Two weeks ago Manny Pacquiao avenged his loss to Timothy Bradley in a dominating 12 rounds decision and last week 49-year-old Bernard Hopkins beat Beibut Shumenov in typical Hopkins fashion.
Over the past decade, these two men have combined for over 32 wins and 7 loses, multiple titles and a rise in popularity that have allowed both men a life of luxury that only most can dream about. While both men have enjoyed success and pound for pound kings status at some point in their respective careers. However in the current sports climate and the raised suspicion of PEDs usage, the amount of scrutiny on both men are significantly different.
While both men will be considered some of the greats after they leave the ring, one of the biggest questions will always remain.
Were they clean?
Since the mere thought of a possible Mayweather vs Pacquiao megafight has festered as a possibility. A black cloud of PED innuendo has hovered over Pacquiao as to whether or not he is clean. His issue with needles, lack of KO power since he let go a Ariza and so on only add fuel to the fire.
Hopkins on the other end has been lauded as a “freak” of sorts. A throwback fighter that would never do such a thing as PED’s- An anomaly at 49 to still compete at the highest level of boxing and dominate as Hopkins has. Yet very few have questioned Hopkins ability to stay on top.
After Hopkins defeated Tavoris Cloud in March of 2013, he stated he wanted to be the poster boy of being clean and has been called out to drug test well before last year and to this date….
Actions are louder than words.
While Hopkins will tout himself as a “Alien”, a fighter like no one has seen, his reluctancy to show the boxing world he is clean and willing to enroll in 24/7 testing makes his words fall of deaf ears.
This is not to say that he is a dirty fighter but in order to make claims that he is a clean fighter in this day and age boxers just like any other athlete, boxers must submit to random drug testing.
Pacquiao on the other hand has submitted to drug testing in a few of his past fights and most likely will continue to test in future fights. While critics will argue and point that the testing methods are not up to what many view to be the most stringent and or ideal testing, some testing is better than none. Unless of course the testing can be covered up.
Bottom line. Both Pacquiao and Hopkins are two of the best in any era yet the present era requires more than just a statement claiming one is clean, these days fighters have to prove they’re clean and the only way that can happen is by 24/7 360 year round testing. Until Pacquiao, Hopkins and every other fighter start like this, there will always be a reason of doubt. Right or wrong, this in the era boxers live in.
The question now, are they wiling to actually do more than just talk?