Floyd Mayweather talks smack on Pacquiao

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Floyd Mayweather says he is ready for a mega-money fight with Manny Pacquiao and believes the new WBO welterweight champion is “one-dimensional”.

Pacquiao cemented his claim to be the best pound-for-pound fighter on the planet when he stopped Miguel Cotto in Las Vegas on Sunday.

Immediately after the Pac Man’s triumph at the MGM Grand Garden Arena, trainer Freddie Roach put Mayweather in the Filipino’s sights.

But Mayweather has already upped the stakes ahead of any match-up, saying the Filipino lacks the variety to trouble him.

In an exclusive interview with Sky Sports’ Adam Smith, the American said: “The thing is with Pacquiao I don’t see any versatility as a fighter; he’s a good puncher but just one-dimensional.”

Mayweather also believes he is on a hiding to nothing in taking on the fight and would be expected to win easily.

“I’m in a no-win situation. If I beat Manny Pacquiaodo you know what they are going to say? ‘You are supposed to beat him, you are Floyd Mayweather, you are the bigger man’. If I knock him out they’ll say ‘you’re supposed to knock him out he’s been knocked out before’.

“I’m in a no-win situation and when I beat him no one is going to be surprised because he’s been beaten before; whatever I do to Pacquiao has been done before – he’s been beaten on three occasions. And if I knock him out I don’t want the world shouting because he’s been knocked out twice before.

Step up

floyd“The world’s going to go ‘wow’ if Floyd Mayweather gets beaten. That’s what everyone is looking to see.”

Pacquiao was reticent to talk about his plans for future fights in the immediate aftermath of his victory over Cotto, saying: “My job is to fight in the ring and I think that depends on (Top Rank’s Bob) Arum my promoter to negotiate that fight. I’m just going to take a vacation first and spend time with my family and have fun.”

Mayweather thinks the Filipino is running scared.

“When they asked Manny Pacquiao ‘would you like to fight Floyd Mayweather’ he said talk to my promoter; they didn’t ask your promoter they asked you, what do you want to do?

“Manny Pacquiaowas asked the same question ‘do you want to fight Floyd Mayweather’ three times. This is something the world is trying to force on him. If he wants to fight Floyd Mayweather all he has to do is step up to the plate.”

What is certain is should the fight go ahead, both men will enjoy a bumper pay-day although publicly Mayweather has said he would only fight Pacquiao if he got the lion’s share of any purse.

And should the two men meet, the man who now calls himself ‘Money’ knows he will be in for another cash windfall.

“If I go out and make $60-75million in one night; come on – I’m not losing.”

Source SkySports.com

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  1. Dre…….Pacquio hiding something, come on over 30 million dollars and you don’t want too do a blood test that one fighter is willing too do come on buddy, who dodging who……LOL

  2. Floyds a great fighter….Manny is a great fighter.Mayweather is ducking him because of a blood test?Can you honestly look at pac man and say you think he’s on steroids?Stop being a big pud Floyd and put your 40-0 record where your big mouth is….the end.

  3. Floyd can never be out boxed because he doesnt want to boxed squarely, at all times his afraid of being hurt haha! zero braveness., he is not smart fighter but he is just scared. Pacman beat those heavier fighter than he is in a nail to a nail, toe to toe, teeth to teeth and face to face exchange of barrage of punches without single step of running away, and being equally hit still those opponent fails to slow the pacman even though they are bigger than Pacman. Mayweather running away against Pacman in a fight can never hurt Pacman thats plain and simple OK?. but when Mayweather talks his mouth bubbles like ass of a chiken hen. what ever you says doesnt help you in the fight in any way, inside the ring its the fist not the mouth will talk the talk. Many fighters wants to fight Mayweather and saying in public and stepping up the plates but they dont get the fight. Pacman says if he has the fight with Mayweather then he will fight because thats his job he will fight anybody, another plain and simple from the Pacman dont you understand that?

