Two time world champion Edwin Valero of Venezuela has been arrested as the number one suspect in the murder of his wife, Jennifer Carolina Viera Finol. The murder has been reported to have happened in the early hours of Sunday, April 18th.
According to several news sources in his native Venezulea, Valero was arrested early this morning as the number one suspect of the crime of killing his wife by stabbing in a hotel in Valencia, Venezuela at about 5:30am, Venezuelan time.
At the present moment, it is rumored that Wilmer Flores Trosel, the chief investigator assigned to the case, is conducting a preliminary questioning of Valero.

examinerAuthor,you’re an author ,but too bad you don’t know how to write you idiot.
I think I know that “bitch” or guy (or, gay, maybe). He seems to be a champion in twisting facts.
Condolences to the victims of circumstances. MAY THEY REST IN PEACE.
Maybe you should change your alias to “love myself”. This is more appropriate and very real.
Hey guys! what do you think? Sounds nice isn’t it?
I see a lot of good men here except for one bitch that’s so ignorant of the truth.
Yeah! you know who you are. Thank God cause you’re not a close relative of Jennifer. You don’t know how they feel right now.
Condolence to the family of Jennifer.
Edwin Valero has killed himself READ HERE
There is no excuse whatsoever for what happen in this case!! I don’t care of what nacionality, or religion you are coming from. The abuse of woman and childs should not be allowed in any country at all. If a wife is having an affair, then just leave her and if it has been prove beyond any doubt then make it public. The embarras and guilty should be hers not him. There is no excuse for the murder of the wife!!!
It just got worse, Valero just committed suicide inside jail cell, he hang him self with his own clotting, from what ESPN just said, speechless here….
Now there are 3 kids that will never see their parents again..
I think your an idiot love boxing, my condolences to Jennifer Carolina’s family.
I think this is what had happened,Valero found out that his wife was having a clandestine sexual affair and his anger was the motive to kill his wife in order to clean his pride like what happens in some Muzleim regions .he did it to purge his honor before his family . This what I think that had occurred based on the facts and the circumstaces .
it’s really a sad incident and I am really touched by it .
I will wait and see what is the outcome of the investigation .If he is guilty ,he need to attend rehap or anger management classes .It all depend on the laws of his country .
like I always say let’s wait and see.
I am still not convinced that Valero did it .Hopefully Chavez will give him a pass .
people I didn’t say that it’s okay to kill someone
if this someone is cheating .I am just assuming
and trying to find the motive .
John boy I hope that you are not serious because if you are ,I can make your wish comes true .believe me if you want to meet trust you will rue the day you made your comment .
@love boxing, i wouldnt mind beating the shit out of you. you ignorant son of a bitch.
Maybe LOVE BOXING is Edwin Valero himself. PERIOD.
@ love boxing: Maybe his wife was cheating? are you kidding me? Evenif she was, cheating is a reason to kill the mother of your children? what if Valero’s wife who just got murdered was your sister? would you still show no sympathy and say those stupid comments ? It’s a disgrace that beating up and killing woman is justifiable, before you start asking me if I’m a doctor or a psychotherapist go look at your self in the mirror, maybe you too need to go see one.
Tijuana,are a doctor or a psychotherapist!
just wondering because you sound like one .
Despite the impact of this news.. for some reason it doesn’t totally surprise me. Those in Venezuela knew the true Valero, the violent wife beater, his style of livng…. and they convey a very distasteful picture of the life of Valero.
Since the incompetent release from the psycho/rehab after ONLY about TEN days of treatment he been in various lesser altercations. TEN DAYS??!! The staff of “professionals” declared that Valero had made a “miraculous” recovery and let him loose!!
Maybe his wife was cheating .maybe it’s a crime
of honor like what happened in some Meslem countries .
Anyway it’s a tragic incident and a lost for Valero.
things happen.
Here an article from a Venezuelan news paper, picture of him with handcuffs in his hands. What a disgrace, beautiful wife, beautiful children, brilliant record in boxing and a bright future ahead, you really need to be fucked up beyond believe to do something like this to the mother if your child’s and send everything to hell. She should have left him long time ago, it was obvious he wasn’t very sane.
Oh my god, this is a very sad, I am socked, but in a way with all the beatings he was giving her (and now we knew they were real), this was to come, I just feel so bad for his wife and her family, young girl, both had a great future ahead, he could have been a hall of fame fighter, but obviously he was very trouble.
We still don’t know exactly what happen, he seem like a violent person, when he was up in the ring, and by the way he talked after interviews, he has always had this crazy look on his face, but I think head trauma can and has been shown to affect fighters, football player and so on, he was involved in motorcycle accident and had a big head trauma, maybe that contribute to his violent behavior and of you trow in alcohol to that mix it becomes a bigger problem.
If this is all confirmed, then it will be a very sad ending to a promising boxing career and even more at the expense of a young human life cut short.
See nobody wanted to believe that he beat his wife a couple of weeks back…this guy needed major help he’s a big time alcoholic and had a troubling mind…I feel sorry for the wifes family
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