Floyd “Money” Mayweather

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The name alone draws lines in the sand. Love, hate, anger, disgust are all words that can describe how many feel about arguably the best fighter of this era.

There is no in-between when it comes to how fans feel about Mayweather. He gives little to viewing public that he is a good guy, his antics on HBO 24/7 as well in real life with his well documented run-ins with the law and burning money in clubs makes him a easy target to dislike.

Floyd "Money" Mayweather
Photo by Team Mayweather

In the ring however, his dominance, defense mastery and overall ring domination of opponents makes him one of the few in the sweet science that is almost a guaranteed win each time he fights. While it would be easy to appreciate what fight fans have in such a talented fighter if all he did was box and not have his name involved in so much drama outside the ring, unfortunately Mayweather is human and similar to other celebrities that enjoy the spotlight, fans have to put up with their antics outside of their specific profession.

Make no mistake about it, Mayweather is not as bad of a guy as he makes himself out to be. He understand the power of manipulation.

However this is not about how Mayweather acts on TV or in a club; Mayweather is being talked about because of the things he does in his personal life. How he treats people that are close to him, how he is treated by fans, promoters and the justice system.

Based on those views. Mayweather is loved and almost seen as a savior. Its not easy to beat the system when one is faced with a 90 days jail sentence for battery and it’s even more eye opening that a repeat offender is not only being allowed to suspend his sentence but allowed a concessions because his profession allows him to bring big money into a struggling Las Vegas market. Depending on what side people are on, Mayweather is either in the right or wrong. None of that matters now. He is free until at least June. (barring no more run ins with the law) However its how Maywether’s is being treated as if his scheduled May fight will make or break the Las Vegas economy this is a head scratcher. Yes, Mayweather does brings a nice windfall of cash flow into the Las Vegas market but to assume he is the only one that can do that is naive.

Boxing is not dead and if Mayweather is not able to fight in May, Las Vegas would be fine. As would boxing.

Perhaps we have this sentence postponement all wrong. Maybe the judge is to blame. Maybe she owes someone in Vegas a favor. It is sin city, where nothing is off limits,;who’s to say that she didn’t owe a favor?

In the end, fans have picked sides. Good, bad , right, wrong.Boxing fans are passionate. However what is done… is done. Mayweather is now able to fight in 4 months and the question is, who? If it’s anyone but Manny Pacquiao fans will make more noise about that than his postponement of his sentence….and that is the most definitive line in the sand about Boxing fans.

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  1. What up Melvin, I didn’t respond to your comment cuz I thought you were talking about me if that was your impression. I think what I said was pretty clear there’s no reading between the lines needed, I say what I meen buddy. I really agree with what you said cuz your correct fans dont have a right to judge him personally, but at the same time if he portrays himself as a jerk off ppl shouldn’t get mad if he gets called one. I meen he could just act right. When it comes to his antics in boxing there’s no holds bard cuz we are the reason he gets that big fat check, so in that since our opinions shouldn’t just be brushed off. Remember with out us he’s just “jr.”

  2. Say what u want I know a lot about boxing being 45yrs of age.” so of your not the one making negative comments then it’s not 4 you 2 respond but the ones that do know who u are n I Dnt ever agree with any man hitting a woman I Just Enjoy looking at him as a Boxer Despite how he was when he was a light weight or his Status now.” The point is AGAIN all can say whatever about his fighting or how he fights or how active he is or use 2 b when he was in a lighter weight class.” that’s was the. N this is now.” it’s style that wins Fight n it’s not how u fight it’s how u win a fight n ONLU can ur RECORD can display that n yes Jay ur right ppl can express then selfs they way they want 2, it Just 2 always sound so personal as I know it is Jusy by the way it comes across with certain ppl that comments on here at times n not n I can always read between the Lines in ur comments n then ppl will try 2 change it up n say it’s not that it’s just b/c of this or that but still in all it comments r person b/ c of what I feel 4 home n his personal life in General n this I know b/c right after they put him down about boxing here comes he is a show off, he is a woman beater, e.t.c. Which is all true but that’s more on a personal level along with the comments.” now that’s my Take on it.” when ever there is a fight coming on I can tell u from the door who will win n I haven’t bin wrong yet b/c I bin watching boxing for some a long now.” 🙂

  3. You don”t become the greatest by fighting “Good” fighters. Its easy for a great fighter to look great when he only fights good fighters.I think we can all agree on that. By the way, old or retired great fighters way past their prime dont exactly count either lol. So if you don’t give manny credit for ODH and SSM than there’s no way you can give it to Floyd, lets just be fair on that.

