Mike Tyson Hits Hollywood!

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Vitali Klitschko also appears at event–Exclusive Pics!

In the heart of Hollywood, just inches from the city’s famous Walk of Fame, former heavyweight champ Mike Tyson held court for over an hour inside Borders Books located on Sunset and Vine.

“We have a great turnout,” Lita Weissman, Event Marketing Manager of Borders, told me before the appearance began on Tuesday night. The bubbly Weissman added, “It’s gonna be a party!”tyson09fans

She was spot on with her prediction, as the large bookstore was filled to its capacity with fans, friends, and admirers of the pugilist all awaiting their chance to greet the ex-champion.

The controversial but still much-beloved fighter shook hands, smiled (yes, smiled!) and autographed copies of his documentary film “Tyson,” which was just released on DVD and Blu-Ray. Director and writer James Toback (who penned the original screenplay for “Bugsy”) flanked the boxer’s side as the two scribbled their names in gold ink for hundreds of fans who came out to the event.

Weissman’s crew of top-notch booksellers were well-organized and prepared for the onslaught of customers and looky-loos who crammed the aisles, all hoping for a glimpse of the formidable boxer who was once invincible in the ring.

tyson03The efficient Borders squad was prepped for everything with tight security in every perimeter. They also had strict policies to ensure no line cutting, and did a bang-up job of keeping things under control. For those who wanted to snare a priority place in line, golden wristbands were given to early birds at 10 a.m. Once those “golden tickets” ran out, back-up fluorescent green bands were then handed out. If you don’t like waiting in long lines, this was not the place to be.

But for many, having to wait outside the store first before being guided inside the building was well worth the wait.

Jim Reese told me he arrived at 4 a.m. to stake out his spot for the coveted gold wristband, securing his chance to meet the former champion. He then returned to the store at 3 p.m. to line up once again. It’s all worth it for this fan who says, “This is really cool what’s happening tonight. I’ve met him before, he’s intimidating but still nice.” He continued, “He’s powerful and large, but I just think he’s misunderstood.”

“I’ve been a huge Tyson fan since I was seven years old,” states another fan, Ryan Cabatbat, who got in line at 6 a.m. I asked him if any of the boxer’s past controversies have changed his opinion in any way. “No,” he quickly answers. “All that doesn’t change the type of fighter he once was!”

Earlier in the day, I ducked into an adjacent tea and sandwich shop to grab a snack. I struck up a conversation with a stylish young woman who was a bit stymied by the frenzy over Tyson. “I can’t quite comprehend it, but I want to understand why so many people are here for him,” she said, puzzled but curious. “He’s an animal! Why do they love him? But obviously they do–they are still here for him.”

For this sophisticated female patron I spoke with, while waiting for my omelette, she only echoes what many people think and feel.

tyson04How do you explain the phenomenon of “Iron” Mike?

You either love him or hate him. Right or wrong. Black or white. Yes or no.

My new tea shop acquaintance (who chose to be anonymous with her comments) softened a bit as she tried to see the other side of things, the human nature part of it all.

“Well, he’s past his prime, right? He’s not exactly a young fighter anymore,” she surmised. But everybody loves to someone a second chance, after all the train wrecks and tragedies. The L.A. resident likens Tyson to pop star Britney Spears; a public figure people built up, tore down but through the whole process can’t help but watch and follow every move they make. “Maybe he is like Britney…but without the comeback!” she says as we giggle over the irony.

Being part of the carnival-type atmosphere back in the store was a sight to behold. The photographers’ flash bulbs never stopped strobing, and the energy remained at a high level while Tyson met his many fans.

tyson05The slugger himself appeared subdued, calm and friendly as the energetic crowd strained to get as close to him as they could. The majority of the bystanders were males, but many women and children were in the fray as well.

It seemed like half of the people had already seen the film “Tyson” while it was in theaters, but wanted to own the DVD to view again and again. Patricia Wilson told me she was riveted by it, “I saw it twice. It was so good, I went back to see it again!”

