Mayweather was arrested last night at a Las Vegas Casino on a misdemeanor batter charge after Mayweather allegedly assaulted a security guard at his house complex and is currently being held at the Clark County Detention Center, said police spokeswoman Barbara Morgan.
He is expected to appear in court on Monday. Mayweather’s legal representation was not immediately available for comment. If convicted Mayweather faces a maximum of 6 months in jail.
More to come…
I really don’t hate Floyd.I just make comments about his boxing performane and reluctance to fight .Bottom line all about boxing ,but I don understand why many people harbor malice towards his for no reasons .For instance,Tijuana hadn’t post anything for a while ,but the moment there is something about his personal life ,he loves to write sardonic comments that manifest his hate .
People Floy’s personal life is his .We boxing fans should care only about his boxing career unless you in love with him!!
I wish no one harm or misfortune .Come on people .Why hate and making sarcastic comments .It is never appropriate to make fun of people’s misery .
He’s the biggest jerkoff in the world, who smiles for their mugshot. Even Paris hilton new better than that lol. There should be a law against assholes having to much money.
another scene on PBF’s fucked up life.
i thought on a mug shot cops have u holding up some id numbers?
lmao yea he should rot in jain for allegitly poking a guard in the face lmaooo dam how many people hate this guy? you guys act like he murdered or did something big. he came out in 12 hours the cops just went over board. just like that case with his baby moms. they waiting for him to do any little thing to arrest him. samething happened to tyson on a fake rape charge. i wished tyson the best then and i wish mayweather the best now.
this guy is a straight up piece of Sh%$t
he gets offered $40,ooo,ooo to fight manny, but turns it down, but fights his baby’s mama, and a secutiry guard for free! He is the most stupid ass dumb fuck that I ever heard of!
Lol… I don’t remember being that happy when I was there ….a couple years ago, I was in the same holding tank with his uncle Roger …we were getting realeased…..maybe they will both be in CCDC holding hands together…uncle and nephew…lol
LOL, dude has a good smile under pressure!
you guys where right!! UPDATED: Mayweather has been released after 12 hours in custody. I wish I was famouns and Rich and have a GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD!
@ Manny, he looks like a kid’s first time at chuckie cheese’s lol
He will be released today or something watch, you got a famous face and money you can pretty much manage to get away with anything. Kind of sad that’s why so many celebs and sports icons end up in the gutter because they think that special treatment will always be there. Wish nothing bad on anybody but if allegations are true then he should (along with other troubled celebs or sports figures) should be punished as any other person convicted of the same charges. Same thing with his children and mother how much time if any do you think he would get if it’s true and he’s convicted?
He looks happy to be there.!!!!! Lol…….
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