Hatton gets ass kicked!

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On Saturday night pound for pound king Manny Pacquiao (45-3-2, 37KO) of the Philippines dropped Manchester, England’s Ricky Hatton (45-2, 32KO) with seconds to spare in the second with a devastating left hook to the chin to capture the IBO and Ring magazine jr. welterweight titles.  Pacquiao controlled most of the action dropping Hatton twice in the first and finishing him off in the seconds.

With the win, Pacquiao sets up a mega fight with either Miguel Cotto or Floyd Mayweather in the fall.

Photo  by GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP/Getty Images


Number One Ranked Bantamweight Contender Abner Mares (Right) lands an uppercut en route to a sixth round knockout win over Jonathan Perez (Left).


Welterweight Contender Matthew Hatton (Right) throws a right hand en route to a eight round unanimous decision victory over Ernesto Zepeda (Left) on May 2, 2009 on the undercard of Manny Pacquiao and  Ricky Hatton’s World Championship fight at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada.


Undefeated Middleweight Prospect Daniel Jacobs (Right) lands a right hand en route to an eight round unanimous decision victory over Michael Walker.

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  1. about pacal …i think hatton won that fight fair and square..he dropped him bad in the first..it got closer late in the fight..but he still one..i didnt see the Lazcano fight so cant comment. I do know he won more rounds aganst him..but didnt see the context of shoe tying thing…collazo had still had some good fights..and he beat Tzyue fair and squre..you can get away with some holding and hitting in boxing..Jack Johnson did it all the time..its looked down on..but not totally illegal..if it was..guys would be DQ’ed all the time. Hatton doesnt “SUCK”..it was a case of Pac being a very good best in the world fighter…i do think if hatton had fought smarter he could have made it a closer fight..but would have been basically impossible for any 140 pounder to win aganst pac on that night. he was just damn sharp and fluid..wasnt sold on pac after the oscar fight..because oscar was weight drained..but now i am.

  2. Pac dropped him with a left cross..kind of almost over hand left…

    reason its not a left hook..is…a left hook is trown from a right handers lead “left hand” . a convental fighter doesnt throw a “right hook” even if it is thrown in a hooking manner ..it is a right cross..or sometimes overhand right….that is what Pac threw with his left..but becaue his left is behind the pivot foot (his right foot) it is not a hook.

  3. Pacal,
    Everyone watching it with me said the same thing. Soto is a great fighter and they were bashing him.

  4. That sucked man! I thought Hatton was at least gona go few more rounds. Hope we dont hear about that overrated loser again. He lost against Collazo and shouldve been knocked out by Lazcano but they tied his shoes when he got rocked. He cheated against Kostya by holding and headbutting and beat a shot Castillo. Wasted 50 bucks. At least I got to see Pacman and Soto, but didnt see Mares. What the hell! Im paying 50 dollars show me the whole card.

    Ay did anyone else notice how Lampley an Emmanuel were just criticising Soto? Soto was trying to cut the ring off but the kid was just running for his life (Cant blame the kid. Only chance he had). Then when he saw he couldnt catch him, he started luring him in and countering. Also, leaving himself open cus he knew the kid couldnt punch so that he can get to him. And it worked. That was freakn smart! But lampley said”If Soto was put here to impress anybody, that aint happening”. And he was saying the kid was winning even though the for the two rounds before he got knocked out he was getting pounded in the face hard. Even my girlfriend saw what Soto was doing. It seemed he just wanted people not to like Soto. And people who dont know boxing probably agreed with him. Never heard him talk like that. But he impressed me thats for sure.

    Did anyone else see this?

  5. I hate to tell you that “I told you so”, but I did.
    My only concern was the astounding Mr. Pacquiao might be pre-occupied with all that is going on in his life.
    What an amazing boxer and what an amazing man.

    As I said, we need to be skeptical about some fighters that are more about marketing than they are about being great boxers.

    I totally respect Hatton as a fighter and a man. No one stays in better shape than he does. BUT ….as as boxer, he has been WAY more about hype and marketing, than about boxing skill. I have seen him in some of the most boring fights when he holds, grabs and mugs fighters to wear them down and was never a “great” fighter. A solid fighter, with more determination than skill.

    Certainly not on the level of great boxers or deserving of the big, pay-for-view marketing hype.

    I also told you that the Pacquiao/Hatton 24/7 was purely a HBO subscriber sponsored advertisement for HBO/Warner Brothers and nothing more. I was sorry to see that it got an article and play on this newsletter which is a shame to plug an advertisement meant to use boxing fans of HBO’s subscriber fees to pay for that fancy production so that they would shell out, with no discount whatsoever, for the pay-per-view fight.

    I guess we aren’t going to hear about how the money man, Oscar De La Polla and Pacquiao fight was a mirage.

    That left hand that Pacquiao nailed Hatton with definitely goes down as one of the greatest punches in the history of boxing.
    If you see it again, besides the incredible speed and power, check out how after he nailed Hatton, Pacquiao was able to bring his left back to the side of his head, so he doesn’t leave himself open, as well as the incredible perfect balance where Pacquiao just stood there over Hatton’s fallen body.
    No lunging, not a wild punch at all.
    When I have seen the great punches that have been seen by boxing fans, from Patterson’s left hook to Johanson, Marciano’s right hand, etc, I have never seen one of them, where after the punch, they were able to get the hand that threw the punch back to the side of their head, in ready position before the fighter hit the floor. Astounding.

    Unlike the marketing, money men like Mayfeather, Roy Jones, De La Polla, etc. and think of all the great fighters and fights that Pacquiao has already been in.

    That and all of that sincere humility and someone whose future looks like he is destined to be a world leader in the Philippines. He is a major political force there already and what a role model, although he shows no pressure. As he says, “He just does his job”.

    I also feel great for Freddie Roach, after the moronic rantings of Hatton’s trainer, Mayfeather Sr, did against Freddie. Wow, did this fight shut up Mayfeather Sr. !! I have no doubt that the mouth of Mayfeather Sr, was a total embarrassment to Hatton, who is too classy a person to get into that crap.

    Please understand that I am not putting down Hatton for being picked up and built up by the marketing machine of De La Polla to become a pay-for-view darling.

    Wasn’t it great NOT to see Don King anywhere at the fight !!


  6. wow!! that was awsome!! performance of p4p king pacman to distroy the english warior hatton mabuhay ang lahing pinoy!!! isigaw sa buong mundo go! pacman go! go!

  7. Wow, what a shitty performance from Hatton. Maybe all that talk of issues with Floyd Sr. were true. His whole game plan was shit and he should consider retiring. He fails each time he fights the best and gets KO’d too. Manny is a phenom and he should fight PBF down the line.

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