Floyd Mayweather Jr. to join the NFL?

Player Props.


FLORHAM PARK, N.J. — Floyd Mayweather Jr. stopped by the New York Jets’ practice facility and came up with a knockout of an idea for his next career move.

“I think I could play in the NFL now,” the six-time champion boxer said with a laugh Thursday. “I’m going to talk to the owner.”

A few particularly long tosses had Mayweather jumping around like a little kid back on the sandlot.

“Did you see those passes?” he shouted. “Did you see how far I threw it?”

Rest easy, Mark Sanchez. Your job is safe.1mayweather-jetsjpg-2589f2002617ec28_large

“You always just imagine guys being really big,” Jets coach Rex Ryan said. “Then, you realize that that guy can punch you in the face 20 times before you ever even thought about punching him.”

The Jets invited Mayweather to practice, and he and several members of his entourage were there for the last 15 minutes before he spoke to the team.

“This is my first time coming to an NFL training camp,” he said before adding, “I’ve bet enough money on them.”

With the team huddled around him, Mayweather told the Jets to not let their loss last Sunday at New Orleans get them down.

“They’ve made a couple of good trades, and if Braylon Edwards and Sanchez can get good chemistry,” he said, “they’ve got the potential to make it to the Super Bowl.”

Mayweather took photos with players and threw the football around, including tossing a few passes to running back Thomas Jones.

“He’s real cool to just come out and mingle with us for a little bit,” tight end Dustin Keller said. “He’s definitely a confident man and he loves his money, that’s for sure.”

Mayweather’s last fight, a victory over Mexico’s Juan Manuel Marquez in September that improved him to 40-0, generated 1 million pay-per-view buys. He also didn’t miss a chance to throw a playful jab at Sanchez, whom he followed when Sanchez was the quarterback at Southern California.

“Of course, I told Sanchez, ‘I know you rooted for Marquez,'” Mayweather said with a grin. “He just laughed about it.”

Mayweather also flashed some knowledge of Jets history — and an appreciation for the green and white.

“I know Joe Namath has been that guy for years, and I like their colors,” he said. “They’ve got that ‘Money Mayweather’ green. They’ve got the best colors in the NFL.”

He was especially excited about meeting Ryan, whose brash and loquacious style is right up Mayweather’s alley.

“Yeah, he’s cool!” Mayweather said. “I like that coach, man. He’s the coolest NFL coach I’ve ever met.”

And that’s even with Ryan taking some shots at his size; Mayweather is 5-foot-7 1/2 and less than 150 pounds.

“It was kind of an interesting deal,” Ryan said. “When you look at him, you’re like, ‘Oh, please. I’ll whip that dude.’ Then, he’s like, bam! And, you wake up missing.”

Floyd Mayweather, left, chats with New York Jets coach Rex Ryan while at practice Thursday. Ryan invited the undefeated boxer to speak to his team.
Floyd Mayweather, left, chats with New York Jets coach Rex Ryan while at practice Thursday. Ryan invited the undefeated boxer to speak to his team.

Mayweather has dabbled in reality television, wrestling and has talked about a potential acting career. He’s excited about all that, but is still unsure what his next move in the ring will be.

“I ain’t even thought about it, but I know football,” he said. “Brett Favre looked extremely good on Monday. His offensive line is unbelievable, man. That guy’s a legend.”

After watching an NFL practice, Mayweather wasn’t sure whether boxing or football was tougher, saying that they’re both “very, very brutal contact sports.”

“I was thinking to myself that he doesn’t get hit very often, so what does he know about contact?” a smiling Ryan said. “It was good to see him out there.”

Photos by Ed Mulholland

Player Props


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