Adrien Broner stops Escobedo in 5

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All Photos by Pat Lovell – Hoganphotos

After much hoopla and questions all the way up until 6 hours before the scheduled fight between Adrien Broner and Vicente Escobedo the fight actually took place at US Bank Arena in Cincinnati , Ohio

While the agreement between Broner and Escobedo were not disclosed its safe to assume that Escobedo got a more than generous payment to go ahead with the fight.

Entering Escobedo was already in enemy territory as the very pro Broner crowd booed his ring entrance and made it known no matter how professional he was, Escobedo was still not welcomed.

From the start Broner proved he was quicker and stronger than the Lanky Escobedo. While Escobedo made every effort to get past the defense of Broner , Escobedo would get caught with the hard jab of Broner that would stop any momentum Escobedo had.

By the 3rd round it was obvious that Broner was getting into his zone and landing the harder shots, yet Escobedo made every effort to stay in the fight with a tight defense and body work that simply did not work well on this night.

In the end no matter the weight or concessions given to Escobedo, it wouldn’t be his night in the ring. As his corner threw in the towel after Escobedo was hit with a barrage of punches in the 5th that proved to be more than his team was willing to see him take.

Escobedo proved that while taking the fight may have been the honorable (and monetary) thing to do it did little to help him in the ring.

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  1. Escobedo came down from lightweight because he felty he could compete better at that weight. He ended up fighting a lightweight anyway. The extra money made it convincing to take the fight.
    Anyway, Jonny-Boy, you’re right…

  2. I like the skills of Broner, his personality just kills it for me. He’s just trying to hard to be cocky it’s coming off as annoying and immature more than anything. He’s a talented fighter that’s all I really can say about the guy.

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