  4. James, Jahlin, and my boy Brown I agree to your assessments completely. Floyd is going to tax Pacman’s ASS!! I just don’t see Pacquiao walking away w/this victory. Pacman remains humble for the simple fact he knows Mayweather is THE most dangerous skilled boxer he is set to take on. I’ll even place a wager on Floyd. $300 us dollars, whoever disagrees what’s your bet?? Don’t bite your tongue like Pacquiao and announce your bet if you’re confident in your pick

  5. you got that right Uku!!..pacquiao is just too good!!..he always learns new technique in every opponents he fought and delivers it well in the fight..he is a wise man..mayweather is a great fighter too, but manny and roach will figure that out all his weakness and game plans like all the previous fights of manny..nobody is perfect!…who cares if he has 3 losses thats from the past, were talking about now, the present!..oh by the way Filipinos are just humble and polite that’s how we are!..Manny is not scared he’s just humble enough not to say sh!t or anything…

    (,”) . . . . . . . .

  6. Jahlin, your boy Mayweather is trying to get Pacquiao to take a Olympic style drug test for steroids! LMAO WOW man are they that scarred? I tell you what s happening over in the Mayweather camp. Their studding Paquiao but can’t learn because they are gasping at how great this guy is. It’s like me asking you to study the pyrotechnics of a fireworks show but cant because you can’t stop looking at the display.

  7. Whining…I am not…but I do get it. You are a Mayweather fan and I am a boxing fan. I like to see the best pitted against the best. Like Ali, Sugar Ray, Hitman, Willy, Jersey Joe, Arm Strong, Aaron Pryor, Alexis and many others. Their names will never fade because of what they did. Mayweather is a very clever boxer, but once he became a capitalist, that’s where he lost me as a fan. I don’t need to see him punish “C” class sparring partners to build his confidence or to put fear in his opponents. He is so egotistical, he doesn’t even listen to his corner for instruction, like another good boxer we know as Roy Jones. Constantly nodding, with arrogance (ok ok ok ok) but not listening because he thinks he knows it all. That’s what Mayweather does, he thinks of his uncle to be less of a fighter because he doesn’t share the perfect record like him. He is only in the corner to cheer. When the time comes for instructions he will feel like Adam and Eve…naked.

  8. I would give Floyd more respect, if he didn’t treat his career like a cop near retirement, too dangerous on the streets so let’s stay safe and push a pen, but still collecting a check.

  9. @ Jahlin: Floyd never fought Cotto, nor did he want too, but he might now, because after Manny destroyed Cotto he appears much safer to Floyd now “damaged goods” right. So to say he beat the same people as Pacqiao is inaccurate. He barley escaped with a split decision over the Golden Boy who couldn’t last 9 rounds with Pacman and his win over Hatton is deserving but not nearly as impressive because it took him 10 rounds instead of two, which I might add, two rounds is not enough time to see if Hatton still had his “shine”. I will say this, the only thing shining in Hatton, was his eyes staring at the lights from the canvas, with that Gerber-baby look, no motor skills at all, completely detached from conciseness. When it comes to trash talking Ali was the biggest mouth in the south, BUT he backed it up by the way he fought, with will and determination. Not concerned if he won the fight or not, because he believed in himself, that NO man could beat him and that’s why we still love him. Not to mention, he fought guys the terrified the heavy weight division. His own corner didn’t want him to fight Forman, but he did, truly the greatest pugilistic gladiator of all time. “It’s hard to beat a man when he has his mind made up that he wants to win” [Mohammed Ali]. Take note Floyd. As for Roy Joys, I don’t dislike the man at all, but he is another one like Mayweather that lost me as a boxing fan, because he started trying to match his own fights. The ironic thing about Mayweather, is that, his career is going to end up just like Roy Jones. If Mayweather doesn’t want to end up like Roy, a speed boxer, still fighting at 40, who can’t seem to stay off the canvas, I suggest he move from Vegas and start banking some of that money instead of pissing it away on sports betting.

