According to a report by Tijuana newspaper Frontera, the California State Athletic Comission is willing to reinstate the boxing license of Antonio Margarito if he is willing to repent and show remorse for his attempt to use illegal handwraps in his last bout against Shane Mosley last year. Margarito lost the bout and his WBA welterweight title by KO.

“Next week we have a hearing, on February 22nd but Mr. Margarito must solicit for an appearance in front of the comission and for it to be scheduled in the agenda ten days prior,” George Dodd, the new executive director of the CSAC, stated. “As of right now, that would be impossible, our next meeting is in April.”
The Association of Boxing Comissions advised the state of Texas, where it was rumored that Margarito would make his return on the under card of Pacquiao-Clottey, to not license the “Tijuana Tornado” until he appeared before the California comission and ask for forgiveness.
“The comission could stretch the suspension if Margarito doesn’t appear to show remorse,” Dodd said. “We need to hear him out.”
And… as for your ridiculous, biased comment, “….. EZE you are obviously Puerto Rican so you might as well give your comment somewhere else” ahhhhh…. Well then, if that’s the case then should I say that: “Mafia Man”, you are OBVIOUSLY Mexican, so shouldn’t it be YOU that should take your very BIASED, trashy, bigoted, foolish, racist, rude, pea brained thug comment somewhere else??
Look fool, you’re not only making your Raza look bad but you’re actually making ALL us latinos look bad. It’s not about Mexico vs Puerto Rico or Mexico vs ANYBODY. It’s about debating Margo’s ordeal with a little class, something that OBVIOUSLY you don’t have much of, if any. You’re full of HATE and… full of something else, too. Guess what THAT might be, tough guy.
I feel sorry for your neighbors, it must pure hell living next door to such a depressing and insecure nit wit stooge like you. Moe, Larry or Curly??
You responded me with three comments and this is my 3rd one for you as well. I traded THREE of your’s for THREE of mine. The “payback”. And as they say in ALL the barrios: “The payback is a b****!! Orale pues! Al’rrato!!
” Mr. Mafioso” When a person runs a stop sign, eats a red light, pisses in some dark ally… he doesn’t do it with the intentions of HURTING anybody, does he?? EVERY hombre that considers himself a man has pissed in a dark ally MORE that once, and THAT INCLUDES YOU but… have you ever done it with a crimminal mind or wicked intentions?? Com’on, not even a super bad ass “Mafia Man” barrio thug like you pisses with that much malice, right?? So… what’s your point?? hmmm… The point is.. THAT YOU HAVE NO POINT!!
hmmmm…. This is really getting easy or… EZ!!
Mafia?? hahaha!!! Yeah right. Gimmie a break. Anyway… first of all you’re coming off like somewhat of a fool, “carnalito”. Hater? Me?? Of Mexicans, La raza?? Ahhhh…. My daughter, Rita, who lives in Cerritos, in Califas, is also Mexican, her jefita, my ex, is pura 100% Mejicana. yes, I’m Puerto Rican and donate much of my time to a group advocating for extranjeros (ilegal residents) that have come here to better their standards of living, that goes for asians, dominicanos and MEXICANS!!
I suggest you review your “comments” The only HATER here is… YOU!! You should be ashamed of yourself but… there’s probably NO shame in your “games”. As for what Margo tried to do… YOU defend it, I won’t. YOU advocate it, I won’t. I feel that a year is too short of a time, a rest at most, YOU don’t. What’s YOUR problem?? Ahhhh… Actually… I know what your problem is and it’s quitew obvious, he’s your homie, right or WRONG, in this case he’s been DISGRACEFULLY WRONG and so are YOU!!
It’s not a ‘Mexican” thang, loco, it’s not a black nor an Asian, Puerto Rican or Anglo issue. It’s about dangerously cheating. He got CAUGHT. As for the the Tito issue, it was a question of the WAY they were wrapped and taped and NOT what was FOUND! Commisions have different criterias on wrapping and taping. What is considered a PERMISABLE form of wrapping and taping in some states and countries varies in others. I suggest you ask around BUT… what Margo did is ILEGAL EVERY WHERE and… probably COULD’VE been formally charged in a COURT OF LAW the Mosley or the CSAC wished to get technical. Ever give that much thought? hmmm… I doubt it.
