Exclusive: NY Jet MARK SANCHEZ at Hollenbeck Gym!

Player Props.

Football Star Donates $10,000 to Youth Center


With the boxing ring as the backdrop, New York Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez personally delivered a “knockout” donation to the Hollenbeck Youth Center in Boyle Heights, Calif. The “Chatter Box” was on hand to witness this special presentation to Hollenbeck and Inner-City Games L.A.

The pigskin player met with the young boxers that train out of the Hollenbeck Boxing Club. The towering athlete posed for photos and signed autographs for the children who welcomed the superstar quarterback at this special Wednesday gathering held in the famed gym.

Through the years, Hollenbeck Youth Center and Inner-City Games L.A. (ICGLA) have provided a safe haven and after-school programs for countless at-risk kids. Danny Hernandez, Bea Hernandez, Priscilla Hernandez and Team Hollenbeck have all been the heroes–and saviors–in helping children in the impoverished neighborhood by offering free after-school activities including athletic and academic programs.

Thanks to the generous donations of sponsors and individuals like Sanchez, the organization can continue assisting the boys and girls in East L.A. and beyond.

The former USC athlete grew up in SoCal and both he and his family continue to give back to the community.

And the Sanchez family and the Hernandez family have continued to combine forces in helping thousands of at-risk youth with the gym and youth center helping to keep kids off the streets, out of gangs and away from drugs. The former USC star is an official ambassador/spokesperson for ICGLA and Hollenbeck Youth Center and maintains a strong show of support. He has attended several events through the years and yesterday’s visit was a great way to kick off 2013.

Speaking at the podium, Mark personally wrote a $10,000 check which he presented to Danny Hernandez. And this first check will be matched by Big 5 Sporting Goods.

The funds will be used to buy equipment and more for the young athletes, including jerseys and boxing gear for the burgeoning champs. Sanchez has really been a longtime supporter of Hollenbeck and has not forgotten his roots growing up in Southern California.

5Also in attendance were representatives of the Hollenbeck Police Business Council, the Los Angeles Police Department, city officials and special guests including Mark’s brother Nick Sanchez, George Castello (L.A. County District Attorney’s Office), Councilmember Bob Archuleta, and Emanuel Pleitez (L.A. Mayoral Candidate).

The program got underway with a former Hollenbeck “Kid of the Year” Dany Tecum welcoming the large crowd.

As the children sat on the gym floor, their football hero spoke to them and encouraged them to work hard and always strive for the best. The generous quarterback then presented a $10,000 check to Team Hollenbeck.

“Everyone who spoke before me was thanking ‘me’ but I want to say thanks to Hollenbeck, Danny and Priscilla,” the humble Sanchez said at the mic. “They’re giving youngsters a chance to better themselves and brighten their futures. So today–with the help of Big 5–I told Danny and Priscilla, I’d give $10,000 if you can find anyone to match it!”

With Big 5 Sporting Goods and Mark Sanchez each donating ten grand for a combined $20,000, the kids in East L.A. have 20,000 more reasons to smile and have a brighter future.

Sanchez spoke from the heart and straight out to the kids looking up at him. Mark encouraged the youngsters to work hard to fulfill their dreams–and to get a good education.

After his talk and check donation, the young athletes got the chance to meet the Mexican-American superstar. Hollenbeck’s Nati Correa gathered all the athletes for their moment with Mark.

Then it was ring time for the fighters and boxing coach Jose “Ugly” Arreola, who were honored to have the football player join them up in the the boxing ring. As #6 met with the prizefighters on the canvas, the kids were all smiles to have support from this quarterback.

Danny Hernandez’s motto has always been “All kids are a lifetime investment” and with donations such as these, the foundation can continue to provide children the guidance and opportunities to build a better future.

Check out these exclusive photos from the memorable event of Mark Sanchez’s latest visit to the Hollenbeck gym!

Photos by Michele Chong

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