  10. Come on Uku why would he talk about the Bruce Lee of boxing(Pacquiao) last three fights when he has fought the same people and won. Folks sure are funny. When Floyd beat the Golden Boy people said that he won the fight because the Golden Boy was old, when he beat Hatton it was said that Hatton was outmatched, when he won the J. M. Marquez Floyd weighed more. When the Bruce Lee of boxing beat the Golden Boy wasn’t the Golden Boy older by the time they fought. With that being true why would Floyd talk about Bruce Lee beating the even older Golden Boy. Folks never said a thing about age. That age shit should of been brought up again. As for Hatton does anyone talk about him; he got some bit of his shine from losing to Floyd. Marquez was a punching bag, for Floyd that is. Uku you talked about Floyd defensive skill as if he has no hitting power. Keep it real for me please, you are just a Pacquiao fan you don’t care about facts, do you? You probably don’t like Ali or Roy Jones Jr. either. They bothl talk(ed) a lot of shit, but the truth of the matter is it seems like you are caught up in the antics that are happening outside of the ring, the trash talking; almost like you are allowing those antics to cloud your mind as well as the reality. Just know that you are not alone, there are a whole lot of people out there just like you who look at the hurt business like it’s purely a team sport, which in ways it is while at the same time it’s not. I am not mad at you or your Pac-Man believers because belief is not fact and you and everyone else including myself will bare witness when they meet.

  11. I saw Floyd on HBO and he didn’t look very confident. Trash talking was at an all time low. I think Floyd has no game plan on how to beat Manny and he knows it. That’s why he keeps talking about the loses and how he got knocked out 15 years ago. This tells me that he is looking for something in Pacquiao that will build his confidence, but he can’t look at his most recent fights. To build his confidence I think he is looking at old fights of Pacquiao being defeated instead of studding his last three fights. I think studding Manny’s last three fights are frightening to watch, that’s why he is stuck on the past. It’s amazing how money will make people hurl themselves in the path of danger with no way out, but the greed is too tantalizing and they do it anyway. Floyd hope this ass whipping will be worth every penny.

  12. Mr. Brown, Mayweather is a good fighter and a great defensive one at that, but if you think he will be able to beat Manny with pop shots he will lose on points. If you think Floyd will break Manny’s rhythm and make him stand in front of Floyd like a deer in head lights, that will never happen. If Floyd tries to come out of his shell to land points from time to time he will, without a doubt be knocked out. Either way he will lose on points if he stays defensive and will be knocked out if he dares to punch at all.

  13. Pacquio comes out in spurts he throws many punches from many different angles like I mention earlier. That counter is going too time him very well.

    And yes correct Jahlin, Mayweather will throw minimum combination’s he’s
    and also those pop shots are going too be thrown with authority on Pacquio
    and they are going too hurt him. Mayweather is not
    going tire himself out like the rest of those other fighter do. We know Pacquio very well, he wants that type of fight, he wants too lure you into a dog fight that’s the only way he’s successful on winning.
    You have too out box’s him and frustrate the hell out of him and ruin that routine of his. Pacquio loves too bounces in and out. When he come in we catch him with a serious counter and time him into that body where he hates getting hit, make him think twice. I truly believe where Mayweather is going too knock out Pacquio is in the body.

  14. Mr Brown I concur and could not have said it better. I am a pugilist by nature and now a trainer here in Washington D.C. and from my history and experience in and out of the ring F. Mayweather is going to dictate the pace of this fight, slowly but surely with his defense. Mayweather is going pop shot(one or two punches @ a time), Mayweather will throw minimal combinations as he’s adjusting to Pacquiao…..and as for all of you nay sayers you just sit back and watch the rest like you always do when F. Mayweather dismantles and picks his opposition apart. I have sayed it before and I’ll say it again “Pacquiao will lose”

  15. Hey UKU……..Mayweather wants to fight Pacquio that’s the real point of coming out of retirement, too knock this guy out. Never mind Marquez, you aint see nothing yet. Back againts the wall what are you talking about. When Mayweather knocks Pacquio or beats the hell out of him, you guys will not respect him at all, who are we kidding! buddy.

    Lets getting something straight here buddy Floyd ask Shane Mosley too fight twice, in 99 and also in 04, Shane Mosley said no twice, its funny that nobody wants too talk about that one……LOL….