So “Mafioso” or “Mr. La EMME”… I should suggest you… hmmm…. aw, forget it. Somehow I feel that I’ll only be wasting my time. Al’rrato!
And yes i’m fucking tired and pissed at BIASED people like you!!!!… WTF happend to other cheaters??? Mosley, trinidad>? Just because they represented more the U.S they were given a break? pls…………..
EZ E———Statistics prove that most ALL thieves, rapist, drunk drivers, shoplifters, carjackers, freuds, pickpockets.. commit their specific crimes MANY times before they are stop, are stopped or CAUGHT AND… Margo/team didn’t stop, they were going all the way AND…. THEY WERE CAUGHT!! With due respects and peace!!
Well what will that make us, when we text or talk on the phone while driving, when we make a U turn when we are not supposed to!! when we drink while drinving?… Not make a full stop on a Stop sign?? do not come talking like the Law is the mother fucking Law Cause not everyone and that includes YOU!!! follows IT!!!!!
Now, Scratch from your mind that what was found in the gloves was ” Plaster of Paris” but instead imagine a knukle pad with some substance on it!… If you are concentrated on the fight and they are putting the knuckle pad which the substance might have been dryed you ain’t gonna notice shit!!!! Yeah I agree with you you should know what they put in the gloves if it was actual plaster!!!!… but it wasn’t!!! and we don’t even know how much of that plaster ” LIKE ” substance was put in there… the comission just said they found some plaster ” like ” substance on the knuckle pad, that’s not enough information to treat a fighter like that….. In the end, These suspension was not based on a real Court if it would have been i’m pretty sure there wouldn’t been enough evidence to convict margarito!!! All these was The comissions will and how most people so it fit!!!….
EZ E you are Obviosly a Puerto Rican So you might aswell go give your opinion somewhere else!!! 99.9% of puerto ricans are mexican haters specially at margarito, cause he made cotto his bitch!!! Accept the fact cotto gave him all he could throw and couldn’t do a damn to margarito!!! Now Worry more about pacquiao cause he left cotto with 4 chicks and 2 mouths!!!! worse than how margarito left him!!!
Antonio served his suspension, he didn’t even fight in mexico to comply with it!! he doesn’t have to show remorse, he doesn’t have to apologize, he doesn’t have to do shit now!!! Suspension is over!! And Mexicans want to see him on the ring!! We can give a shit what the U.S thinks about him cause there’s always been Discrimination against Mexican people so fuck ’em!!! MARGARITO MAY 8!!!! vs CARSON JONES!!!!!
TIAJUANA I agree pretty much with your comment. A lifetime ban would be a bit too harsh in my opinion, as you already know. Now, you pointed out that “he must be going through hell for what he’s done” as you put it. And I also believe he has his regrets BUT… does he have regrets and “going through hell” because of what he’s done OR…. is it only because he got caught??
And yes, he will be more remembered as a cheater than of a great fighter and champion. Truely a shame… a shame for boxing and a shame on himself.
I understand both sides, I see why 1 more year could be call “fair” if we look at the offence. There are so many things we dont really know or the Boxing Gods don’t want us to know, for one thing, I would like to know how these plaster of paris patch is supposed to work, was it supposed to harden after time? I remember reading about plaster in boxing a few years ago and there was an argument about how it coulnt really work since it will eather break it self at first impact or break the fighters hand, I really dont understand how having a rock at the nucles does not hurt your hand and you can keep on punching like if nothing was there.
But to me it seems like instead of actually investigating they just want to hide as much as possible so it doesn’t damage the sport…hummm..
I think this should be taken the same as fighters cheating in other ways like Steroids or like when Tyson tried to eat Holyfield and end up bitting his ear off, Margarito was not caught after he used those pads was caught before the fight, so yeah he should maybe get 1 more year but I don’t see why they should banned him for life if they let others go sometimes even with no suspention or anything like Roy Jones for steroids,
It’s true taking steroids and tampering with the gloves are 2 different thing, but they are both cheating and they both can cause harm to the opponent , but this wasn’t the same situation as Resto and Collins, where he did tampered and use those gloves with no padding and now he even said
recently with plaster soaked wraps.
The only other fight where someone can question him using something on his gloves is the Cotto fight, beacuse Cotto had never loss and had never taken a beating like he did, but Margarito did showed a super strong chin and didnt go down when he was supposed, taking shot after shot right on the button.
