Floyd Mayweather Jr. walks into court escorted by his attorney Karen Winckler, and 50 cent as he turned himself in to begin his 90-day jail term. Floyd was given a 3-day credit for time served after his arrest. He’ll serve the remaining 87 days of his sentence in a Las Vegas jail for attacking his ex-girlfriend in September 2010 while two of their children watched.
Mayweather said nothing in the brief appearance before he was handcuffed and taken out of the courtroom. Mayweather will be segregated for his protection from the other 3,200 inmates in the downtown Las Vegas facility.
Mayweather was also ordered to complete a yearlong domestic violence counseling program, 100 hours of community service and pay a $2,500 fine. By the time you read this Mayweather will be wearing the blue jail jumpsuit with the letters CCDC and orange slippers.
His next status conference is on November 15th, when Floyd will have to show he’s continuing to fulfill his court-ordered obligations.
For all you mindless Mayweather haters, all I have to say is GROW UP. You are all so bamboozled by Pacquiao’s tainted rise, you won’t even admit to the facts. And the fact still remains that regardless if he got the decesion due to $ popularity and politics, Pacquiao got his ass kicked by Marquez…. Again.. Yet u seem to forget that… ALREADY.
I don’t even want to see Mayweather vs pacquiao anymore. I’ve known Pacquiao wasn’t God’s gift to boxing, although a tremendous fighter, the God’s gift title goea to Mayweather. He would one sidedly give Pacquiao a boxing lesson and thinking otherwise proves how little you all know about boxing. Boxer punchers play into the hands of a counter-punching defensive boxer. To beat mayweather you have to be able to beat him at HIS game. Brilliant defence and accurate boxing. Don’t look for the k.o. Just look to win every round, and hope after 12 that u got more than 6. Manny don’t have a boxing lesson in him. He’s too set in his ways and Mayweather would pick him apart in a one sided competetion that I feel will actually be a partial snoozer as opposed to a firewwork factory. They have too much respect for each other and neither will allow themselves to go in and get knocked out.
I don’t agree with hitting women, but no one deserves to be called names especially when not in their face exmp. Nigg, peckerwood, what ever the case ! Only cowards talk hard in text and run when alone face to face! Just my opinion
@rororavalrr does have a point.. 2,500 fine is to low. I bet if it was me my fine would have been alot more.
Ariza does bring some good points and is very open, maybe that is why he dosent get along with Freddie roach.
Either way… Floyd did the right thing and is doing his time… without putting his kids on trial.
but I bet you he will be out sooner… I say he will be out before July 1.
its a lot that goes in to the whole boxing game and alot of ppl on here that makes certain comment about boxers in general. it just lets me know that it their ignorance of the politics in the boxing field and how it works. its all political and you can sit here and blame the boxers all you want. when it the politricks of boxing that really controls the sport just as it does with any other sport while ppl sit on here blaming the fighters 4 this and that, when you reall dnt have an glimps of an eye opeining of how things work.” Wake up my ppl!!! 🙂
FYI- to all those that keep talking trash and dnt know anything about the politics of boxing.” well here is a mouth full 4 you from an insider just like i always try to explain to all the floyd hater,” Even though many of the folks around WBO welterweight champion, Manny Pacquiao, insist the Filipino congressman’s preparations for his June 9 bout against Timothy Bradley are moving along smoothly, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Pacquiao’s strength and conditioning coach Alex Ariza clearly doesn’t see eye to eye with Bob Arum, and he’s had quite a bit to say about the Top Rank Promoter.
“Remind all of your top rank fighters what happened to Floyd Mayweather and De La Hoya when they left top rank. $$$,” a fan tweeted to Ariza. “Good point!” Ariza replied. According to Ariza, Bob Arum is solely responsible for the failed negotiations between Mayweather and Pacquiao, telling another fan who felt Floyd deserved some of the blame, “Wrong, it’s Arum.”
Another user asked Ariza: “if Manny were a free agent or under GBP [Golden Boy Promotions] would we have already seen Mayweather vs Pacquiao???” Again, Ariza’s didn’t mince any words, tweeting: “1000%!”
Ariza doesn’t have a problem with Mayweather’s refusal to accept an even split either, telling another fan who asked if Pacquiao deserves a 50/50 split with the PPV king: “Not if Floyd’s #’s are higher.”
Ariza deserves a lot of credit for his honest comments, considering how close he is to Pacquiao. While it’s pretty obvious that Ariza isn’t particularly fond of Pacquiao’s handlers, he remains loyal to his client, emphatically stating that he knows Manny wants to fight Floyd.
“If it was gonna happen, it should have happened already,” Ariza said during an interview with WLIE 540. “I think Mayweather said it best after his fight, as to what the world wants to know, why they’re there, and why the fight’s not happening. Fighters are supposed to fight, promoters are supposed to promote, and they’re supposed to do it within the best interest of the fighter, not within their best interest. Unfortunately I’m not privy to what goes on behind closed doors, I’m on this end over here. I don’t know. I hope just as much as everybody else wishes. I know Manny wants the fight, I know Floyd wants the fight. You can only do so much.”
David is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and boxing practitioner that has watched and studied MMA for the past 7 years. Follow him on twitter @davidkingwriter and check out his blog.
@ rororavalrr or whatever your name is! stop hating and thank god it aint your punk ass getting locked up b/c they would eat your ass up alive b4 you even start to crying and at least Floyd can do the Time unlike your punk ass who more than likely aint Built 4 it.” Now shut ur punk ass up!!!!!
Muppet was fined $2,500 and his jail term will end costing the tax payer at least $150,000 to keep him inside for a mere 87 days.
Is an insult to all tax payers, he should’ve been fined at least $500,00 for being a role model and idiot and to pay his way inside.
He just needs to be ready to fight Manny and stop pussying around.
40 at the most.
I give it 30 days at most until Mayweather is out of jail.
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