    Reality check! Floyd will never ever ever ever loose fans it’s just wish full thinking. Stop hating!
    You meant too tell me in his career that he hasn’t fought legitmate opponents. Come on. We all don’t get what we want from the candy store you bunch of whiners…..LOL
    Stop hating!

    I’ll say this again and again I have nothing but great admiration and respect for Manny Pacquio, but I’m sorry he’s going too get knocked out.
    Know that style of his he leaves him self wide open for exposure.
    You all just wait and see………

  16. The only reason Floyd agreed to fight Manny was because Manny and his crew backed him in to a corner. I don’t expect a Mayweather fan to see what happened to him, but I will try to explain. Roach and Arum knew that Floyd would continue to hand pick fighters he knew he could beat, to protect his record. The plan was to build a smaller fighter by height, not weight, and give the impression of a little guy that’s easy to beat, once Manny moved up in weight. Every opponent above 140 pounds had the same way of thinking. It’s a little guy, it should be no problem, so why train as hard. Delahoya, was at a disadvantage for two reasons, one, he thought Manny was not strong enough and two he had to starve himself to make weight. Ricky Fatten, the same idea applied to him too, and both got destroyed. At this point Floyd is being hounded by his fans to take this little guy out, but Floyd see’s what real fighting experts see, that this guy is for real. Roach and Arum knew that Floyd would give the reason of “if I beat him then you would say he was the smaller man and I was supposed to win” and ” there is no reword in fighting Manny”. With that said, Roach and Arum strategically moved pass Mayweather and booked a fight with Cotto, one of Floyds opponents he would have never fought for obvious reasons. Unfortunately for Cotto, who I think is still one of the greats, took the fight Lightly as Delahoya and Hatton did and found himself in a situation he couldn’t bounce back from. Now Floyds back is against the wall. He knows that if he doesn’t fight now he will miss out on millions of dollars and millions of fans. Manny has basically demonstrated what business moguls do to small businesses in the way of progress. You either show that your product is better or go out of business. Roach and Arum will do one more devastating thing to Floyd after Manny knocks him out. They will book a fight with Shane Mosley another opponent Floyd ducked, to insure that Floyd would never be able to say he is better than Manny Pacquiao, because Manny has fought and beat all the fighters Floyd ducked and gave him an ass wiping as well. What a great way to end a career.


  17. You are both right out there guys.It depends on what we believe and what we like as boxing fans.Some get thrilled when their fighter boasts and brags.But what did cotto told before the fight with pacquiao?He is not de la hoya or hatton.And who dictates the split, the champ or the challenger?How many fighters do pacman needs to beat before you will be convinced?Lets just be realistic here.Anyway at the end of the fight there will only be one winner or a draw.Nobody is invincible.They are both humans.

  18. I am for Mayweather, Why? He demonstrates complete skills, offense and defense. He has proven everyone wrong bt making instant adjustments and doing things in the ring that noone else can do. The objective in boxing is to hit and get hit less than your opponent. There is a skill in that. For example, if you have ever played any other sport, defense is the most difficult side of the game. However; games AND fights are won using those tactics.

    Mayweathers defensive and offensive skill sets make me a fan. He is the most skilled figther since Roy Jones in his hay day.

    I don’t see Manny lasting more than 10 rounds in this fight. Manny is too easy to hit. Cotto, as slow as he was hit Manny much too much to be as unskilled as he was. I’m not saying he was a bad fighter, just too slow and he also had a poor trainer. Not making excuses for him, Manny kicked his butt.

  19. It’s good to know the point of each side here. I am for Manny, why? Manny is a complete fighter. He has developed and became the best boxer in our time maybe of all time. He has proven all the critics wrong in every fight.

    Being humble is one of the traits that Filipinos is known for. Like Manny always says everytime he is asked what he’s going to do to his opponent, “let’s just see what happens during the fight, on top of the ring…”. He’s fist will do the talking.

    I like Manny as a whole.
    – P4P king
    – complete fighter
    – work ethics
    – fear of God

  20. Man, I don’t want to see humble! I want to see 2 fighters that are confident and believe in themselves and tell each other what they are going to do to the other.

    Step up, say how you feel as a fighter! Tell him you’re going to beat his ass! Then back it up!

