Official WBC Statement regarding Chavez Jr-Alvarez

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Fightnews was given an official WBC Statement regarding Chavez Jr. and Canelo Alvarez. The World Boxing Council has not received any official request to sanction the fight between Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. and Saul “Canelo” Alvarez and the fighters currently have statutory commitments which they are obliged to comply with; the same WBC Rules and Regulations that have taken them to their respective world championships.

It is not very courteous and respectable either, that promoters announce some fight before receiving authorization from the organization that recognizes their fighters as world champions, even though the WBC does not object at all to such fight being carried out.

It is our opinion that Julio, as well as Saul, could make several defenses to have more experience and higher international renown, as that is when they could earn much more money than the money they can earn now.

Regarding mandatory fights in the WBC Rules and Regulations, the winner of Julio Cesar Chavez vs Pete Manfredo, will have to fight against WBC Diamond champion, Sergio Martinez, in the first quarter of the next year, in accordance with what is stipulated by the WBC since Chavez officially fought for the world title.

In relation to “Canelo” Alvarez, he will have to defend his title against the fighter who is appointed the official challenger, as Vanes Martirosyan declined to fight against Alfred Angulo in the final elimination bout.

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  1. @EZ,
    I agree but I think that no matter what happens if they do fight, there will be a rematch because the fight will end in “controversy”. Accidental cut, draw, etc.

  2. @JESUS I agree. So… if they by chance they don’t fight each other by next Spring we can expect Suliaman/WBC to continue to SPOON FEED these two “champs” for the next couple of years. At the same time $uliaman/WBC will continue to ca$h in on the $anctioning fee$ and make a bundle when the fight actually happens.

    Stupid Question: If Martirosyan declined then why didn’t he just name Angulo as the official/mandatory challenger?? He’s done it before for his other favorites MANY TIMES, right?

    Answer to STUPID QUESTION: hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

    For over a year now on this site I’ve predicted a Chavez vs Canelo fight would eventually happen. The only thing that I didn’t expect was that Julio Jr was going to put on so much weight. Anyway, I hope it happens SOON because that way the other WORTHY challengers/contenders might FINALLY get their MERITED & DESERVED opportunities.

  3. The WBC is known to flip flop worst than political figures. Even because the WBC hasn’t officially sanctioned the fight, talks could be in the works. Also, Azteca network in Mexico has said it is a done deal. Who knows…

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