  4. First I’m just going to say that expressing your opinion is what this forum is for, is it not? So regarless if your opinion is positive or negative its just an opinion, unless what your saying is true of course. The way I see it ppl can talk about Floyd all they want as a fighter (WHY) cuz its our ppv buys that make him rich. Floyds personal life is his buisness and I personally couldn’t care less what he does in his home life, God bless & good luck. Noone has a right to judge, noone is perfect and we are not God. Now his boxing career is totally up for debate, I see it as second rate. A product of good timing and avoiding the right opponents, others may disagree but if your going to disagree make sure you have seen his past fights and have examined his record first. Floyd thinks that he has done something in his career that noone else has done, I could show you a youtube video that proves otherwise. Anyone who knows boxing and it great fighters knows Floyds is not what he thinks he is. Anyone over 35 should know better than to ever call this guy the greatest anything. Is he a great fighter? (yes) he is. Is he “TGE”? (NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!). He was alot better lightweight than anything else and he didn’t fight the best then either. So your right Melvin all the hate is pointless but all the criticism is more than justifiable.

  5. I don’t care for his personal life choices, but that’s what it is His Life. I’m not one to throw stones i’m not perfect but I have a strong dislike for a man who puts his hands on a woman so I couldnt bite my tongue when I read about that situation. However I tend to ignore his antics outside the ring. I only care to read about the positive things a fighter does outside the ring, and dont get it wrong the guy does some good as well as bad outside the ring I think we all have to admit that no matter what feelings we have about the guy.

  6. I seen a lot of hate as I come on here from time 2 time until where ppl sound real personal Just b/c they may not agree with what he does outside of the ring n they will some how find a way 2 just make up things 2 say about him in a negative way as if they really know him personally n sometimes thei will start of by complimenting him n then after that comes the word BUT along with the degrading whatever they feel about him in general or y they think he won’t fight PAC without a clue of what’s going on political but they will only say things as though it’s going 2 make him fight him any sooner.” lol! Any body that know true boxing knows that may-weather can beat PAC in his worst night n PAC won’t b able 2 even take his punches without soon getting knock out b/c like it or not may-weather is a smart n experience as well as a crafty Boxer.” PAC Dnt hv that good of a chin 2 withstand may-weathers power n I think ppl already knows this but they Dnt hv any other reason b/c they so bad want 2 see the fight when they know PAC is going 2 lose anyway so what else can they do buy haunt may-weather 2 fight b/c they know it more than likely wont happen b/c of bob.” hmmmmmm? 🙁

  7. I ain’t seen much hate on this forum for mayweather to be honest,, we all no how good he is,,, let’s just hope him and PAC get it on,,, I know floyd will pick pack apart all night,, as for this judge!!! She prob fed up waiting so long for this fight to lol,,, mayweather to win!!! But it won’t happen anyway,

  8. Love him or hate him $ talks bull^#^* Walk.” Hmmm? So again as I always said n that past the ppl hate on him n talk about him it just give him more edge even over Las Vegas as well as influence over the Judges.” @ it’s all politics my ppl once we really wake up n realize how things work 4 ppl with $ n those without. Then we all would b much better of as a ppl.” while ppl sit on here making all the negative comment about him as though they life depended on it.” lol! Mean while he is getting away with Murder 2 the sense of using the system 2 his advantages with all the hater help.” so I guess he knows n is saying 2 all that hate on him.” Job well done 2 all my hater b/c you only played into my game.” he has street smarts which a lot of ppl Dnt hv b/c they r not from the streets so how else can u learn how 2 play the game of life b/c the school systems Dnt teach us that much.” hmmm? 🙁 Sad but true n I am not a big fan of may-weather I will hv I all 2 know Just in case some ignorant person wants 2 strike back at me b/c I am having teaching moment 2 all his haters n showing all this is how things pans itself out as u keep building his Resume with hate b/c it only helps him in situations like this one b/c his record speaks 4 itself despite what we think or who he fought in the past the point is on record he won by rules n regulation n if no one can see that.” then Stevie Wonder can.” 🙁 I Just enjoying seeing the man fight that’s all n no I Dnt care or approve of his life style b/c it’s not any of my business n I can only judge him in his boxing in the ring b/c we all hv out own issue behind close doors 2 deal within most of the times it’s so easy 2 point fingers at other ppl b/c what we see in the we Dnt like in ourselfs so that’s y it’s so easy 2 point fingers at anyone else.” Now that’s Real Talk.” most ppl can’t Handle the Truth.” they would rather stay ignorant of the Facts n statics show this.” hmmmm? 🙁

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