HBO has announced a six-episode unscripted series titled “On Freddie Roach,” that will follow the famed trainer in his day to day activities, which is slated to debut in early 2012 on HBO.
This series will focus on Roach and his daily life working with fighters at his Wild Card Boxing Club in Hollywood, Calif., as well as his daily battle with Parkinson’s disease. Roach, 51, a native of Dedham, Mass., who now lives in Hollywood, was a longtime professional fighter, which many believe is the cause of his Parkinson’s. The show began filming about 10 days before Pacquiao’s May 7 welterweight title defense against Mosley, which Pacquiao won in a lopsided decision.
“I am used to it,” Roach told about having the cameras around him constantly. “Pretty much the same deal as ’24/7′ and ‘Fight Camp’ with cameras there at 5 a.m. and waking me up. They have the keys to my house to get in.
“This show will give a broader picture of my life and the people I take care of and the people that take care of me. It will be much broader than just getting one fighter ready for a fight. You’re not going to catch me at home too often though. The gym will be the focal point of the show.”