    That’s what I pay for!

  21. The fans are split there is no question about it. I have been a boxing fan for many years and I have only seen a few fighter with speed and defense the like of Mayweather. I loved watching Leonard, Wilfred Benitez, Hearns, and Sweat Pea. Mayweather stands in there with all of them.

    Also, the odds of this fight in some areas favor Pacquiao. This is in response to the enthusiasm of the Filipino fans. They are betting on Pacquiao so early in such a high rate it influences the spread. This will change as the fight nears because most fans in the African American community and some major metropolitan areas will bet on Mayweather. When the bell rings, Mayweather will probably be a 3-1 favorite

  22. The fans are split there is no question about it. I have been a boxing fan for many years and I have only seen a few fighter with speed and defense the like of Mayweather. I loved watching Leonard, Wilfred Benitez, Hearns, and Sweat Pea. Mayweather stands in there with all of them.

    Also, the odds of this fight in some areas favor Pacquiao. This is in response to the enthusiasm of the Filipino fans. They are betting on Pacquiao so early in such a high rate it influences the spread. This will change as the fight nears because most fans in the African American community and some major metropolitan areas will bet on Mayweather. When the bell rings, Mayweather will probably be a 3-1 favorite.

  23. hi jahlin..i will indeed watch the rerun again..i like to be proven wrong//please don,t get me wrong..mayweather is a great fighter.and i have the utmost respect for him//i,m just saying that a fighter needs to be active to stay on top..i have reservations on the basis of his inactivity other than the fight with marquez,,but hell i said that cotto would beat the pacman by decision or late round stoppage,and boy did i eat s…t after that one..weather here in perth is starting to get hot..hoping to come to the states within the next 18 months ..keep well rosco..perth W.A.

  24. Why Rosco? Why….sure Floyd talks a lot of smack, sure Floyd brags a lot, he also wins his fights. Pacquiao has not had a faught a fighter with such superb defense as Floyd, that’s fact. You have seen the F. Mayweather talking smack about Pacquiao, right; watch it again, rewind each sentence after hearing it once, you may understand my perspective a little better! No hard feelings; hows the weather over there in Western Australia, the weather here in Washington D.C. is rainy. Take care, Peace.

  25. Hey Jon from Perth Australia..good to see you,ve joined the best boxing site..you and i have debated on who will win between the pacman and mayweather..i still think after his/..fight with cotto that he will beat mayweather..too fast and focust ..im not a hater of mayweather..just that he,s only fought once in nearly 3 years..and you need to keep active,you know jon the truth is it could be a real stinker of a fight..Still good on them i hope they make plenty of money..oh by the way is this fight going to be for the w.b.o title,or for the f.o.c.o (full of crap organisation ) Title..talk to you tomorrow at work..how are you going mr brown..rosco..perth..western australia

  26. Actually itzlock3………….That’s Mr Brown to you my boy……..LOL
    Its OK Its only Money keep it……Lets just call it a friendly bet.

    You know Cotto tried his best and I take my hat off too him, it’s just that he was already damage goods and the same guy. But he put his heart in the fight no doubt about that one I think we will see him again.

  27. Hey itzlock3….where my $100 U.S……My boy…….LOL

    Its all good, Like I said before keep your money……..

  28. First of all, I think both fighters are great boxers who have mastered their style. And I’m sure all of you will agree when I say that this fight needs to happen. The problem comes down to who gets the most money. Mayweather wants the bigger share of the pot, but its obvious given what pacquiao has accomplished that it aint going to happen. I believe both sides go 50/50, they both deserve that. Also, everyone here is emphasizing about how manny dodges the question about fighting mayweather and that he’s scared. You guys that says this are really clueless about Manny and his personality, being humble is a Filipino trait and that is very well entrenched in your mind from the day you are born. Showboating is considered a shameless act and looked down upon. True, they always ask him this and he gives the same answer, but when it comes to the fight, we all know who wins. The fact is, Manny is willing to fight anyone that comes to challenge him. The man fights with his gloves and not with his words.

