Home is Where the Heart Is: Manny Pacquiao

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Unless your one of those individuals that refuses to watch the news because it rarely shows any positive reports then you are more than aware of the devastation the Philippines have endured in the last 72 hours.

Over 1700 fatalities have been accounted for and that number is likely to rise significantly in the next few days as more help arrives. The scene is beyond description after one of the worst storms ever recorded unleashed ferocious winds and giant waves that washed away homes and schools.

Yet the one man who has said little if anything is the most popular man from the Philippines. The one time pound for pound king Manny Pacquiao. To make matter worse has his biggest comeback in less than two weeks and yet the devastation back in his homeland is bigger than a comeback.

Lives are lost, families torn apart and nothing will ever be the same for Filipinos.

What is a fighter to do- What’s a congressman to do?

Would anyone be upset if Pacquiao cancels his fight due to the devastation back in his homeland? While he is a boxer and one of the biggest names in boxing he is also a congressman and he has an obligation to his people. But would his countrymen be more upset if he fights or cancels and goes home to help with the cleanup?

Many would argue that Pacquiao needs to fight, that the fight will help bring some joy to a country that is suffering right now. His fight will perhaps allow some of the areas that was hit the hardest to forget their suffering- if even for an hour.

However a bigger statement would be if he did cancel his fight. It would give the devastation a platform on the world stage. One of the biggest names in boxing canceling his comeback fight to help his homeland would be massive. All outlets would cover the cancellation and with it more awareness of the dire need that the Philippines need right now.

Truthfully, how could someone of Pacquiao’s stature really go into his fight with Rios with a clear mind knowing of what is awaiting him back in the Philippines?

Back in 2010 Andre Berto cancelled his fight with Shane Mosley after an earthquake hit his homeland of Haiti. Tragedies over the years have delayed games, fights and other major events and this is no different in the Philippines.

Perhaps 12 days will be enough time for Pacquiao to privately grieve over what has happened but will it also hinder him from performing in the ring- Against a guy who’s only real shot of beating him is by knocking him out?

Pacquiao was a boxer first and getting up from his knockout loss to Juan Manuel Marquez last December is what he is trying to do getting back in the ring with the heavy handed Rios but getting back for all his countrymen is what he is doing also by stepping in the ring in less than two weeks.Showing the world that the Filipino nation will be back, stronger and more resilient than ever before. Pacquiao may be only one man but he fights with an entire nation on his back and on November 23rd he will do just that.

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