Farewell Solo Boxeo

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solo-boxeo-3Victor Bague of Miami has been the producer of the Solo Boxeo telecasts for the entire eight-season run. He will be directing the final telecast on Friday night on a Top Rank show in Denver headlined by Mike Alvarado vs. Miguel Angel Huerta.

Here is how Victor sizes up the eight-year run of the weekly telecast:

“It is a great privilege for me to be working on Solo Boxeo. This has given me the opportunity to really learn the difficult busines that is boxing. Starting from the boxers who put their lives on the line with the desire to please the fans with action and to taste the flavor of victory.

“We want to thank great boxers who stepped into the ring and fought with credibility and prestige. Boxers like Miguel Cotto, Antonio Margarito, Kelly Pavlik, Fernando Vargas, Juan Manuel Marquez, Rafael Marquez, Jesus Chavez, etc and former World Champions like Jorge “Maromero” Paez and Yory Boy Campas.

“The blessing to work with professional announcers like Ricardo Celis and Bernardo Osuna. They are awesome and are big part of our success because they have taken boxing broadcasting to another level. They can be serious when needed and be more informal and entertain we when we need that.

“Ricardo and Bernardo prepare like no others with all the details on the boxers bios and info. I want to thank all the boxers. I want to thank all the people who also did color commentary for us when one of our regular talent could not be there. Former world champions Wilfredo Vazquez, Genaro “Chicanito” Hernandez, Jorge “Maromero” Paez, Ahmed Santos and Jose Luis Castillo who did color commentary when his brother fought in a World Title Eliminators in Chicago when Ricardo Celis did not make it because of a snowstorm.

“To all thanks, particuarly to all of our technical crews who were a part of long hours to put together these shows. But a special thanks to all Solo Boxeo fans who week by week sat down to watch and always expected the best from us. Thanks for such great loyalty to Solo Boxeo.

“It is not easy to be on the road every week with less hours of sleep and travel but everytime to return safe to home with always in mind to do better the following week.

“Also I want to mention two who are not with us and were part of our staff — director Jorge Ortega and Sound Mixer Engineer Devin Foutz….Thanks to have the opportunity to bring the Power of Solo Boxeo to their homes.”

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  1. I’ll be recording this one for sure, it’s been a great run and it’s very sad to see a great show like this come to an end.

    So many great boxers have fought in Solo Boxeo when they were coming up, who knows how many new talents we’re are going to miss watching..

    Let’s hope that when things get better they put it back on.

    But for now, Gracias!

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