This popular Borders store, which features books, music and an onsite cafe, even held a raffle at the event with the lucky winner receiving a poster which Tyson and Toback personally signed for them.

Two L.A. area artists were also in the house, world-renowned painter Muhammad Mubarak and award-winning sculptor Steve Harpst. Both men have artistic and fistic pieces of the often-beleaguered boxer.

“I did a lot of artwork for him, a portrait of his daughter, wife, his whole family,” explained Mubarak, who first met Tyson in 1995. “I was allowed in the inner circle although I wouldn’t say I was close with him; but we did pray together in a mosque in Vegas.”

tyson02At the request of a friend, Harpst brought a bronze statue depicting the slugger, to show some boxing associates. The large, solid sculpture was immediately descended upon by the media, with the International RTL Television (the German equivalent of HBO) filming and interviewing the artist himself. The camera crew said they are the broadcasting network for the upcoming Klitschko-Arreola clash. Harpst’s piece showcases Tyson before his fall from grace, in his prime–at his fiercest–and is part of the local sculptor’s private collection.

And also during Tyson’s signing, an imposing figure suddenly appeared as a wave of shock rolled through the snaking lines of the cavernous store.

tyson01“Is that a Klitschko brother?” someone shouted excitedly as everybody bobbed their heads to catch sight of the new arrival.

Towering at almost 6’8″ tall and made of steel, it could only be a Klitschko.

Elder sibling Vitali came out to show his support for Tyson. Who knew the two heavyweights were BFFs?

After plenty of photo ops, the Ukrainian fighter (who has a 92% knockout percentage) made his fans 100% happy as he took time to sign autographs and pose with tons of customers. The WBC Heavyweight Champion will be facing California’s Chris Arreola on September 26 at the Staples Center in L.A.

I looked up at “Dr. Iron Fist” and asked if he had any message for “The Nightmare” Arreola?

The classy Klitschko, who looked lean and muscular, just smiled like a cat who ate the canary. No secret strategy revealed. And considering he’s almost seven feet tall and quite the Ivan Drago lookalike, I felt no need to ask him again!

For fight fans in Los Angeles, this upcoming heavyweight battle will be great for our boxing community here and just what the “doctor” ordered.

“The media is ignoring boxing–in favor of MMA,” explained one fan, Michael Naval, who traveled all the way from San Diego to join in the festivities. “I like and respect MMA–it takes skill too–but boxing is classic. There’s a reason why boxing is in the Olympics–it can’t be ignored!”

While boxing may be–at times–an ignored sport, arguably one of its biggest superstars cannot be ignored.

The legendary power puncher will never be ignored.

Love him or hate him, Mike Tyson will always draw a crowd.

Once the biggest PPV attraction in boxing, Tyson proves he is still a “box-office” king!

tyson07 tyson06 kk

Photos by Michele Chong: The crowd frenzy at Borders Hollywood; Bookseller Kendra with just-released DVDs; Morning lines AND afternoon lines; Tyson and Toback; ; Artists Muhammad Mubarak and Steve Harpst; Vitali Klitschko in person!

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Michele Chong
Michele Chong has been involved in the sport of boxing for over a decade. Her “Chatter Box” column covers a variety of subjects in both professional and amateur boxing, and features exclusive one-on-one interviews, recaps of fight events, shows and tournaments, book/film reviews and much more. Inducted into the California Boxing Hall of Fame in 2008, she is also a member of the World Boxing Hall of Fame, Golden State Boxer’s Association and the Burbank Boxing Club. Michele is also involved in many non-profit and charitable organizations.


  1. I’ll keep an eye for you guys, I hope this time things will go better, last time I was at staples Margarito got a beating, well he deserved it. Thx!

  2. I just got my tickets for the Klitschko Areolla fight!, Klitschko at almost 6’8″ means I wont need binoculars : )

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