So in my opinion 1 more year is resonable, he will never be the same thats for sure, I’m sure he is going though hell everyday for what he did, and he deserves it, he’s name has been tarnished for life and that for sure will always hunt him down even if he’s able to make a successful comeback.
And to be honest I do want to see him back in the ring, I don’t think he will try to do this again since all eyes will be on those gloves and like I said before Cintron should fight him 1 more time just to prove him self, I really don’t think we will see something different from those 2 fights.
I am not around when the incident happened but I do believe that Margarito is aware of the hand wraps. You would know as a fighter if something is wrong with the wraps on your hands and for sure your are watching while these are being wrapped.
thanks Ez e
LOVE BOXING Sorry for such a long comment. Sorry to the others as well. Paz!!
LOVE BOXING With all due respects, I boxed and trained fighters as well for years, both here in Puerto Rico and in the states. I have bandages/wrapped hundreds of fighters, amateurs and pros, even in worked corners in world title fights for fighters like Daniel “Cobra” Jimenez, ex WBO 118 and 122Lbs champ and wrapped ex world ranked Wilfredo Rivera who challenged Whitaker and Oscar and other propect and contenders. YES, without a doubt, a fighter knows what happening when he’s being wrapped. Ask around, others will tell you tha same. NOBODY wraps and gloves one hand without having them both wrapped first. I and everyone I know has both hands wrapped before gloving. They like to rub their hands now and then, open and close, “get the feel” of them before the gloving. Again I invite you to ask around. Margo’s hand was quickly gloved without the other hand bandaged yet. In a ‘Hurry”?? The inserts??hmmm… If my hands are being wet or doused in water I’ll SURELY know. And if implants are being inserted, TWO of them… yes, I’ll know. If you have noticed all the top trainers like Steward, Sheilds… and even Atlas ALL share my same opinion. Did you also notice that no fighters believed the “Margo didn’t know” story. Barrera even said publically that without a doubt in his mind… that Margo knew. Margo’s silence also is an indicator. Maybe being so close to the game since childhood gets the better of me, it’s the sport I love and DEFEND. I won’t defend Margo. I don’t hate him, I hate what I BELIEVE HE TRIED TO DO. Has he done it before?? I done know.. for sure, but I wouldn’t doubt it. I will admit that the suspicions DO exsist. I didn’t put the suspicions in my head, Margo/Team did. Am I alone on this?? No, I don’t think so.Statistics prove that most ALL thieves, rapist, drunk drivers, shoplifters, carjackers, freuds, pickpockets.. commit their specific crimes MANY times before they are stop, are stopped or CAUGHT AND… Margo/team didn’t stop, they were going all the way AND…. THEY WERE CAUGHT!! With due respects and peace!!
I agree that one is not commenseurate with the offense .
My question to you is : Are you 100% positive that Margarito was aware of the loading gloves?
please answer my question because this is the divisive issue in Margarito’s case.
It’s not about skeletons, man. It’s all about what’s correct and fair. It’s about addressing a serious issue. I KNOW I’m not perfect, neither are you, nor the judges that sentence criminals or transgressors to prison terms. Should the judge be TOO soft becuae he’s not perfect and let that decide what TRUE sentence a violator DESERVES. I’m not saying to ban him for life. I said on a different article that ONE YEAR is not a true punishment in a SERIOUS offense such as this one. I said that ONE YEAR is ONLY a well needed rest for Margo considering the whipping he took vs Mosley, the man he TRIED TO HURT by lowering himself to what is considered the LOWEST form of cheating known in boxing, LOADING your hands. Another year would be TRUE and FAIR punishment in this case. ONE YEAR is ONLY and well needed rest!!
EZ E ,nobody is infallible .I used to think like you
then I realized that we all have a skeleton in the closet.
Remorse?? Remorse?? I mean…. what kind of criteria is that?? How “sincere” would it actually be even if he should somehow utter some words of “remorse”?? Or a prepared statement presented by one of his lawyers/advisors while he’s nowhere to be found, kicking back in the shade, probably laughing his butt off?? Should everyone else caught of this very same serious, life threatening boxing crime also be “left off the hook” and “clpped on the wrist” if they show a bit “remorse” whether sincere or not??
Remorse?? Remorse??
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