  29. Jahlin, first, I would think about changing my image and get rid of the BHHB bling hip-hop bullshit. That will get you rich but never wealthy. Next I would sue Mr. Arum if you say he owes him that much money he needs to have his lawyers handle that. Then I would seriously consider making my fights more interesting, like Paul the punisher Williams, that’s a good start. Then I would take the winner of Mosley Burto but of course Pacman has already stole that show. Finally I would concentrate on NOT becoming another Roy Jones because that’s where he’s headed.

  30. just kick his ass floyd! we all know you can do it. USA, USA, USA,.I think people dislike floyd because of the way he exspresses himself. hes very pro floyd and theres nothing wrong with that. hes got a good heart .

  31. Cortezinco, get real! U.F.C has peaked! It’s fun to watch, but most people with any type of deep thinking will know it’s not going to last. Dana White is a complete joke! Brock Lesnar, LOL. MMA is kind of like WWE with real punches and kick’s, yet leaves me feeling like i just watched something that is as plastic and pointless as the U.F.C’s so called, ‘”Championship Belts”. And as for Randy Couture, RETIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Peace to all. First let say this to uhm….Uku F.Mayweather has the right to ask for 65-35 because Side Show Bob, Bob Arum supposedly owes F.M. for not one but two fights; Ghatti and Judha fights. This when F.M. was w/ Top Rank, so if this true and Side Show Bob owed me I would be asking for the same thing; hell it is said to be in the millions(what Bob owes F.M.) For real 4 real if it Pac and Bob are lucky he’s mentioning them as possible future losers. Answer this Uku; what would you do if you were in a position as I mentioned, ha what would you do? Now as for you Cortezinco I think that you are on the wrong web sight! That MMA UFC business is a spin off that will eventually get sent in to sindication and then fizzle out again. It will never ever never ever never never never reach the acclaim or status of the hurt business.And as for Mayweather killing boxing that’s pure stupidity on your part. If anything is killing it would be probably the promoters, pay-per veiw, and that Making Muck Association or maybe even that Underground Fraud Confusion. “C’mon be real next time; it does not cost you a thing!”

  33. punk ass bitch run bitch run!!!! mayweather your killing boxing your the type of fighter who ruined the sport for me overpaid mid level act. show me the money slave contract all BS …. MMA is here to take over. all action all skill complete as fighters…. the only reason your getting paid NOW in this era your the last hope and guess what you killed this sport

  34. well what can i say floyd is just a boxing machine hes good on every aspect of the sport he has speed, punching power and accuracy plus hes got a defence like no one else, because as we all know boxing is about hittin and not getting hit. THERE’S ONLY ONE MAYWEATHER

  35. Hi,

    My name is Jon, and i am from Perth, Western Australia. I do realise Mayweather is a $ hungry S.O.B, but he will beat Pac-Man and all the hater’s will have to deal with it. He is a @#$%, but talent speaks for itself!

  36. I knew Mayweather would try to find a way to turn the Pacman camp off, by suggesting 65-35 or to say there is nothing for him to gain. Pacman has made history twice over with better fights and more impressive wins. He “is” a humble dude but there is something sinister about how he methodically destroys great boxers. As for the 65-35 deal, I would bet that the Pacmans camp will fight for free because beating the shit out of Mayweather would be a investment that would pay dividends for a lifetime. Mayweather stop denying the real truth about this guy. You are afraid to get what all the other, bigger, more experienced fighters got, an old school Pilipino ass whippin.

  37. Pacquiao is a humble guy, I mean, he called him self an ordinary boxer, we know he is not , this is not someone who is going to talk crap about another boxer and call Mayweather and say I’m gonna go get you, that’s not Manny, that was just Manny being Manny and well Floyd being Floyd.

    And so what if Marquez said I want to fight Mayweather? we know why Mayweather took the fight, because he knew he had the advantage, why isn’t he taking on Mosley who is a true Welterweight with a real belt? Because he took steroids, right……..
    He took on Marquez who had lost twice with Pacquiao, coming from a lower weight class, but Pacquiao somehow is not good enough for him, come on, first he wants 65 – 35, now he blames it on Pacquiao not calling him out, then he says basically that he is more important that boxing.

