I personally think the money should be divided between Gatti’s only son, Gatti Jr. and his daughter Sofia Bella who lives with Gatti’s ex, Erika Rivera a U.S. Army chemical engineer. ( exclusive interview with Erika Rivera, click here)
I personally encourage you to see this special edition.