Notifight and a few other Venezuela media outlets are reporting that Edwin Valero was arrested for allegedly assaulting his wife.
Apparently, Valero’s wife is suffering from a collapsed lung and several bruises. The Los Andes Venezuela hospital where she is currently hospitalized released a statement saying Valero showed up at the facility and acted aggressively towards the staff. This is not the first time Edwin Valero has been accused of domestic violence. Last year he was accused of beating his own mother and sister. The charges were later dropped.
Let’s hope this is not true. His promoter Bob Arum is currently paying an immigration lawyer, Frank Ronzio, who is trying to help Valero get a visa to be able to fight in the United States.
During a telephone call between Michael Marley of Examiner.com and Bob Arum, Arum was quoted saying “We don’t know what the situation is, really,” Arum said from Las Vegas. “We have someone who is very reliable monitoring the situation for us in Venezuela.”
“It could turn out to be what some are saying but, right now, we think this may be an inaccurate report. I mean, you don’t really know until you know!”
This is not the first time Valero’s wife has been injured or should I say, tried to be killed. In April of last year she was shot in the leg by an individual riding a motorcycle in front of her residence.
Let’s hope Yennifer Carolina Viera de Valero recovers from this. Stay tuned as I get more information.
and himself!!
he killed his wife…
Valero is in jail at this moment.
So Mr. Edwin Valero, desguised as love boxing, what next? It’s all the fault of your wife for allowing herself to be stabbed (rather than punched like a punching bag). It was all her fault for not running away because she liked you very much punching her. Now, You just got fed up punching your beloved wife. You stabbed your wife, for a change.
Love Boxing, defending Valero in every way, no matter how ridiculous, is EDWIN VALERO himself.
Gracias Edgar. This is really bad news. Some questions will have to be answered. Due to his, popularity, influence, economic standing and having the “right’ tattoo on his chest he was was allowed to leave rehab after only about 10 days, supposedly making a “miraculous” recovery. As a result of such incompetence… an already repeatedly abused Jennifer is dead and three children have lost the most important figure in their young lives,… their Mom.
Will his defense team now enter an ‘insanity plea’ using Valero’s brain injury as “proof”, the same injury that Valero and his personal doctors alledged was over-played and virtually non-exsistent??
My condolences to her family. As for Valero himself… I really don’t know what to think. Is he a monster?? Sick? Pathetic? A little bit of all??
Read about it here
Are you serious??
For those who didn’t believe this, let me inform you that Valero just KILLED his wife this morning in a hotel room in Valencia, Venezuela. He stabbed her three times….
love boxing: “people can’t wait to start disseminating trash talk without even looking for the truth.”
I’ll remember this one the next time you start saying Pacquiao is on steroids.
Maybe Valero needs to renovate his house stairwell .I don’t live with them and maybe they have an old stairwell with narrow steps!!!
LOVE BOXING This is the THIRD time that she has fallen down that “same staircase”, the THIRD time that “same staircase” has broken her ribs. It’s the THIRD time that she’s had to be hospitalized. These “accidents” have been pretty well covered up/hushed to avoid anyone anyone jumping to conclusion the she’s a clumsy fool. Right?? Yeah, and Santa will comimg down you chimmey any moment now too, right??
It seems that Valero is conveniently now claiming that he’s a alcoholic. hmmmm….
she finally avow the truth about her falling down the stairwell .I hope she gets better .
I knew that Vallero was innocent of all the spurious accusations against him.people can’t wait to start disseminating trash talk without even looking for the truth.
Hmmmm…. Hey LOVE BOXING…. ahhhhh… it’s actually YOU that beginning to sound like a “golddigger’ and someone, not me of course, might consider your “LOVE” for Valero more than just a “boxer/fan” relationship. Or… is it that LOVES BOXING simply LOVES his favorite fighters in a very innocent plutonic way. I’ll admit that I’m a bit confused myself. hahaha!
this is what I believe .I think his wife is a gold digger .
ATTY – MAGISTRATE LOVE BOXING, have u already consulted, or , did Valero already made consultations with you on how to put his wife in Alcatraz after Valero made a good punching bag of her? I gather, it is not good to one’s health to complain after being hurt terribly by one’s own husband. It seems, it was so s 2 pid of her to complain why her handsome hubby punched her black and blue. Her beautiful wife should pray for more punches on the face until she GRATEFULLY DIES of the PUNCHES OF LOVE.