    He can say anything he wants because he is entitle to, but that doesn’t mean he is right

  38. Hey Tijuan, what is it. really….LOL…Come on…..My friend.

    Lets get something straight, Mayweather asked to fight Mosley twice in 99, and also in 06 Mosley said no, a lot of people don’t know about that Floyd called him out Many Many times my friend.

    Your correct Manny career has been so electrifying and he has defined a new way to be called pound for pound, meaning that you don’t just have too clean out a whole division like some fighter had done before. Pacquio has never cleaned out a division, Witch is OK. because he has beaten top world Champions in 7 different weight classes at their height.
    Pacquio wins are meaning full no doubt but their room too critic him as well, by beating all the champions that where going down hill.
    How about that one. The guys who are starting too fade away…..
    Heck!!! what in the hell do I know……..

    We can’t have it both ways, why did he fight Marquez…..Its funny how we ask that question but yet some of you guys thought that he was going too loose too Marquez…LOL……….witch is it……we have to make up our minds……

    The critics say he picks on a smaller man, Well Pacquio is a smaller man, why is he so different then Marquez, Can someone please answer that question……LOL

  39. Hey Edgar very correct….every time they ask him that question you hear talk to my promoter…….

    Floyd would relish for this fight and if it happens it will be huge…..LOl

    Keep up the good work by the way Edgar….Your doing a good job,
    but something is missing, I’m trying too put my finger on it, I’ll let know when I do……

  40. It’s the fight the world wants to see and it would be the fight of the decade.I Think pacman’s latest fight with Cotto has held him in great stead for a bout with Mayweather.Eventhough Floyd has never had a battle of that magnitude and could probably be rusty for a bout of high intensity,I still believe after watching Pacman /Cotto fight,that Mayweather is still too good a defensive boxer to get beat by Manny.This fight has to happen and if Mayweather became alot more brutal with his counterpunching instead of backing off,he would stop Manny in the later rounds much to everyone’s dismay.He will not make the mistakes Cotto made and is a far superior defensive boxer in comparison.I just see Pacman being picked off and outsmarted in the later rounds and Mayweather getting the decision.

  41. If you saw the video, you have to agree with Floyd, Every time Pacman was asked if he wanted to fight Floyd he kept saying talk to my promoter. When they asked Juam Manuel Marquez he straight out called Floyd out.

    some times you have to call out people, because at the end is you the boxer who will have the last word not your promoter.

  42. One-dimensional? ok where do we start with this Mayweather clown.
    I’ve never such a good boxer like Mayweather come up with more excuses to fight good fighters, let see, Mosley used steroids, when Margarito was around he had to fight Paul Williams first, now Pacquiao is one dimensional? I think Floyd has been watching the old Pacquiao and yes that was a one dimensional boxer.

    I hate that a guy this good have to come up with so much BS, he is the one who should step up to the plate.
    If that’s the case, he could have excuse about every fighter out there, why did he fought Marquez? Marquez was going up in weight and he’s a lot smaller and slower? he picks the winnable fights we know that already.

    Then he talks about what people would say? he doesn’t care what people say or think, he fights for him self not for the fans we know that to, so who cares if they say he he’s supposed to knock him out?, what they would say is Mayweather really is one of the greatest, that’s what I would think, so he’s just talking smack to make it seem like he is the one who deserves more money, I don’t think so, Pacquiao is the one talking on challenges for someone who started at 106.

    Pacquiao to me has had a better career with much more exciting and meaningful wins and fights than Mayweather’s undefeated record, so Pacquiao has 3 loses, so what, he is a different fighter now and he fights for us the fans who pay to watch to the fights.

    Then Mayweather goes out and say when they asked Pacquiao if he wants to fight Mayweather he said let the promoters deal with that, hummm Mayweather has also said that many times, so? it means nothing, everyone wants the fight and it should happen.
    Pacquiao is a humble guy, Mayweather should learn a thing or two from him.

  43. Mayweather is a big pussy! Always making up excuse to dodge Pacman. I hope the clash and Manny puts him in the hospital. He needs to get his head re-examine.

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