Valero is innocent .I believe that his wife afflicted these injuries upon herself to hamper Valero from attaining a Visa to the US.It’s a collusion against Valero ,but he we overcome this adversity with fortitude and perseverance .
Go Valero
TIAJUANA It seems like this isn’t the first time, according to a couple comments about this issue on canaldenoticia.com page. But then again.. who knows for sure??
Now, how far up the country’s judicial system will this all go?? Remember, Valero is a national hero in Venezuela, has his country’s flag AND… his beloved President/Dictator/Strongman’s face largely tattooed all over his chest. That does have it’s benefits, I’d dare say.
In Venezuela, when your “Lawyer” is “almost” someone named Hugo Chavez… how can ya’ lose?? I’m not one that claims to know much about politics nor am i trying to put down Venezuela nor Venezuelans, it’s just the way it goes… almost ANYWHERE. Peace!
Very sad, he shot him self in the foot the first time with the DUI and now looks like he shot the other one with this. First let’s hope the wife gets well soon and let’s see what happens then, but I doubt he gets the VISA @ this time if this is indeed what happened.
LOVE BOXING/EXAMINERAUTHOR Yes, Velero’s arrest has appeared in other world/local news sources. According to a press release from Venezuela from CANALDENOTICIA.COM, Valero was in fact arrested:
“El boxeador Venezolano y dos veces campeon Edwin Valero fue arrestado ayer por la manana por una comision de CICPC (Cuerpo de Investigaciones Cientificas, Penales y Criminalisticas) y el Ministerio Publico de el Estado de Merida en el Hospital Universitario de Los Andes (HULA) en Merida”…. or “Venezuelan boxer and two time world champ Edwin Valero was arrested yesterday morning by the CICPC (Cientific, Penal and Crimnalistic Investigations Division) and by the Public Ministry of Merida, at the University Hospital of Los Andes (UHLA) in Merida.
The article goes on to say that Valero entered the hospital to see his wife, who was being attended to for injuries. At the hospital Valero was arrested for disorderly behavior, resistence, threatening and verbally assulting the police officers, doctors and nurses. The Medical Staff, who alleged that the injuries were caused by a physical altercaton with the boxer, have also charged Valero with assult.
So far, (as of that day) they hadn’t been any sworn documents signed by Jenifer Carolina, the boxer’s wife. Fortunately for him because IF this is true, she can decide not to press charges against Valero, who happened to be scheduled for a visa hearing at the U.S Embassy two days later. The visa hearing was postponed in wait of the finalk disposition of this situation.
So there you have it folks. Sorry for the long post but… If you want to read it youself in Spanish just go to canaldenoticia.com and search around for Venezuelan news and Valero.
meant without .
I am driving sorry!
these are spurious,scurrilous and unwarranted accusations against my favorite boxer .
Valero is a nice guy and great boxer .I am going say it again “the only boxer who can defeat Pacriod is Valero”.
please don’t cast aspersion on my favorite boxer with substantive facts.
I did’t see this topic anywhere else
Love boxing, you appear to know more than the story’s author. So what’s the real truth?
Honestly, this isn’t good news. I hope this turns out to be some exaggerated half truth at most. But the truth is.. that it USUALLY turns out to be true, in one form or another. The wife USUALLY refuses to press charges, just like we see or hear about on a regular basis EVERYWHERE. The aggressor promises not to do it again, accepts therapy and all is well until…. like in 77% of the cases… it happens again. I hope this isn’t the case. I rather believe that it’s all false, although my initial instincts lead me to suspect otherwise. Com’on Valero, let’s kick ass… in the ring!!
It’s a lie
That’s crazy, let’s hope she gets better or for this to be just a lie, if it’s true I think that bike crash/head injury might be afecting him.
Collapsed lung and several bruises? OMG!!!! Did that individual riding in a motorcycle look like a high-nosed muscled long-haired Venezuelan? Just asking. I wouldn’t really know until I really know. he he he. HA HA HA
I don’t believe it
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